
2023-06-04 更新

A Global Context Mechanism for Sequence Labeling

Authors:Conglei Xu, Kun Shen, Hongguang Sun

Sequential labeling tasks necessitate the computation of sentence representations for each word within a given sentence. With the advent of advanced pretrained language models; one common approach involves incorporating a BiLSTM layer to bolster the sequence structure information at the output level. Nevertheless, it has been empirically demonstrated (P.-H. Li et al., 2020) that the potential of BiLSTM for generating sentence representations for sequence labeling tasks is constrained, primarily due to the amalgamation of fragments form past and future sentence representations to form a complete sentence representation. In this study, we discovered that strategically integrating the whole sentence representation, which existing in the first cell and last cell of BiLSTM, into sentence representation of ecah cell, could markedly enhance the F1 score and accuracy. Using BERT embedded within BiLSTM as illustration, we conducted exhaustive experiments on nine datasets for sequence labeling tasks, encompassing named entity recognition (NER), part of speech (POS) tagging and End-to-End Aspect-Based sentiment analysis (E2E-ABSA). We noted significant improvements in F1 scores and accuracy across all examined datasets .


Audio-Visual Speech Separation in Noisy Environments with a Lightweight Iterative Model

Authors:Héctor Martel, Julius Richter, Kai Li, Xiaolin Hu, Timo Gerkmann

We propose Audio-Visual Lightweight ITerative model (AVLIT), an effective and lightweight neural network that uses Progressive Learning (PL) to perform audio-visual speech separation in noisy environments. To this end, we adopt the Asynchronous Fully Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (A-FRCNN), which has shown successful results in audio-only speech separation. Our architecture consists of an audio branch and a video branch, with iterative A-FRCNN blocks sharing weights for each modality. We evaluated our model in a controlled environment using the NTCD-TIMIT dataset and in-the-wild using a synthetic dataset that combines LRS3 and WHAM!. The experiments demonstrate the superiority of our model in both settings with respect to various audio-only and audio-visual baselines. Furthermore, the reduced footprint of our model makes it suitable for low resource applications.
PDF Accepted by Interspeech 2023


Towards hate speech detection in low-resource languages: Comparing ASR to acoustic word embeddings on Wolof and Swahili

Authors:Christiaan Jacobs, Nathanaël Carraz Rakotonirina, Everlyn Asiko Chimoto, Bruce A. Bassett, Herman Kamper

We consider hate speech detection through keyword spotting on radio broadcasts. One approach is to build an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system for the target low-resource language. We compare this to using acoustic word embedding (AWE) models that map speech segments to a space where matching words have similar vectors. We specifically use a multilingual AWE model trained on labelled data from well-resourced languages to spot keywords in data in the unseen target language. In contrast to ASR, the AWE approach only requires a few keyword exemplars. In controlled experiments on Wolof and Swahili where training and test data are from the same domain, an ASR model trained on just five minutes of data outperforms the AWE approach. But in an in-the-wild test on Swahili radio broadcasts with actual hate speech keywords, the AWE model (using one minute of template data) is more robust, giving similar performance to an ASR system trained on 30 hours of labelled data.
PDF Accepted to Interspeech 2023


The Effects of Input Type and Pronunciation Dictionary Usage in Transfer Learning for Low-Resource Text-to-Speech

Authors:Phat Do, Matt Coler, Jelske Dijkstra, Esther Klabbers

We compare phone labels and articulatory features as input for cross-lingual transfer learning in text-to-speech (TTS) for low-resource languages (LRLs). Experiments with FastSpeech 2 and the LRL West Frisian show that using articulatory features outperformed using phone labels in both intelligibility and naturalness. For LRLs without pronunciation dictionaries, we propose two novel approaches: a) using a massively multilingual model to convert grapheme-to-phone (G2P) in both training and synthesizing, and b) using a universal phone recognizer to create a makeshift dictionary. Results show that the G2P approach performs largely on par with using a ground-truth dictionary and the phone recognition approach, while performing generally worse, remains a viable option for LRLs less suitable for the G2P approach. Within each approach, using articulatory features as input outperforms using phone labels.
PDF Accepted at INTERSPEECH 2023


Enhancing the Unified Streaming and Non-streaming Model with Contrastive Learning

Authors:Yuting Yang, Yuke Li, Binbin Du

The unified streaming and non-streaming speech recognition model has achieved great success due to its comprehensive capabilities. In this paper, we propose to improve the accuracy of the unified model by bridging the inherent representation gap between the streaming and non-streaming modes with a contrastive objective. Specifically, the top-layer hidden representation at the same frame of the streaming and non-streaming modes are regarded as a positive pair, encouraging the representation of the streaming mode close to its non-streaming counterpart. The multiple negative samples are randomly selected from the rest frames of the same sample under the non-streaming mode. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves consistent improvements toward the unified model in both streaming and non-streaming modes. Our method achieves CER of 4.66% in the streaming mode and CER of 4.31% in the non-streaming mode, which sets a new state-of-the-art on the AISHELL-1 benchmark.
PDF Accepted by INTERSPEECH 2023


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