
2023-07-20 更新

Bridging the Gap: Heterogeneous Face Recognition with Conditional Adaptive Instance Modulation

Authors:Anjith George, Sebastien Marcel

Heterogeneous Face Recognition (HFR) aims to match face images across different domains, such as thermal and visible spectra, expanding the applicability of Face Recognition (FR) systems to challenging scenarios. However, the domain gap and limited availability of large-scale datasets in the target domain make training robust and invariant HFR models from scratch difficult. In this work, we treat different modalities as distinct styles and propose a framework to adapt feature maps, bridging the domain gap. We introduce a novel Conditional Adaptive Instance Modulation (CAIM) module that can be integrated into pre-trained FR networks, transforming them into HFR networks. The CAIM block modulates intermediate feature maps, to adapt the style of the target modality effectively bridging the domain gap. Our proposed method allows for end-to-end training with a minimal number of paired samples. We extensively evaluate our approach on multiple challenging benchmarks, demonstrating superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods. The source code and protocols for reproducing the findings will be made publicly available.
PDF Accepted for publication in IJCB 2023


AltFreezing for More General Video Face Forgery Detection

Authors:Zhendong Wang, Jianmin Bao, Wengang Zhou, Weilun Wang, Houqiang Li

Existing face forgery detection models try to discriminate fake images by detecting only spatial artifacts (e.g., generative artifacts, blending) or mainly temporal artifacts (e.g., flickering, discontinuity). They may experience significant performance degradation when facing out-domain artifacts. In this paper, we propose to capture both spatial and temporal artifacts in one model for face forgery detection. A simple idea is to leverage a spatiotemporal model (3D ConvNet). However, we find that it may easily rely on one type of artifact and ignore the other. To address this issue, we present a novel training strategy called AltFreezing for more general face forgery detection. The AltFreezing aims to encourage the model to detect both spatial and temporal artifacts. It divides the weights of a spatiotemporal network into two groups: spatial-related and temporal-related. Then the two groups of weights are alternately frozen during the training process so that the model can learn spatial and temporal features to distinguish real or fake videos. Furthermore, we introduce various video-level data augmentation methods to improve the generalization capability of the forgery detection model. Extensive experiments show that our framework outperforms existing methods in terms of generalization to unseen manipulations and datasets. Code is available at https: //github.com/ZhendongWang6/AltFreezing.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023 Highlight, code and models are available at https: //github.com/ZhendongWang6/AltFreezing


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