
2023-05-03 更新

Wearing face mask detection using deep learning through COVID-19 pandemic

Authors:Javad Khoramdel, Soheila Hatami, Majid Sadedel

During the COVID-19 pandemic, wearing a face mask has been known to be an effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In lots of monitoring tasks, humans have been replaced with computers thanks to the outstanding performance of the deep learning models. Monitoring the wearing of a face mask is another task that can be done by deep learning models with acceptable accuracy. The main challenge of this task is the limited amount of data because of the quarantine. In this paper, we did an investigation on the capability of three state-of-the-art object detection neural networks on face mask detection for real-time applications. As mentioned, here are three models used, Single Shot Detector (SSD), two versions of You Only Look Once (YOLO) i.e., YOLOv4-tiny, and YOLOv4-tiny-3l from which the best was selected. In the proposed method, according to the performance of different models, the best model that can be suitable for use in real-world and mobile device applications in comparison to other recent studies was the YOLOv4-tiny model, with 85.31% and 50.66 for mean Average Precision (mAP) and Frames Per Second (FPS), respectively. These acceptable values were achieved using two datasets with only 1531 images in three separate classes.
PDF Accepted to Scientia Iranica Journal


Identity-driven Three-Player Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic-based Face Recognition

Authors:Jan Niklas Kolf, Tim Rieber, Jurek Elliesen, Fadi Boutros, Arjan Kuijper, Naser Damer

Many of the commonly used datasets for face recognition development are collected from the internet without proper user consent. Due to the increasing focus on privacy in the social and legal frameworks, the use and distribution of these datasets are being restricted and strongly questioned. These databases, which have a realistically high variability of data per identity, have enabled the success of face recognition models. To build on this success and to align with privacy concerns, synthetic databases, consisting purely of synthetic persons, are increasingly being created and used in the development of face recognition solutions. In this work, we present a three-player generative adversarial network (GAN) framework, namely IDnet, that enables the integration of identity information into the generation process. The third player in our IDnet aims at forcing the generator to learn to generate identity-separable face images. We empirically proved that our IDnet synthetic images are of higher identity discrimination in comparison to the conventional two-player GAN, while maintaining a realistic intra-identity variation. We further studied the identity link between the authentic identities used to train the generator and the generated synthetic identities, showing very low similarities between these identities. We demonstrated the applicability of our IDnet data in training face recognition models by evaluating these models on a wide set of face recognition benchmarks. In comparison to the state-of-the-art works in synthetic-based face recognition, our solution achieved comparable results to a recent rendering-based approach and outperformed all existing GAN-based approaches. The training code and the synthetic face image dataset are publicly available ( https://github.com/fdbtrs/Synthetic-Face-Recognition ).
PDF Accepted at CVPR Workshops


Synthetic Data for Face Recognition: Current State and Future Prospects

Authors:Fadi Boutros, Vitomir Struc, Julian Fierrez, Naser Damer

Over the past years, deep learning capabilities and the availability of large-scale training datasets advanced rapidly, leading to breakthroughs in face recognition accuracy. However, these technologies are foreseen to face a major challenge in the next years due to the legal and ethical concerns about using authentic biometric data in AI model training and evaluation along with increasingly utilizing data-hungry state-of-the-art deep learning models. With the recent advances in deep generative models and their success in generating realistic and high-resolution synthetic image data, privacy-friendly synthetic data has been recently proposed as an alternative to privacy-sensitive authentic data to overcome the challenges of using authentic data in face recognition development. This work aims at providing a clear and structured picture of the use-cases taxonomy of synthetic face data in face recognition along with the recent emerging advances of face recognition models developed on the bases of synthetic data. We also discuss the challenges facing the use of synthetic data in face recognition development and several future prospects of synthetic data in the domain of face recognition.
PDF Accepted at Image and Vision Computing 2023 (IVC 2023)


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