
2023-06-09 更新

SASMU: boost the performance of generalized recognition model using synthetic face dataset

Authors:Chia-Chun Chung, Pei-Chun Chang, Yong-Sheng Chen, HaoYuan He, Chinson Yeh

Nowadays, deploying a robust face recognition product becomes easy with the development of face recognition techniques for decades. Not only profile image verification but also the state-of-the-art method can handle the in-the-wild image almost perfectly. However, the concern of privacy issues raise rapidly since mainstream research results are powered by tons of web-crawled data, which faces the privacy invasion issue. The community tries to escape this predicament completely by training the face recognition model with synthetic data but faces severe domain gap issues, which still need to access real images and identity labels to fine-tune the model. In this paper, we propose SASMU, a simple, novel, and effective method for face recognition using a synthetic dataset. Our proposed method consists of spatial data augmentation (SA) and spectrum mixup (SMU). We first analyze the existing synthetic datasets for developing a face recognition system. Then, we reveal that heavy data augmentation is helpful for boosting performance when using synthetic data. By analyzing the previous frequency mixup studies, we proposed a novel method for domain generalization. Extensive experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of SASMU, achieving state-of-the-art performance on several common benchmarks, such as LFW, AgeDB-30, CA-LFW, CFP-FP, and CP-LFW.
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EfficientSRFace: An Efficient Network with Super-Resolution Enhancement for Accurate Face Detection

Authors:Guangtao Wang, Jun Li, Jie Xie, Jianhua Xu, Bo Yang

In face detection, low-resolution faces, such as numerous small faces of a human group in a crowded scene, are common in dense face prediction tasks. They usually contain limited visual clues and make small faces less distinguishable from the other small objects, which poses great challenge to accurate face detection. Although deep convolutional neural network has significantly promoted the research on face detection recently, current deep face detectors rarely take into account low-resolution faces and are still vulnerable to the real-world scenarios where massive amount of low-resolution faces exist. Consequently, they usually achieve degraded performance for low-resolution face detection. In order to alleviate this problem, we develop an efficient detector termed EfficientSRFace by introducing a feature-level super-resolution reconstruction network for enhancing the feature representation capability of the model. This module plays an auxiliary role in the training process, and can be removed during the inference without increasing the inference time. Extensive experiments on public benchmarking datasets, such as FDDB and WIDER Face, show that the embedded image super-resolution module can significantly improve the detection accuracy at the cost of a small amount of additional parameters and computational overhead, while helping our model achieve competitive performance compared with the state-of-the-arts methods.


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