
2023-05-10 更新

Towards Precise Weakly Supervised Object Detection via Interactive Contrastive Learning of Context Information

Authors:Qi Lai, ChiMan Vong

Weakly supervised object detection (WSOD) aims at learning precise object detectors with only image-level tags. In spite of intensive research on deep learning (DL) approaches over the past few years, there is still a significant performance gap between WSOD and fully supervised object detection. In fact, most existing WSOD methods only consider the visual appearance of each region proposal but ignore employing the useful context information in the image. To this end, this paper proposes an interactive end-to-end WSDO framework called JLWSOD with two innovations: i) two types of WSOD-specific context information (i.e., instance-wise correlation andsemantic-wise correlation) are proposed and introduced into WSOD framework; ii) an interactive graph contrastive learning (iGCL) mechanism is designed to jointly optimize the visual appearance and context information for better WSOD performance. Specifically, the iGCL mechanism takes full advantage of the complementary interpretations of the WSOD, namely instance-wise detection and semantic-wise prediction tasks, forming a more comprehensive solution. Extensive experiments on the widely used PASCAL VOC and MS COCO benchmarks verify the superiority of JLWSOD over alternative state-of-the-art approaches and baseline models (improvement of 3.6%~23.3% on mAP and 3.4%~19.7% on CorLoc, respectively).


Region-based Contrastive Pretraining for Medical Image Retrieval with Anatomic Query

Authors:Ho Hin Lee, Alberto Santamaria-Pang, Jameson Merkow, Ozan Oktay, Fernando Pérez-García, Javier Alvarez-Valle, Ivan Tarapov

We introduce a novel Region-based contrastive pretraining for Medical Image Retrieval (RegionMIR) that demonstrates the feasibility of medical image retrieval with similar anatomical regions. RegionMIR addresses two major challenges for medical image retrieval i) standardization of clinically relevant searching criteria (e.g., anatomical, pathology-based), and ii) localization of anatomical area of interests that are semantically meaningful. In this work, we propose an ROI image retrieval image network that retrieves images with similar anatomy by extracting anatomical features (via bounding boxes) and evaluate similarity between pairwise anatomy-categorized features between the query and the database of images using contrastive learning. ROI queries are encoded using a contrastive-pretrained encoder that was fine-tuned for anatomy classification, which generates an anatomical-specific latent space for region-correlated image retrieval. During retrieval, we compare the anatomically encoded query to find similar features within a feature database generated from training samples, and retrieve images with similar regions from training samples. We evaluate our approach on both anatomy classification and image retrieval tasks using the Chest ImaGenome Dataset. Our proposed strategy yields an improvement over state-of-the-art pretraining and co-training strategies, from 92.24 to 94.12 (2.03%) classification accuracy in anatomies. We qualitatively evaluate the image retrieval performance demonstrating generalizability across multiple anatomies with different morphology.


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