Vision Transformer

2023-07-08 更新

Hardwiring ViT Patch Selectivity into CNNs using Patch Mixing

Authors:Ariel N. Lee, Sarah Adel Bargal, Janavi Kasera, Stan Sclaroff, Kate Saenko, Nataniel Ruiz

Vision transformers (ViTs) have significantly changed the computer vision landscape and have periodically exhibited superior performance in vision tasks compared to convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Although the jury is still out on which model type is superior, each has unique inductive biases that shape their learning and generalization performance. For example, ViTs have interesting properties with respect to early layer non-local feature dependence, as well as self-attention mechanisms which enhance learning flexibility, enabling them to ignore out-of-context image information more effectively. We hypothesize that this power to ignore out-of-context information (which we name $\textit{patch selectivity}$), while integrating in-context information in a non-local manner in early layers, allows ViTs to more easily handle occlusion. In this study, our aim is to see whether we can have CNNs $\textit{simulate}$ this ability of patch selectivity by effectively hardwiring this inductive bias using Patch Mixing data augmentation, which consists of inserting patches from another image onto a training image and interpolating labels between the two image classes. Specifically, we use Patch Mixing to train state-of-the-art ViTs and CNNs, assessing its impact on their ability to ignore out-of-context patches and handle natural occlusions. We find that ViTs do not improve nor degrade when trained using Patch Mixing, but CNNs acquire new capabilities to ignore out-of-context information and improve on occlusion benchmarks, leaving us to conclude that this training method is a way of simulating in CNNs the abilities that ViTs already possess. We will release our Patch Mixing implementation and proposed datasets for public use. Project page:


Prompting classes: Exploring the Power of Prompt Class Learning in Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Balamurali Murugesan, Rukhshanda Hussain, Rajarshi Bhattacharya, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz

Recently, CLIP-based approaches have exhibited remarkable performance on generalization and few-shot learning tasks, fueled by the power of contrastive language-vision pre-training. In particular, prompt tuning has emerged as an effective strategy to adapt the pre-trained language-vision models to downstream tasks by employing task-related textual tokens. Motivated by this progress, in this work we question whether other fundamental problems, such as weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS), can benefit from prompt tuning. Our findings reveal two interesting observations that shed light on the impact of prompt tuning on WSSS. First, modifying only the class token of the text prompt results in a greater impact on the Class Activation Map (CAM), compared to arguably more complex strategies that optimize the context. And second, the class token associated with the image ground truth does not necessarily correspond to the category that yields the best CAM. Motivated by these observations, we introduce a novel approach based on a PrOmpt cLass lEarning (POLE) strategy. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate that our simple, yet efficient approach achieves SOTA performance in a well-known WSSS benchmark. These results highlight not only the benefits of language-vision models in WSSS but also the potential of prompt learning for this problem. The code is available at
PDF Under review


MobileViG: Graph-Based Sparse Attention for Mobile Vision Applications

Authors:Mustafa Munir, William Avery, Radu Marculescu

Traditionally, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and vision transformers (ViT) have dominated computer vision. However, recently proposed vision graph neural networks (ViG) provide a new avenue for exploration. Unfortunately, for mobile applications, ViGs are computationally expensive due to the overhead of representing images as graph structures. In this work, we propose a new graph-based sparse attention mechanism, Sparse Vision Graph Attention (SVGA), that is designed for ViGs running on mobile devices. Additionally, we propose the first hybrid CNN-GNN architecture for vision tasks on mobile devices, MobileViG, which uses SVGA. Extensive experiments show that MobileViG beats existing ViG models and existing mobile CNN and ViT architectures in terms of accuracy and/or speed on image classification, object detection, and instance segmentation tasks. Our fastest model, MobileViG-Ti, achieves 75.7% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K with 0.78 ms inference latency on iPhone 13 Mini NPU (compiled with CoreML), which is faster than MobileNetV2x1.4 (1.02 ms, 74.7% top-1) and MobileNetV2x1.0 (0.81 ms, 71.8% top-1). Our largest model, MobileViG-B obtains 82.6% top-1 accuracy with only 2.30 ms latency, which is faster and more accurate than the similarly sized EfficientFormer-L3 model (2.77 ms, 82.4%). Our work proves that well designed hybrid CNN-GNN architectures can be a new avenue of exploration for designing models that are extremely fast and accurate on mobile devices. Our code is publicly available at
PDF Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops


Query-Efficient Decision-based Black-Box Patch Attack

Authors:Zhaoyu Chen, Bo Li, Shuang Wu, Shouhong Ding, Wenqiang Zhang

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been showed to be highly vulnerable to imperceptible adversarial perturbations. As a complementary type of adversary, patch attacks that introduce perceptible perturbations to the images have attracted the interest of researchers. Existing patch attacks rely on the architecture of the model or the probabilities of predictions and perform poorly in the decision-based setting, which can still construct a perturbation with the minimal information exposed — the top-1 predicted label. In this work, we first explore the decision-based patch attack. To enhance the attack efficiency, we model the patches using paired key-points and use targeted images as the initialization of patches, and parameter optimizations are all performed on the integer domain. Then, we propose a differential evolutionary algorithm named DevoPatch for query-efficient decision-based patch attacks. Experiments demonstrate that DevoPatch outperforms the state-of-the-art black-box patch attacks in terms of patch area and attack success rate within a given query budget on image classification and face verification. Additionally, we conduct the vulnerability evaluation of ViT and MLP on image classification in the decision-based patch attack setting for the first time. Using DevoPatch, we can evaluate the robustness of models to black-box patch attacks. We believe this method could inspire the design and deployment of robust vision models based on various DNN architectures in the future.


Contextual Prompt Learning for Vision-Language Understanding

Authors:Koustava Goswami, Srikrishna Karanam, Joseph K J, Prateksha Udhayanan, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan

Recent advances in multimodal learning has resulted in powerful vision-language models, whose representations are generalizable across a variety of downstream tasks. Recently, their generalizability has been further extended by incorporating trainable prompts, borrowed from the natural language processing literature. While such prompt learning techniques have shown impressive results, we identify that these prompts are trained based on global image features which limits itself in two aspects: First, by using global features, these prompts could be focusing less on the discriminative foreground image, resulting in poor generalization to various out-of-distribution test cases. Second, existing work weights all prompts equally whereas our intuition is that these prompts are more specific to the type of the image. We address these issues with as part of our proposed Contextual Prompt Learning (CoPL) framework, capable of aligning the prompts to the localized features of the image. Our key innovations over earlier works include using local image features as part of the prompt learning process, and more crucially, learning to weight these prompts based on local features that are appropriate for the task at hand. This gives us dynamic prompts that are both aligned to local image features as well as aware of local contextual relationships. Our extensive set of experiments on a variety of standard and few-shot datasets show that our method produces substantially improved performance when compared to the current state of the art methods. We also demonstrate both few-shot and out-of-distribution performance to establish the utility of learning dynamic prompts that are aligned to local image features.


RefSAM: Efficiently Adapting Segmenting Anything Model for Referring Video Object Segmentation

Authors:Yonglin Li, Jing Zhang, Xiao Teng, Long Lan

The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has gained significant attention for its impressive performance in image segmentation. However, it lacks proficiency in referring video object segmentation (RVOS) due to the need for precise user-interactive prompts and limited understanding of different modalities, such as language and vision. This paper presents the RefSAM model, which for the first time explores the potential of SAM for RVOS by incorporating multi-view information from diverse modalities and successive frames at different timestamps. Our proposed approach adapts the original SAM model to enhance cross-modality learning by employing a lightweight Cross-Modal MLP that projects the text embedding of the referring expression into sparse and dense embeddings, serving as user-interactive prompts. Subsequently, a parameter-efficient tuning strategy is employed to effectively align and fuse the language and vision features. Through comprehensive ablation studies, we demonstrate the practical and effective design choices of our strategy. Extensive experiments conducted on Ref-Youtu-VOS and Ref-DAVIS17 datasets validate the superiority and effectiveness of our RefSAM model over existing methods. The code and models will be made publicly at \href{}{}.
PDF The code and models will be made publicly at


MDViT: Multi-domain Vision Transformer for Small Medical Image Segmentation Datasets

Authors:Siyi Du, Nourhan Bayasi, Ghassan Harmarneh, Rafeef Garbi

Despite its clinical utility, medical image segmentation (MIS) remains a daunting task due to images’ inherent complexity and variability. Vision transformers (ViTs) have recently emerged as a promising solution to improve MIS; however, they require larger training datasets than convolutional neural networks. To overcome this obstacle, data-efficient ViTs were proposed, but they are typically trained using a single source of data, which overlooks the valuable knowledge that could be leveraged from other available datasets. Naivly combining datasets from different domains can result in negative knowledge transfer (NKT), i.e., a decrease in model performance on some domains with non-negligible inter-domain heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose MDViT, the first multi-domain ViT that includes domain adapters to mitigate data-hunger and combat NKT by adaptively exploiting knowledge in multiple small data resources (domains). Further, to enhance representation learning across domains, we integrate a mutual knowledge distillation paradigm that transfers knowledge between a universal network (spanning all the domains) and auxiliary domain-specific branches. Experiments on 4 skin lesion segmentation datasets show that MDViT outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms, with superior segmentation performance and a fixed model size, at inference time, even as more domains are added. Our code is available at
PDF 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted by 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023)


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