
2023-08-26 更新

Improving Human-Object Interaction Detection via Virtual Image Learning

Authors:Shuman Fang, Shuai Liu, Jie Li, Guannan Jiang, Xianming Lin, Rongrong Ji

Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection aims to understand the interactions between humans and objects, which plays a curtail role in high-level semantic understanding tasks. However, most works pursue designing better architectures to learn overall features more efficiently, while ignoring the long-tail nature of interaction-object pair categories. In this paper, we propose to alleviate the impact of such an unbalanced distribution via Virtual Image Leaning (VIL). Firstly, a novel label-to-image approach, Multiple Steps Image Creation (MUSIC), is proposed to create a high-quality dataset that has a consistent distribution with real images. In this stage, virtual images are generated based on prompts with specific characterizations and selected by multi-filtering processes. Secondly, we use both virtual and real images to train the model with the teacher-student framework. Considering the initial labels of some virtual images are inaccurate and inadequate, we devise an Adaptive Matching-and-Filtering (AMF) module to construct pseudo-labels. Our method is independent of the internal structure of HOI detectors, so it can be combined with off-the-shelf methods by training merely 10 additional epochs. With the assistance of our method, multiple methods obtain significant improvements, and new state-of-the-art results are achieved on two benchmarks.
PDF Accepted by ACM MM 2023


AvatarVerse: High-quality & Stable 3D Avatar Creation from Text and Pose

Authors:Huichao Zhang, Bowen Chen, Hao Yang, Liao Qu, Xu Wang, Li Chen, Chao Long, Feida Zhu, Kang Du, Min Zheng

Creating expressive, diverse and high-quality 3D avatars from highly customized text descriptions and pose guidance is a challenging task, due to the intricacy of modeling and texturing in 3D that ensure details and various styles (realistic, fictional, etc). We present AvatarVerse, a stable pipeline for generating expressive high-quality 3D avatars from nothing but text descriptions and pose guidance. In specific, we introduce a 2D diffusion model conditioned on DensePose signal to establish 3D pose control of avatars through 2D images, which enhances view consistency from partially observed scenarios. It addresses the infamous Janus Problem and significantly stablizes the generation process. Moreover, we propose a progressive high-resolution 3D synthesis strategy, which obtains substantial improvement over the quality of the created 3D avatars. To this end, the proposed AvatarVerse pipeline achieves zero-shot 3D modeling of 3D avatars that are not only more expressive, but also in higher quality and fidelity than previous works. Rigorous qualitative evaluations and user studies showcase AvatarVerse’s superiority in synthesizing high-fidelity 3D avatars, leading to a new standard in high-quality and stable 3D avatar creation. Our project page is: https://avatarverse3d.github.io


Semantics2Hands: Transferring Hand Motion Semantics between Avatars

Authors:Zijie Ye, Jia Jia, Junliang Xing

Human hands, the primary means of non-verbal communication, convey intricate semantics in various scenarios. Due to the high sensitivity of individuals to hand motions, even minor errors in hand motions can significantly impact the user experience. Real applications often involve multiple avatars with varying hand shapes, highlighting the importance of maintaining the intricate semantics of hand motions across the avatars. Therefore, this paper aims to transfer the hand motion semantics between diverse avatars based on their respective hand models. To address this problem, we introduce a novel anatomy-based semantic matrix (ASM) that encodes the semantics of hand motions. The ASM quantifies the positions of the palm and other joints relative to the local frame of the corresponding joint, enabling precise retargeting of hand motions. Subsequently, we obtain a mapping function from the source ASM to the target hand joint rotations by employing an anatomy-based semantics reconstruction network (ASRN). We train the ASRN using a semi-supervised learning strategy on the Mixamo and InterHand2.6M datasets. We evaluate our method in intra-domain and cross-domain hand motion retargeting tasks. The qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the significant superiority of our ASRN over the state-of-the-arts.
PDF Accepted to MM 2023, 9 pages, 10 figures. Project page: https://abcyzj.github.io/S2H/


Dancing Avatar: Pose and Text-Guided Human Motion Videos Synthesis with Image Diffusion Model

Authors:Bosheng Qin, Wentao Ye, Qifan Yu, Siliang Tang, Yueting Zhuang

The rising demand for creating lifelike avatars in the digital realm has led to an increased need for generating high-quality human videos guided by textual descriptions and poses. We propose Dancing Avatar, designed to fabricate human motion videos driven by poses and textual cues. Our approach employs a pretrained T2I diffusion model to generate each video frame in an autoregressive fashion. The crux of innovation lies in our adept utilization of the T2I diffusion model for producing video frames successively while preserving contextual relevance. We surmount the hurdles posed by maintaining human character and clothing consistency across varying poses, along with upholding the background’s continuity amidst diverse human movements. To ensure consistent human appearances across the entire video, we devise an intra-frame alignment module. This module assimilates text-guided synthesized human character knowledge into the pretrained T2I diffusion model, synergizing insights from ChatGPT. For preserving background continuity, we put forth a background alignment pipeline, amalgamating insights from segment anything and image inpainting techniques. Furthermore, we propose an inter-frame alignment module that draws inspiration from an auto-regressive pipeline to augment temporal consistency between adjacent frames, where the preceding frame guides the synthesis process of the current frame. Comparisons with state-of-the-art methods demonstrate that Dancing Avatar exhibits the capacity to generate human videos with markedly superior quality, both in terms of human and background fidelity, as well as temporal coherence compared to existing state-of-the-art approaches.
PDF 11 pages, 3 figures


Relightable and Animatable Neural Avatar from Sparse-View Video

Authors:Zhen Xu, Sida Peng, Chen Geng, Linzhan Mou, Zihan Yan, Jiaming Sun, Hujun Bao, Xiaowei Zhou

This paper tackles the challenge of creating relightable and animatable neural avatars from sparse-view (or even monocular) videos of dynamic humans under unknown illumination. Compared to studio environments, this setting is more practical and accessible but poses an extremely challenging ill-posed problem. Previous neural human reconstruction methods are able to reconstruct animatable avatars from sparse views using deformed Signed Distance Fields (SDF) but cannot recover material parameters for relighting. While differentiable inverse rendering-based methods have succeeded in material recovery of static objects, it is not straightforward to extend them to dynamic humans as it is computationally intensive to compute pixel-surface intersection and light visibility on deformed SDFs for inverse rendering. To solve this challenge, we propose a Hierarchical Distance Query (HDQ) algorithm to approximate the world space distances under arbitrary human poses. Specifically, we estimate coarse distances based on a parametric human model and compute fine distances by exploiting the local deformation invariance of SDF. Based on the HDQ algorithm, we leverage sphere tracing to efficiently estimate the surface intersection and light visibility. This allows us to develop the first system to recover animatable and relightable neural avatars from sparse view (or monocular) inputs. Experiments demonstrate that our approach is able to produce superior results compared to state-of-the-art methods. Our code will be released for reproducibility.
PDF Project page: https://zju3dv.github.io/relightable_avatar


Guide3D: Create 3D Avatars from Text and Image Guidance

Authors:Yukang Cao, Yan-Pei Cao, Kai Han, Ying Shan, Kwan-Yee K. Wong

Recently, text-to-image generation has exhibited remarkable advancements, with the ability to produce visually impressive results. In contrast, text-to-3D generation has not yet reached a comparable level of quality. Existing methods primarily rely on text-guided score distillation sampling (SDS), and they encounter difficulties in transferring 2D attributes of the generated images to 3D content. In this work, we aim to develop an effective 3D generative model capable of synthesizing high-resolution textured meshes by leveraging both textual and image information. To this end, we introduce Guide3D, a zero-shot text-and-image-guided generative model for 3D avatar generation based on diffusion models. Our model involves (1) generating sparse-view images of a text-consistent character using diffusion models, and (2) jointly optimizing multi-resolution differentiable marching tetrahedral grids with pixel-aligned image features. We further propose a similarity-aware feature fusion strategy for efficiently integrating features from different views. Moreover, we introduce two novel training objectives as an alternative to calculating SDS, significantly enhancing the optimization process. We thoroughly evaluate the performance and components of our framework, which outperforms the current state-of-the-art in producing topologically and structurally correct geometry and high-resolution textures. Guide3D enables the direct transfer of 2D-generated images to the 3D space. Our code will be made publicly available.
PDF 25 pages, 22 figures


HMD-NeMo: Online 3D Avatar Motion Generation From Sparse Observations

Authors:Sadegh Aliakbarian, Fatemeh Saleh, David Collier, Pashmina Cameron, Darren Cosker

Generating both plausible and accurate full body avatar motion is the key to the quality of immersive experiences in mixed reality scenarios. Head-Mounted Devices (HMDs) typically only provide a few input signals, such as head and hands 6-DoF. Recently, different approaches achieved impressive performance in generating full body motion given only head and hands signal. However, to the best of our knowledge, all existing approaches rely on full hand visibility. While this is the case when, e.g., using motion controllers, a considerable proportion of mixed reality experiences do not involve motion controllers and instead rely on egocentric hand tracking. This introduces the challenge of partial hand visibility owing to the restricted field of view of the HMD. In this paper, we propose the first unified approach, HMD-NeMo, that addresses plausible and accurate full body motion generation even when the hands may be only partially visible. HMD-NeMo is a lightweight neural network that predicts the full body motion in an online and real-time fashion. At the heart of HMD-NeMo is the spatio-temporal encoder with novel temporally adaptable mask tokens that encourage plausible motion in the absence of hand observations. We perform extensive analysis of the impact of different components in HMD-NeMo and introduce a new state-of-the-art on AMASS dataset through our evaluation.
PDF Accepted at ICCV 2023


Pose Modulated Avatars from Video

Authors:Chunjin Song, Bastian Wandt, Helge Rhodin

It is now possible to reconstruct dynamic human motion and shape from a sparse set of cameras using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) driven by an underlying skeleton. However, a challenge remains to model the deformation of cloth and skin in relation to skeleton pose. Unlike existing avatar models that are learned implicitly or rely on a proxy surface, our approach is motivated by the observation that different poses necessitate unique frequency assignments. Neglecting this distinction yields noisy artifacts in smooth areas or blurs fine-grained texture and shape details in sharp regions. We develop a two-branch neural network that is adaptive and explicit in the frequency domain. The first branch is a graph neural network that models correlations among body parts locally, taking skeleton pose as input. The second branch combines these correlation features to a set of global frequencies and then modulates the feature encoding. Our experiments demonstrate that our network outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of preserving details and generalization capabilities.


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