
2023-05-10 更新

Exploiting CNNs for Semantic Segmentation with Pascal VOC

Authors:Sourabh Prakash, Priyanshi Shah, Ashrya Agrawal

In this paper, we present a comprehensive study on semantic segmentation with the Pascal VOC dataset. Here, we have to label each pixel with a class which in turn segments the entire image based on the objects/entities present. To tackle this, we firstly use a Fully Convolution Network (FCN) baseline which gave 71.31% pixel accuracy and 0.0527 mean IoU. We analyze its performance and working and subsequently address the issues in the baseline with three improvements: a) cosine annealing learning rate scheduler(pixel accuracy: 72.86%, IoU: 0.0529), b) data augmentation(pixel accuracy: 69.88%, IoU: 0.0585) c) class imbalance weights(pixel accuracy: 68.98%, IoU: 0.0596). Apart from these changes in training pipeline, we also explore three different architectures: a) Our proposed model — Advanced FCN (pixel accuracy: 67.20%, IoU: 0.0602) b) Transfer Learning with ResNet (Best performance) (pixel accuracy: 71.33%, IoU: 0.0926 ) c) U-Net(pixel accuracy: 72.15%, IoU: 0.0649). We observe that the improvements help in greatly improving the performance, as reflected both, in metrics and segmentation maps. Interestingly, we observe that among the improvements, dataset augmentation has the greatest contribution. Also, note that transfer learning model performs the best on the pascal dataset. We analyse the performance of these using loss, accuracy and IoU plots along with segmentation maps, which help us draw valuable insights about the working of the models.


Towards Precise Weakly Supervised Object Detection via Interactive Contrastive Learning of Context Information

Authors:Qi Lai, ChiMan Vong

Weakly supervised object detection (WSOD) aims at learning precise object detectors with only image-level tags. In spite of intensive research on deep learning (DL) approaches over the past few years, there is still a significant performance gap between WSOD and fully supervised object detection. In fact, most existing WSOD methods only consider the visual appearance of each region proposal but ignore employing the useful context information in the image. To this end, this paper proposes an interactive end-to-end WSDO framework called JLWSOD with two innovations: i) two types of WSOD-specific context information (i.e., instance-wise correlation andsemantic-wise correlation) are proposed and introduced into WSOD framework; ii) an interactive graph contrastive learning (iGCL) mechanism is designed to jointly optimize the visual appearance and context information for better WSOD performance. Specifically, the iGCL mechanism takes full advantage of the complementary interpretations of the WSOD, namely instance-wise detection and semantic-wise prediction tasks, forming a more comprehensive solution. Extensive experiments on the widely used PASCAL VOC and MS COCO benchmarks verify the superiority of JLWSOD over alternative state-of-the-art approaches and baseline models (improvement of 3.6%~23.3% on mAP and 3.4%~19.7% on CorLoc, respectively).


Discriminative Co-Saliency and Background Mining Transformer for Co-Salient Object Detection

Authors:Long Li, Junwei Han, Ni Zhang, Nian Liu, Salman Khan, Hisham Cholakkal, Rao Muhammad Anwer, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Most previous co-salient object detection works mainly focus on extracting co-salient cues via mining the consistency relations across images while ignoring explicit exploration of background regions. In this paper, we propose a Discriminative co-saliency and background Mining Transformer framework (DMT) based on several economical multi-grained correlation modules to explicitly mine both co-saliency and background information and effectively model their discrimination. Specifically, we first propose a region-to-region correlation module for introducing inter-image relations to pixel-wise segmentation features while maintaining computational efficiency. Then, we use two types of pre-defined tokens to mine co-saliency and background information via our proposed contrast-induced pixel-to-token correlation and co-saliency token-to-token correlation modules. We also design a token-guided feature refinement module to enhance the discriminability of the segmentation features under the guidance of the learned tokens. We perform iterative mutual promotion for the segmentation feature extraction and token construction. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The source code is available at: https://github.com/dragonlee258079/DMT.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023


HAISTA-NET: Human Assisted Instance Segmentation Through Attention

Authors:Muhammed Korkmaz, Tolga Buyukyazi, T. Metin Sezgin

Instance segmentation is a form of image detection which has a range of applications, such as object refinement, medical image analysis, and image/video editing, all of which demand a high degree of accuracy. However, this precision is often beyond the reach of what even state-of-the-art, fully automated instance segmentation algorithms can deliver. The performance gap becomes particularly prohibitive for small and complex objects. Practitioners typically resort to fully manual annotation, which can be a laborious process. In order to overcome this problem, we propose a novel approach to enable more precise predictions and generate higher-quality segmentation masks for high-curvature, complex and small-scale objects. Our human-assisted segmentation model, HAISTA-NET, augments the existing Strong Mask R-CNN network to incorporate human-specified partial boundaries. We also present a dataset of hand-drawn partial object boundaries, which we refer to as human attention maps. In addition, the Partial Sketch Object Boundaries (PSOB) dataset contains hand-drawn partial object boundaries which represent curvatures of an object’s ground truth mask with several pixels. Through extensive evaluation using the PSOB dataset, we show that HAISTA-NET outperforms state-of-the art methods such as Mask R-CNN, Strong Mask R-CNN, and Mask2Former, achieving respective increases of +36.7, +29.6, and +26.5 points in AP-Mask metrics for these three models. We hope that our novel approach will set a baseline for future human-aided deep learning models by combining fully automated and interactive instance segmentation architectures.


Clothes Grasping and Unfolding Based on RGB-D Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Xingyu Zhu, Xin Wang, Jonathan Freer, Hyung Jin Chang, Yixing Gao

Clothes grasping and unfolding is a core step in robotic-assisted dressing. Most existing works leverage depth images of clothes to train a deep learning-based model to recognize suitable grasping points. These methods often utilize physics engines to synthesize depth images to reduce the cost of real labeled data collection. However, the natural domain gap between synthetic and real images often leads to poor performance of these methods on real data. Furthermore, these approaches often struggle in scenarios where grasping points are occluded by the clothing item itself. To address the above challenges, we propose a novel Bi-directional Fractal Cross Fusion Network (BiFCNet) for semantic segmentation, enabling recognition of graspable regions in order to provide more possibilities for grasping. Instead of using depth images only, we also utilize RGB images with rich color features as input to our network in which the Fractal Cross Fusion (FCF) module fuses RGB and depth data by considering global complex features based on fractal geometry. To reduce the cost of real data collection, we further propose a data augmentation method based on an adversarial strategy, in which the color and geometric transformations simultaneously process RGB and depth data while maintaining the label correspondence. Finally, we present a pipeline for clothes grasping and unfolding from the perspective of semantic segmentation, through the addition of a strategy for grasp point selection from segmentation regions based on clothing flatness measures, while taking into account the grasping direction. We evaluate our BiFCNet on the public dataset NYUDv2 and obtained comparable performance to current state-of-the-art models. We also deploy our model on a Baxter robot, running extensive grasping and unfolding experiments as part of our ablation studies, achieving an 84% success rate.
PDF This paper is accepted to ICRA 2023


SwinDocSegmenter: An End-to-End Unified Domain Adaptive Transformer for Document Instance Segmentation

Authors:Ayan Banerjee, Sanket Biswas, Josep Lladós, Umapada Pal

Instance-level segmentation of documents consists in assigning a class-aware and instance-aware label to each pixel of the image. It is a key step in document parsing for their understanding. In this paper, we present a unified transformer encoder-decoder architecture for en-to-end instance segmentation of complex layouts in document images. The method adapts a contrastive training with a mixed query selection for anchor initialization in the decoder. Later on, it performs a dot product between the obtained query embeddings and the pixel embedding map (coming from the encoder) for semantic reasoning. Extensive experimentation on competitive benchmarks like PubLayNet, PRIMA, Historical Japanese (HJ), and TableBank demonstrate that our model with SwinL backbone achieves better segmentation performance than the existing state-of-the-art approaches with the average precision of \textbf{93.72}, \textbf{54.39}, \textbf{84.65} and \textbf{98.04} respectively under one billion parameters. The code is made publicly available at: \href{https://github.com/ayanban011/SwinDocSegmenter}{github.com/ayanban011/SwinDocSegmenter}
PDF Accepted to ICDAR 2023 (San Jose, California)


MARS: Mask Attention Refinement with Sequential Quadtree Nodes for Car Damage Instance Segmentation

Authors:Teerapong Panboonyuen, Naphat Nithisopa, Panin Pienroj, Laphonchai Jirachuphun, Chaiwasut Watthanasirikrit, Naruepon Pornwiriyakul

Evaluating car damages from misfortune is critical to the car insurance industry. However, the accuracy is still insufficient for real-world applications since the deep learning network is not designed for car damage images as inputs, and its segmented masks are still very coarse. This paper presents MARS (Mask Attention Refinement with Sequential quadtree nodes) for car damage instance segmentation. Our MARS represents self-attention mechanisms to draw global dependencies between the sequential quadtree nodes layer and quadtree transformer to recalibrate channel weights and predict highly accurate instance masks. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that MARS outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) instance segmentation methods on three popular benchmarks such as Mask R-CNN [9], PointRend [14], and Mask Transfiner [13], by a large margin of +1.3 maskAP-based R50-FPN backbone and +2.3 maskAP-based R101-FPN backbone on Thai car-damage dataset. Our demos are available at https://www.marssolution.io.
PDF 12 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.13673 by other authors


OSTA: One-shot Task-adaptive Channel Selection for Semantic Segmentation of Multichannel Images

Authors:Yuanzhi Cai, Jagannath Aryal, Yuan Fang, Hong Huang, Lei Fan

Semantic segmentation of multichannel images is a fundamental task for many applications. Selecting an appropriate channel combination from the original multichannel image can improve the accuracy of semantic segmentation and reduce the cost of data storage, processing and future acquisition. Existing channel selection methods typically use a reasonable selection procedure to determine a desirable channel combination, and then train a semantic segmentation network using that combination. In this study, the concept of pruning from a supernet is used for the first time to integrate the selection of channel combination and the training of a semantic segmentation network. Based on this concept, a One-Shot Task-Adaptive (OSTA) channel selection method is proposed for the semantic segmentation of multichannel images. OSTA has three stages, namely the supernet training stage, the pruning stage and the fine-tuning stage. The outcomes of six groups of experiments (L7Irish3C, L7Irish2C, L8Biome3C, L8Biome2C, RIT-18 and Semantic3D) demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of OSTA. OSTA achieved the highest segmentation accuracies in all tests (62.49% (mIoU), 75.40% (mIoU), 68.38% (mIoU), 87.63% (mIoU), 66.53% (mA) and 70.86% (mIoU), respectively). It even exceeded the highest accuracies of exhaustive tests (61.54% (mIoU), 74.91% (mIoU), 67.94% (mIoU), 87.32% (mIoU), 65.32% (mA) and 70.27% (mIoU), respectively), where all possible channel combinations were tested. All of this can be accomplished within a predictable and relatively efficient timeframe, ranging from 101.71% to 298.1% times the time required to train the segmentation network alone. In addition, there were interesting findings that were deemed valuable for several fields.


Multi-Granularity Denoising and Bidirectional Alignment for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Tao Chen, Yazhou Yao, Jinhui Tang

Weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) models relying on class activation maps (CAMs) have achieved desirable performance comparing to the non-CAMs-based counterparts. However, to guarantee WSSS task feasible, we need to generate pseudo labels by expanding the seeds from CAMs which is complex and time-consuming, thus hindering the design of efficient end-to-end (single-stage) WSSS approaches. To tackle the above dilemma, we resort to the off-the-shelf and readily accessible saliency maps for directly obtaining pseudo labels given the image-level class labels. Nevertheless, the salient regions may contain noisy labels and cannot seamlessly fit the target objects, and saliency maps can only be approximated as pseudo labels for simple images containing single-class objects. As such, the achieved segmentation model with these simple images cannot generalize well to the complex images containing multi-class objects. To this end, we propose an end-to-end multi-granularity denoising and bidirectional alignment (MDBA) model, to alleviate the noisy label and multi-class generalization issues. Specifically, we propose the online noise filtering and progressive noise detection modules to tackle image-level and pixel-level noise, respectively. Moreover, a bidirectional alignment mechanism is proposed to reduce the data distribution gap at both input and output space with simple-to-complex image synthesis and complex-to-simple adversarial learning. MDBA can reach the mIoU of 69.5\% and 70.2\% on validation and test sets for the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset. The source codes and models have been made available at \url{https://github.com/NUST-Machine-Intelligence-Laboratory/MDBA}.
PDF accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing


Real-time instance segmentation with polygons using an Intersection-over-Union loss

Authors:Katia Jodogne-Del Litto, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau

Predicting a binary mask for an object is more accurate but also more computationally expensive than a bounding box. Polygonal masks as developed in CenterPoly can be a good compromise. In this paper, we improve over CenterPoly by enhancing the classical regression L1 loss with a novel region-based loss and a novel order loss, as well as with a new training process for the vertices prediction head. Moreover, the previous methods that predict polygonal masks use different coordinate systems, but it is not clear if one is better than another, if we abstract the architecture requirement. We therefore investigate their impact on the prediction. We also use a new evaluation protocol with oracle predictions for the detection head, to further isolate the segmentation process and better compare the polygonal masks with binary masks. Our instance segmentation method is trained and tested with challenging datasets containing urban scenes, with a high density of road users. Experiments show, in particular, that using a combination of a regression loss and a region-based loss allows significant improvements on the Cityscapes and IDD test set compared to CenterPoly. Moreover the inference stage remains fast enough to reach real-time performance with an average of 0.045 s per frame for 2048$\times$1024 images on a single RTX 2070 GPU. The code is available $\href{https://github.com/KatiaJDL/CenterPoly-v2}{\text{here}}$.


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