Diffusion Models

2023-05-10 更新

Data Curation for Image Captioning with Text-to-Image Generative Models

Authors:Wenyan Li, Jonas F. Lotz, Chen Qiu, Desmond Elliott

Recent advances in image captioning are mainly driven by large-scale vision-language pretraining, relying heavily on computational resources and increasingly large multimodal datasets. Instead of scaling up pretraining data, we ask whether it is possible to improve performance by improving the quality of the samples in existing datasets. We pursue this question through two approaches to data curation: one that assumes that some examples should be avoided due to mismatches between the image and caption, and one that assumes that the mismatch can be addressed by replacing the image, for which we use the state-of-the-art Stable Diffusion model. These approaches are evaluated using the BLIP model on MS COCO and Flickr30K in both finetuning and few-shot learning settings. Our simple yet effective approaches consistently outperform baselines, indicating that better image captioning models can be trained by curating existing resources. Finally, we conduct a human study to understand the errors made by the Stable Diffusion model and highlight directions for future work in text-to-image generation.


DocDiff: Document Enhancement via Residual Diffusion Models

Authors:Zongyuan Yang, Baolin Liu, Yongping Xiong, Lan Yi, Guibin Wu, Xiaojun Tang, Ziqi Liu, Junjie Zhou, Xing Zhang

Removing degradation from document images not only improves their visual quality and readability, but also enhances the performance of numerous automated document analysis and recognition tasks. However, existing regression-based methods optimized for pixel-level distortion reduction tend to suffer from significant loss of high-frequency information, leading to distorted and blurred text edges. To compensate for this major deficiency, we propose DocDiff, the first diffusion-based framework specifically designed for diverse challenging document enhancement problems, including document deblurring, denoising, and removal of watermarks and seals. DocDiff consists of two modules: the Coarse Predictor (CP), which is responsible for recovering the primary low-frequency content, and the High-Frequency Residual Refinement (HRR) module, which adopts the diffusion models to predict the residual (high-frequency information, including text edges), between the ground-truth and the CP-predicted image. DocDiff is a compact and computationally efficient model that benefits from a well-designed network architecture, an optimized training loss objective, and a deterministic sampling process with short time steps. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DocDiff achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on multiple benchmark datasets, and can significantly enhance the readability and recognizability of degraded document images. Furthermore, our proposed HRR module in pre-trained DocDiff is plug-and-play and ready-to-use, with only 4.17M parameters. It greatly sharpens the text edges generated by SOTA deblurring methods without additional joint training. Available codes: https://github.com/Royalvice/DocDiff


Synthesizing PET images from High-field and Ultra-high-field MR images Using Joint Diffusion Attention Model

Authors:Taofeng Xie, Chentao Cao, Zhuoxu Cui, Yu Guo, Caiying Wu, Xuemei Wang, Qingneng Li, Zhanli Hu, Tao Sun, Ziru Sang, Yihang Zhou, Yanjie Zhu, Dong Liang, Qiyu Jin, Guoqing Chen, Haifeng Wang

MRI and PET are crucial diagnostic tools for brain diseases, as they provide complementary information on brain structure and function. However, PET scanning is costly and involves radioactive exposure, resulting in a lack of PET. Moreover, simultaneous PET and MRI at ultra-high-field are currently hardly infeasible. Ultra-high-field imaging has unquestionably proven valuable in both clinical and academic settings, especially in the field of cognitive neuroimaging. These motivate us to propose a method for synthetic PET from high-filed MRI and ultra-high-field MRI. From a statistical perspective, the joint probability distribution (JPD) is the most direct and fundamental means of portraying the correlation between PET and MRI. This paper proposes a novel joint diffusion attention model which has the joint probability distribution and attention strategy, named JDAM. JDAM has a diffusion process and a sampling process. The diffusion process involves the gradual diffusion of PET to Gaussian noise by adding Gaussian noise, while MRI remains fixed. JPD of MRI and noise-added PET was learned in the diffusion process. The sampling process is a predictor-corrector. PET images were generated from MRI by JPD of MRI and noise-added PET. The predictor is a reverse diffusion process and the corrector is Langevin dynamics. Experimental results on the public Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art CycleGAN for high-field MRI (3T MRI). Finally, synthetic PET images from the ultra-high-field (5T MRI and 7T MRI) be attempted, providing a possibility for ultra-high-field PET-MRI imaging.


Improved Techniques for Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Diffusion ODEs

Authors:Kaiwen Zheng, Cheng Lu, Jianfei Chen, Jun Zhu

Diffusion models have exhibited excellent performance in various domains. The probability flow ordinary differential equation (ODE) of diffusion models (i.e., diffusion ODEs) is a particular case of continuous normalizing flows (CNFs), which enables deterministic inference and exact likelihood evaluation. However, the likelihood estimation results by diffusion ODEs are still far from those of the state-of-the-art likelihood-based generative models. In this work, we propose several improved techniques for maximum likelihood estimation for diffusion ODEs, including both training and evaluation perspectives. For training, we propose velocity parameterization and explore variance reduction techniques for faster convergence. We also derive an error-bounded high-order flow matching objective for finetuning, which improves the ODE likelihood and smooths its trajectory. For evaluation, we propose a novel training-free truncated-normal dequantization to fill the training-evaluation gap commonly existing in diffusion ODEs. Building upon these techniques, we achieve state-of-the-art likelihood estimation results on image datasets (2.56 on CIFAR-10, 3.43 on ImageNet-32) without variational dequantization or data augmentation.
PDF Accepted in ICML2023


A Variational Perspective on Solving Inverse Problems with Diffusion Models

Authors:Morteza Mardani, Jiaming Song, Jan Kautz, Arash Vahdat

Diffusion models have emerged as a key pillar of foundation models in visual domains. One of their critical applications is to universally solve different downstream inverse tasks via a single diffusion prior without re-training for each task. Most inverse tasks can be formulated as inferring a posterior distribution over data (e.g., a full image) given a measurement (e.g., a masked image). This is however challenging in diffusion models since the nonlinear and iterative nature of the diffusion process renders the posterior intractable. To cope with this challenge, we propose a variational approach that by design seeks to approximate the true posterior distribution. We show that our approach naturally leads to regularization by denoising diffusion process (RED-Diff) where denoisers at different timesteps concurrently impose different structural constraints over the image. To gauge the contribution of denoisers from different timesteps, we propose a weighting mechanism based on signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Our approach provides a new variational perspective for solving inverse problems with diffusion models, allowing us to formulate sampling as stochastic optimization, where one can simply apply off-the-shelf solvers with lightweight iterates. Our experiments for image restoration tasks such as inpainting and superresolution demonstrate the strengths of our method compared with state-of-the-art sampling-based diffusion models.


Prompt Tuning Inversion for Text-Driven Image Editing Using Diffusion Models

Authors:Wenkai Dong, Song Xue, Xiaoyue Duan, Shumin Han

Recently large-scale language-image models (e.g., text-guided diffusion models) have considerably improved the image generation capabilities to generate photorealistic images in various domains. Based on this success, current image editing methods use texts to achieve intuitive and versatile modification of images. To edit a real image using diffusion models, one must first invert the image to a noisy latent from which an edited image is sampled with a target text prompt. However, most methods lack one of the following: user-friendliness (e.g., additional masks or precise descriptions of the input image are required), generalization to larger domains, or high fidelity to the input image. In this paper, we design an accurate and quick inversion technique, Prompt Tuning Inversion, for text-driven image editing. Specifically, our proposed editing method consists of a reconstruction stage and an editing stage. In the first stage, we encode the information of the input image into a learnable conditional embedding via Prompt Tuning Inversion. In the second stage, we apply classifier-free guidance to sample the edited image, where the conditional embedding is calculated by linearly interpolating between the target embedding and the optimized one obtained in the first stage. This technique ensures a superior trade-off between editability and high fidelity to the input image of our method. For example, we can change the color of a specific object while preserving its original shape and background under the guidance of only a target text prompt. Extensive experiments on ImageNet demonstrate the superior editing performance of our method compared to the state-of-the-art baselines.


Real-World Denoising via Diffusion Model

Authors:Cheng Yang, Lijing Liang, Zhixun Su

Real-world image denoising is an extremely important image processing problem, which aims to recover clean images from noisy images captured in natural environments. In recent years, diffusion models have achieved very promising results in the field of image generation, outperforming previous generation models. However, it has not been widely used in the field of image denoising because it is difficult to control the appropriate position of the added noise. Inspired by diffusion models, this paper proposes a novel general denoising diffusion model that can be used for real-world image denoising. We introduce a diffusion process with linear interpolation, and the intermediate noisy image is interpolated from the original clean image and the corresponding real-world noisy image, so that this diffusion model can handle the level of added noise. In particular, we also introduce two sampling algorithms for this diffusion model. The first one is a simple sampling procedure defined according to the diffusion process, and the second one targets the problem of the first one and makes a number of improvements. Our experimental results show that our proposed method with a simple CNNs Unet achieves comparable results compared to the Transformer architecture. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations on real-world denoising benchmarks show that the proposed general diffusion model performs almost as well as against the state-of-the-art methods.


Locally Attentional SDF Diffusion for Controllable 3D Shape Generation

Authors:Xin-Yang Zheng, Hao Pan, Peng-Shuai Wang, Xin Tong, Yang Liu, Heung-Yeung Shum

Although the recent rapid evolution of 3D generative neural networks greatly improves 3D shape generation, it is still not convenient for ordinary users to create 3D shapes and control the local geometry of generated shapes. To address these challenges, we propose a diffusion-based 3D generation framework — locally attentional SDF diffusion, to model plausible 3D shapes, via 2D sketch image input. Our method is built on a two-stage diffusion model. The first stage, named occupancy-diffusion, aims to generate a low-resolution occupancy field to approximate the shape shell. The second stage, named SDF-diffusion, synthesizes a high-resolution signed distance field within the occupied voxels determined by the first stage to extract fine geometry. Our model is empowered by a novel view-aware local attention mechanism for image-conditioned shape generation, which takes advantage of 2D image patch features to guide 3D voxel feature learning, greatly improving local controllability and model generalizability. Through extensive experiments in sketch-conditioned and category-conditioned 3D shape generation tasks, we validate and demonstrate the ability of our method to provide plausible and diverse 3D shapes, as well as its superior controllability and generalizability over existing work. Our code and trained models are available at https://zhengxinyang.github.io/projects/LAS-Diffusion.html
PDF Accepted to SIGGRAPH 2023 (Journal version)


Can Diffusion Model Achieve Better Performance in Text Generation? Bridging the Gap between Training and Inference!

Authors:Zecheng Tang, Pinzheng Wang, Keyan Zhou, Juntao Li, Ziqiang Cao, Min Zhang

Diffusion models have been successfully adapted to text generation tasks by mapping the discrete text into the continuous space. However, there exist nonnegligible gaps between training and inference, owing to the absence of the forward process during inference. Thus, the model only predicts based on the previously generated reverse noise rather than the noise computed by the forward process. Besides, the widely-used downsampling strategy in speeding up the inference will cause the mismatch of diffusion trajectories between training and inference. To understand and mitigate the above two types of training-inference discrepancies, we launch a thorough preliminary study. Based on our observations, we propose two simple yet effective methods to bridge the gaps mentioned above, named Distance Penalty and Adaptive Decay Sampling. Extensive experiments on \textbf{6} generation tasks confirm the superiority of our methods, which can achieve $100\times \rightarrow 200\times$ speedup with better performance.


IIITD-20K: Dense captioning for Text-Image ReID

Authors:A V Subramanyam, Niranjan Sundararajan, Vibhu Dubey, Brejesh Lall

Text-to-Image (T2I) ReID has attracted a lot of attention in the recent past. CUHK-PEDES, RSTPReid and ICFG-PEDES are the three available benchmarks to evaluate T2I ReID methods. RSTPReid and ICFG-PEDES comprise of identities from MSMT17 but due to limited number of unique persons, the diversity is limited. On the other hand, CUHK-PEDES comprises of 13,003 identities but has relatively shorter text description on average. Further, these datasets are captured in a restricted environment with limited number of cameras. In order to further diversify the identities and provide dense captions, we propose a novel dataset called IIITD-20K. IIITD-20K comprises of 20,000 unique identities captured in the wild and provides a rich dataset for text-to-image ReID. With a minimum of 26 words for a description, each image is densely captioned. We further synthetically generate images and fine-grained captions using Stable-diffusion and BLIP models trained on our dataset. We perform elaborate experiments using state-of-art text-to-image ReID models and vision-language pre-trained models and present a comprehensive analysis of the dataset. Our experiments also reveal that synthetically generated data leads to a substantial performance improvement in both same dataset as well as cross dataset settings. Our dataset is available at https://bit.ly/3pkA3Rj.


DiffBFR: Bootstrapping Diffusion Model Towards Blind Face Restoration

Authors:Xinmin Qiu, Congying Han, ZiCheng Zhang, Bonan Li, Tiande Guo, Xuecheng Nie

Blind face restoration (BFR) is important while challenging. Prior works prefer to exploit GAN-based frameworks to tackle this task due to the balance of quality and efficiency. However, these methods suffer from poor stability and adaptability to long-tail distribution, failing to simultaneously retain source identity and restore detail. We propose DiffBFR to introduce Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DPM) for BFR to tackle the above problem, given its superiority over GAN in aspects of avoiding training collapse and generating long-tail distribution. DiffBFR utilizes a two-step design, that first restores identity information from low-quality images and then enhances texture details according to the distribution of real faces. This design is implemented with two key components: 1) Identity Restoration Module (IRM) for preserving the face details in results. Instead of denoising from pure Gaussian random distribution with LQ images as the condition during the reverse process, we propose a novel truncated sampling method which starts from LQ images with part noise added. We theoretically prove that this change shrinks the evidence lower bound of DPM and then restores more original details. With theoretical proof, two cascade conditional DPMs with different input sizes are introduced to strengthen this sampling effect and reduce training difficulty in the high-resolution image generated directly. 2) Texture Enhancement Module (TEM) for polishing the texture of the image. Here an unconditional DPM, a LQ-free model, is introduced to further force the restorations to appear realistic. We theoretically proved that this unconditional DPM trained on pure HQ images contributes to justifying the correct distribution of inference images output from IRM in pixel-level space. Truncated sampling with fractional time step is utilized to polish pixel-level textures while preserving identity information.


Diffusion Theory as a Scalpel: Detecting and Purifying Poisonous Dimensions in Pre-trained Language Models Caused by Backdoor or Bias

Authors:Zhiyuan Zhang, Deli Chen, Hao Zhou, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou, Xu Sun

Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) may be poisonous with backdoors or bias injected by the suspicious attacker during the fine-tuning process. A core challenge of purifying potentially poisonous PLMs is precisely finding poisonous dimensions. To settle this issue, we propose the Fine-purifying approach, which utilizes the diffusion theory to study the dynamic process of fine-tuning for finding potentially poisonous dimensions. According to the relationship between parameter drifts and Hessians of different dimensions, we can detect poisonous dimensions with abnormal dynamics, purify them by resetting them to clean pre-trained weights, and then fine-tune the purified weights on a small clean dataset. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study the dynamics guided by the diffusion theory for safety or defense purposes. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of Fine-purifying even with a small clean dataset.
PDF Accepted by Findings of ACL 2023


ReGeneration Learning of Diffusion Models with Rich Prompts for Zero-Shot Image Translation

Authors:Yupei Lin, Sen Zhang, Xiaojun Yang, Xiao Wang, Yukai Shi

Large-scale text-to-image models have demonstrated amazing ability to synthesize diverse and high-fidelity images. However, these models are often violated by several limitations. Firstly, they require the user to provide precise and contextually relevant descriptions for the desired image modifications. Secondly, current models can impose significant changes to the original image content during the editing process. In this paper, we explore ReGeneration learning in an image-to-image Diffusion model (ReDiffuser), that preserves the content of the original image without human prompting and the requisite editing direction is automatically discovered within the text embedding space. To ensure consistent preservation of the shape during image editing, we propose cross-attention guidance based on regeneration learning. This novel approach allows for enhanced expression of the target domain features while preserving the original shape of the image. In addition, we introduce a cooperative update strategy, which allows for efficient preservation of the original shape of an image, thereby improving the quality and consistency of shape preservation throughout the editing process. Our proposed method leverages an existing pre-trained text-image diffusion model without any additional training. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method outperforms existing work in both real and synthetic image editing.
PDF https://yupeilin2388.github.io/publication/ReDiffuser


Style-A-Video: Agile Diffusion for Arbitrary Text-based Video Style Transfer

Authors:Nisha Huang, Yuxin Zhang, Weiming Dong

Large-scale text-to-video diffusion models have demonstrated an exceptional ability to synthesize diverse videos. However, due to the lack of extensive text-to-video datasets and the necessary computational resources for training, directly applying these models for video stylization remains difficult. Also, given that the noise addition process on the input content is random and destructive, fulfilling the style transfer task’s content preservation criteria is challenging. This paper proposes a zero-shot video stylization method named Style-A-Video, which utilizes a generative pre-trained transformer with an image latent diffusion model to achieve a concise text-controlled video stylization. We improve the guidance condition in the denoising process, establishing a balance between artistic expression and structure preservation. Furthermore, to decrease inter-frame flicker and avoid the formation of additional artifacts, we employ a sampling optimization and a temporal consistency module. Extensive experiments show that we can attain superior content preservation and stylistic performance while incurring less consumption than previous solutions. Code will be available at https://github.com/haha-lisa/Style-A-Video.


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