
2023-05-15 更新

HAISTA-NET: Human Assisted Instance Segmentation Through Attention

Authors:Muhammed Korkmaz, Tolga Buyukyazi, T. Metin Sezgin

Instance segmentation is a form of image detection which has a range of applications, such as object refinement, medical image analysis, and image/video editing, all of which demand a high degree of accuracy. However, this precision is often beyond the reach of what even state-of-the-art, fully automated instance segmentation algorithms can deliver. The performance gap becomes particularly prohibitive for small and complex objects. Practitioners typically resort to fully manual annotation, which can be a laborious process. In order to overcome this problem, we propose a novel approach to enable more precise predictions and generate higher-quality segmentation masks for high-curvature, complex and small-scale objects. Our human-assisted segmentation model, HAISTA-NET, augments the existing Strong Mask R-CNN network to incorporate human-specified partial boundaries. We also present a dataset of hand-drawn partial object boundaries, which we refer to as human attention maps. In addition, the Partial Sketch Object Boundaries (PSOB) dataset contains hand-drawn partial object boundaries which represent curvatures of an object’s ground truth mask with several pixels. Through extensive evaluation using the PSOB dataset, we show that HAISTA-NET outperforms state-of-the art methods such as Mask R-CNN, Strong Mask R-CNN, and Mask2Former, achieving respective increases of +36.7, +29.6, and +26.5 points in AP-Mask metrics for these three models. We hope that our novel approach will set a baseline for future human-aided deep learning models by combining fully automated and interactive instance segmentation architectures.


SSD-MonoDTR: Supervised Scale-constrained Deformable Transformer for Monocular 3D Object Detection

Authors:Xuan He, Fan Yang, Jiacheng Lin, Haolong Fu, Jin Yuan, Kailun Yang, Zhiyong Li

Transformer-based methods have demonstrated superior performance for monocular 3D object detection recently, which predicts 3D attributes from a single 2D image. Most existing transformer-based methods leverage visual and depth representations to explore valuable query points on objects, and the quality of the learned queries has a great impact on detection accuracy. Unfortunately, existing unsupervised attention mechanisms in transformer are prone to generate low-quality query features due to inaccurate receptive fields, especially on hard objects. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes a novel Supervised Scale-constrained Deformable Attention'' (SSDA) for monocular 3D object detection. Specifically, SSDA presets several masks with different scales and utilizes depth and visual features to predict the local feature for each query. Imposing the scale constraint, SSDA could well predict the accurate receptive field of a query to support robust query feature generation. What is more, SSDA is assigned with a Weighted Scale Matching (WSM) loss to supervise scale prediction, which presents more confident results as compared to the unsupervised attention mechanisms. Extensive experiments onKITTI’’ demonstrate that SSDA significantly improves the detection accuracy especially on moderate and hard objects, yielding SOTA performance as compared to the existing approaches. Code will be publicly available at https://github.com/mikasa3lili/SSD-MonoDETR.
PDF Code will be publicly available at https://github.com/mikasa3lili/SSD-MonoDETR


Quaternion-valued Correlation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Zewen Zheng, Guoheng Huang, Xiaochen Yuan, Chi-Man Pun, Hongrui Liu, Wing-Kuen Ling

Few-shot segmentation (FSS) aims to segment unseen classes given only a few annotated samples. Encouraging progress has been made for FSS by leveraging semantic features learned from base classes with sufficient training samples to represent novel classes. The correlation-based methods lack the ability to consider interaction of the two subspace matching scores due to the inherent nature of the real-valued 2D convolutions. In this paper, we introduce a quaternion perspective on correlation learning and propose a novel Quaternion-valued Correlation Learning Network (QCLNet), with the aim to alleviate the computational burden of high-dimensional correlation tensor and explore internal latent interaction between query and support images by leveraging operations defined by the established quaternion algebra. Specifically, our QCLNet is formulated as a hyper-complex valued network and represents correlation tensors in the quaternion domain, which uses quaternion-valued convolution to explore the external relations of query subspace when considering the hidden relationship of the support sub-dimension in the quaternion space. Extensive experiments on the PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods effectively. Our code is available at https://github.com/zwzheng98/QCLNet


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