
2023-05-10 更新

Plug-and-Play Multilingual Few-shot Spoken Words Recognition

Authors:Aaqib Saeed, Vasileios Tsouvalas

As technology advances and digital devices become prevalent, seamless human-machine communication is increasingly gaining significance. The growing adoption of mobile, wearable, and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices has changed how we interact with these smart devices, making accurate spoken words recognition a crucial component for effective interaction. However, building robust spoken words detection system that can handle novel keywords remains challenging, especially for low-resource languages with limited training data. Here, we propose PLiX, a multilingual and plug-and-play keyword spotting system that leverages few-shot learning to harness massive real-world data and enable the recognition of unseen spoken words at test-time. Our few-shot deep models are learned with millions of one-second audio clips across 20 languages, achieving state-of-the-art performance while being highly efficient. Extensive evaluations show that PLiX can generalize to novel spoken words given as few as just one support example and performs well on unseen languages out of the box. We release models and inference code to serve as a foundation for future research and voice-enabled user interface development for emerging devices.
PDF Code: https://github.com/FewshotML/plix


Few-shot Domain-Adaptive Visually-fused Event Detection from Text

Authors:Fatemeh Shiri, Farhad Moghimifar, Van Nguyen, Reza Haffari, Yuan-Fang Li

Incorporating auxiliary modalities such as images into event detection models has attracted increasing interest over the last few years. The complexity of natural language in describing situations has motivated researchers to leverage the related visual context to improve event detection performance. However, current approaches in this area suffer from data scarcity, where a large amount of labelled text-image pairs are required for model training. Furthermore, limited access to the visual context at inference time negatively impacts the performance of such models, which makes them practically ineffective in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel domain-adaptive visually-fused event detection approach that can be trained on a few labelled image-text paired data points. Specifically, we introduce a visual imaginator method that synthesises images from text in the absence of visual context. Moreover, the imaginator can be customised to a specific domain. In doing so, our model can leverage the capabilities of pre-trained vision-language models and can be trained in a few-shot setting. This also allows for effective inference where only single-modality data (i.e. text) is available. The experimental evaluation on the benchmark M2E2 dataset shows that our model outperforms existing state-of-the-art models, by up to 11 points.


Data Curation for Image Captioning with Text-to-Image Generative Models

Authors:Wenyan Li, Jonas F. Lotz, Chen Qiu, Desmond Elliott

Recent advances in image captioning are mainly driven by large-scale vision-language pretraining, relying heavily on computational resources and increasingly large multimodal datasets. Instead of scaling up pretraining data, we ask whether it is possible to improve performance by improving the quality of the samples in existing datasets. We pursue this question through two approaches to data curation: one that assumes that some examples should be avoided due to mismatches between the image and caption, and one that assumes that the mismatch can be addressed by replacing the image, for which we use the state-of-the-art Stable Diffusion model. These approaches are evaluated using the BLIP model on MS COCO and Flickr30K in both finetuning and few-shot learning settings. Our simple yet effective approaches consistently outperform baselines, indicating that better image captioning models can be trained by curating existing resources. Finally, we conduct a human study to understand the errors made by the Stable Diffusion model and highlight directions for future work in text-to-image generation.


Residual Prompt Tuning: Improving Prompt Tuning with Residual Reparameterization

Authors:Anastasia Razdaibiedina, Yuning Mao, Rui Hou, Madian Khabsa, Mike Lewis, Jimmy Ba, Amjad Almahairi

Prompt tuning is one of the successful approaches for parameter-efficient tuning of pre-trained language models. Despite being arguably the most parameter-efficient (tuned soft prompts constitute <0.1% of total parameters), it typically performs worse than other efficient tuning methods and is quite sensitive to hyper-parameters. In this work, we introduce Residual Prompt Tuning - a simple and efficient method that significantly improves the performance and stability of prompt tuning. We propose to reparameterize soft prompt embeddings using a shallow network with a residual connection. Our experiments show that Residual Prompt Tuning significantly outperforms prompt tuning on SuperGLUE benchmark. Notably, our method reaches +7 points improvement over prompt tuning with T5-Base and allows to reduce the prompt length by 10x without hurting performance. In addition, we show that our approach is robust to the choice of learning rate and prompt initialization, and is effective in few-shot settings.
PDF ACL Findings 2023


Plan-and-Solve Prompting: Improving Zero-Shot Chain-of-Thought Reasoning by Large Language Models

Authors:Lei Wang, Wanyu Xu, Yihuai Lan, Zhiqiang Hu, Yunshi Lan, Roy Ka-Wei Lee, Ee-Peng Lim

Large language models (LLMs) have recently been shown to deliver impressive performance in various NLP tasks. To tackle multi-step reasoning tasks, few-shot chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting includes a few manually crafted step-by-step reasoning demonstrations which enable LLMs to explicitly generate reasoning steps and improve their reasoning task accuracy. To eliminate the manual effort, Zero-shot-CoT concatenates the target problem statement with “Let’s think step by step” as an input prompt to LLMs. Despite the success of Zero-shot-CoT, it still suffers from three pitfalls: calculation errors, missing-step errors, and semantic misunderstanding errors. To address the missing-step errors, we propose Plan-and-Solve (PS) Prompting. It consists of two components: first, devising a plan to divide the entire task into smaller subtasks, and then carrying out the subtasks according to the plan. To address the calculation errors and improve the quality of generated reasoning steps, we extend PS prompting with more detailed instructions and derive PS+ prompting. We evaluate our proposed prompting strategy on ten datasets across three reasoning problems. The experimental results over GPT-3 show that our proposed zero-shot prompting consistently outperforms Zero-shot-CoT across all datasets by a large margin, is comparable to or exceeds Zero-shot-Program-of-Thought Prompting, and has comparable performance with 8-shot CoT prompting on the math reasoning problem. The code can be found at https://github.com/AGI-Edgerunners/Plan-and-Solve-Prompting.
PDF ACL 2023


Authors:Jaromir Savelka

We evaluated the capability of a state-of-the-art generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) model to perform semantic annotation of short text snippets (one to few sentences) coming from legal documents of various types. Discussions of potential uses (e.g., document drafting, summarization) of this emerging technology in legal domain have intensified, but to date there has not been a rigorous analysis of these large language models’ (LLM) capacity in sentence-level semantic annotation of legal texts in zero-shot learning settings. Yet, this particular type of use could unlock many practical applications (e.g., in contract review) and research opportunities (e.g., in empirical legal studies). We fill the gap with this study. We examined if and how successfully the model can semantically annotate small batches of short text snippets (10-50) based exclusively on concise definitions of the semantic types. We found that the GPT model performs surprisingly well in zero-shot settings on diverse types of documents (F1=.73 on a task involving court opinions, .86 for contracts, and .54 for statutes and regulations). These findings can be leveraged by legal scholars and practicing lawyers alike to guide their decisions in integrating LLMs in wide range of workflows involving semantic annotation of legal texts.


Vision Transformer Off-the-Shelf: A Surprising Baseline for Few-Shot Class-Agnostic Counting

Authors:Zhicheng Wang, Liwen Xiao, Zhiguo Cao, Hao Lu

Class-agnostic counting (CAC) aims to count objects of interest from a query image given few exemplars. This task is typically addressed by extracting the features of query image and exemplars respectively with (un)shared feature extractors and by matching their feature similarity, leading to an extract-\textit{then}-match paradigm. In this work, we show that CAC can be simplified in an extract-\textit{and}-match manner, particularly using a pretrained and plain vision transformer (ViT) where feature extraction and similarity matching are executed simultaneously within the self-attention. We reveal the rationale of such simplification from a decoupled view of the self-attention and point out that the simplification is only made possible if the query and exemplar tokens are concatenated as input. The resulting model, termed CACViT, simplifies the CAC pipeline and unifies the feature spaces between the query image and exemplars. In addition, we find CACViT naturally encodes background information within self-attention, which helps reduce background disturbance. Further, to compensate the loss of the scale and the order-of-magnitude information due to resizing and normalization in ViT, we present two effective strategies for scale and magnitude embedding. Extensive experiments on the FSC147 and the CARPK datasets show that CACViT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art CAC approaches in both effectiveness (23.60% error reduction) and generalization, which suggests CACViT provides a concise and strong baseline for CAC. Code will be available.


A transformer-based method for zero and few-shot biomedical named entity recognition

Authors:Miloš Košprdić, Nikola Prodanović, Adela Ljajić, Bojana Bašaragin, Nikola Milošević

Supervised named entity recognition (NER) in the biomedical domain is dependent on large sets of annotated texts with the given named entities, whose creation can be time-consuming and expensive. Furthermore, the extraction of new entities often requires conducting additional annotation tasks and retraining the model. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a transformer-based method for zero- and few-shot NER in the biomedical domain. The method is based on transforming the task of multi-class token classification into binary token classification (token contains the searched entity or does not contain the searched entity) and pre-training on a larger amount of datasets and biomedical entities, from where the method can learn semantic relations between the given and potential classes. We have achieved average F1 scores of 35.44% for zero-shot NER, 50.10% for one-shot NER, 69.94% for 10-shot NER, and 79.51% for 100-shot NER on 9 diverse evaluated biomedical entities with PubMedBERT fine-tuned model. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for recognizing new entities with limited examples, with comparable or better results from the state-of-the-art zero- and few-shot NER methods.
PDF Collaboration between Bayer Pharma R&D and Serbian Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. Submitted to Neural Networks Journal


Revisiting Relation Extraction in the era of Large Language Models

Authors:Somin Wadhwa, Silvio Amir, Byron C. Wallace

Relation extraction (RE) is the core NLP task of inferring semantic relationships between entities from text. Standard supervised RE techniques entail training modules to tag tokens comprising entity spans and then predict the relationship between them. Recent work has instead treated the problem as a \emph{sequence-to-sequence} task, linearizing relations between entities as target strings to be generated conditioned on the input. Here we push the limits of this approach, using larger language models (GPT-3 and Flan-T5 large) than considered in prior work and evaluating their performance on standard RE tasks under varying levels of supervision. We address issues inherent to evaluating generative approaches to RE by doing human evaluations, in lieu of relying on exact matching. Under this refined evaluation, we find that: (1) Few-shot prompting with GPT-3 achieves near SOTA performance, i.e., roughly equivalent to existing fully supervised models; (2) Flan-T5 is not as capable in the few-shot setting, but supervising and fine-tuning it with Chain-of-Thought (CoT) style explanations (generated via GPT-3) yields SOTA results. We release this model as a new baseline for RE tasks.
PDF Accepted to ACL 2023


StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip Sync in Style-based Generator

Authors:Jiazhi Guan, Zhanwang Zhang, Hang Zhou, Tianshu Hu, Kaisiyuan Wang, Dongliang He, Haocheng Feng, Jingtuo Liu, Errui Ding, Ziwei Liu, Jingdong Wang

Despite recent advances in syncing lip movements with any audio waves, current methods still struggle to balance generation quality and the model’s generalization ability. Previous studies either require long-term data for training or produce a similar movement pattern on all subjects with low quality. In this paper, we propose StyleSync, an effective framework that enables high-fidelity lip synchronization. We identify that a style-based generator would sufficiently enable such a charming property on both one-shot and few-shot scenarios. Specifically, we design a mask-guided spatial information encoding module that preserves the details of the given face. The mouth shapes are accurately modified by audio through modulated convolutions. Moreover, our design also enables personalized lip-sync by introducing style space and generator refinement on only limited frames. Thus the identity and talking style of a target person could be accurately preserved. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in producing high-fidelity results on a variety of scenes. Resources can be found at https://hangz-nju-cuhk.github.io/projects/StyleSync.
PDF Accepted to IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023. Project page: https://hangz-nju-cuhk.github.io/projects/StyleSync


Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Chinese Text Recognition with Federated Learning

Authors:Shangchao Su, Haiyang Yu, Bin Li, Xiangyang Xue

In Chinese text recognition, to compensate for the insufficient local data and improve the performance of local few-shot character recognition, it is often necessary for one organization to collect a large amount of data from similar organizations. However, due to the natural presence of private information in text data, different organizations are unwilling to share private data, such as addresses and phone numbers. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to design a privacy-preserving collaborative training framework for the Chinese text recognition task. In this paper, we introduce personalized federated learning (pFL) into the Chinese text recognition task and propose the pFedCR algorithm, which significantly improves the model performance of each client (organization) without sharing private data. Specifically, based on CRNN, to handle the non-iid problem of client data, we add several attention layers to the model and design a two-stage training approach for the client. In addition, we fine-tune the output layer of the model using a virtual dataset on the server, mitigating the problem of character imbalance in Chinese documents. The proposed approach is validated on public benchmarks and two self-built real-world industrial scenario datasets. The experimental results show that the pFedCR algorithm can improve the performance of local personalized models while also improving their generalization performance on other client data domains. Compared to local training within an organization, pFedCR improves model performance by about 20%. Compared to other state-of-the-art personalized federated learning methods, pFedCR improves performance by 6%~8%. Moreover, through federated learning, pFedCR can correct erroneous information in the ground truth.


ImageBind: One Embedding Space To Bind Them All

Authors:Rohit Girdhar, Alaaeldin El-Nouby, Zhuang Liu, Mannat Singh, Kalyan Vasudev Alwala, Armand Joulin, Ishan Misra

We present ImageBind, an approach to learn a joint embedding across six different modalities - images, text, audio, depth, thermal, and IMU data. We show that all combinations of paired data are not necessary to train such a joint embedding, and only image-paired data is sufficient to bind the modalities together. ImageBind can leverage recent large scale vision-language models, and extends their zero-shot capabilities to new modalities just by using their natural pairing with images. It enables novel emergent applications ‘out-of-the-box’ including cross-modal retrieval, composing modalities with arithmetic, cross-modal detection and generation. The emergent capabilities improve with the strength of the image encoder and we set a new state-of-the-art on emergent zero-shot recognition tasks across modalities, outperforming specialist supervised models. Finally, we show strong few-shot recognition results outperforming prior work, and that ImageBind serves as a new way to evaluate vision models for visual and non-visual tasks.
PDF CVPR 2023 (Highlighted Paper). Website: https://imagebind.metademolab.com/ Code/Models: https://github.com/facebookresearch/ImageBind


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