
2023-05-26 更新

Masked and Permuted Implicit Context Learning for Scene Text Recognition

Authors:Xiaomeng Yang, Zhi Qiao, Jin Wei, Yu Zhou, Ye Yuan, Zhilong Ji, Dongbao Yang, Weiping Wang

Scene Text Recognition (STR) is a challenging task due to variations in text style, shape, and background. Incorporating linguistic information is an effective way to enhance the robustness of STR models. Existing methods rely on permuted language modeling (PLM) or masked language modeling (MLM) to learn contextual information implicitly, either through an ensemble of permuted autoregressive (AR) LMs training or iterative non-autoregressive (NAR) decoding procedure. However, these methods exhibit limitations: PLM’s AR decoding results in the lack of information about future characters, while MLM provides global information of the entire text but neglects dependencies among each predicted character. In this paper, we propose a Masked and Permuted Implicit Context Learning Network for STR, which unifies PLM and MLM within a single decoding architecture, inheriting the advantages of both approaches. We utilize the training procedure of PLM, and to integrate MLM, we incorporate word length information into the decoding process by introducing specific numbers of mask tokens. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on standard benchmarks using both AR and NAR decoding procedures.


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