
2023-05-10 更新

SMAClite: A Lightweight Environment for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Adam Michalski, Filippos Christianos, Stefano V. Albrecht

There is a lack of standard benchmarks for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms. The Starcraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) has been widely used in MARL research, but is built on top of a heavy, closed-source computer game, StarCraft II. Thus, SMAC is computationally expensive and requires knowledge and the use of proprietary tools specific to the game for any meaningful alteration or contribution to the environment. We introduce SMAClite — a challenge based on SMAC that is both decoupled from Starcraft II and open-source, along with a framework which makes it possible to create new content for SMAClite without any special knowledge. We conduct experiments to show that SMAClite is equivalent to SMAC, by training MARL algorithms on SMAClite and reproducing SMAC results. We then show that SMAClite outperforms SMAC in both runtime speed and memory.


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