
2023-04-26 更新

Domain-Adaptive Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Face & Body Detection in Drawings

Authors:Barış Batuhan Topal, Deniz Yuret, Tevfik Metin Sezgin

Drawings are powerful means of pictorial abstraction and communication. Understanding diverse forms of drawings, including digital arts, cartoons, and comics, has been a major problem of interest for the computer vision and computer graphics communities. Although there are large amounts of digitized drawings from comic books and cartoons, they contain vast stylistic variations, which necessitate expensive manual labeling for training domain-specific recognizers. In this work, we show how self-supervised learning, based on a teacher-student network with a modified student network update design, can be used to build face and body detectors. Our setup allows exploiting large amounts of unlabeled data from the target domain when labels are provided for only a small subset of it. We further demonstrate that style transfer can be incorporated into our learning pipeline to bootstrap detectors using a vast amount of out-of-domain labeled images from natural images (i.e., images from the real world). Our combined architecture yields detectors with state-of-the-art (SOTA) and near-SOTA performance using minimal annotation effort. Our code can be accessed from https://github.com/barisbatuhan/DASS_Detector.
PDF Preprint, 8 pages of the paper itself + 7 pages of Supplementary Material


CoReFace: Sample-Guided Contrastive Regularization for Deep Face Recognition

Authors:Youzhe Song, Feng Wang

The discriminability of feature representation is the key to open-set face recognition. Previous methods rely on the learnable weights of the classification layer that represent the identities. However, the evaluation process learns no identity representation and drops the classifier from training. This inconsistency could confuse the feature encoder in understanding the evaluation goal and hinder the effect of identity-based methods. To alleviate the above problem, we propose a novel approach namely Contrastive Regularization for Face recognition (CoReFace) to apply image-level regularization in feature representation learning. Specifically, we employ sample-guided contrastive learning to regularize the training with the image-image relationship directly, which is consistent with the evaluation process. To integrate contrastive learning into face recognition, we augment embeddings instead of images to avoid the image quality degradation. Then, we propose a novel contrastive loss for the representation distribution by incorporating an adaptive margin and a supervised contrastive mask to generate steady loss values and avoid the collision with the classification supervision signal. Finally, we discover and solve the semantically repetitive signal problem in contrastive learning by exploring new pair coupling protocols. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of our CoReFace which is highly competitive with the state-of-the-art approaches.


Authors:Krishnendu K. S

With the tremendous advancements in face recognition technology, face modality has been widely recognized as a significant biometric identifier in establishing a person’s identity rather than any other biometric trait like fingerprints that require contact sensors. However, due to inter-class similarities and intra-class variations, face recognition systems generate false match and false non-match errors respectively. Recent research focuses on improving the robustness of extracted features and the pre-processing algorithms to enhance recognition accuracy. Since face recognition has been extensively used for several applications ranging from law enforcement to surveillance systems, the accuracy and performance of face recognition must be the finest. In this paper various face recognition systems are discussed and analysed like RPRV, LWKPCA, SVM Model, LTrP based SPM and a deep learning framework for recognising images from CCTV. All these face recognition methods, their implementations and performance evaluations are compared to derive the best outcome for future developmental works.


Flickr-PAD: New Face High-Resolution Presentation Attack Detection Database

Authors:Diego Pasmino, Carlos Aravena, Juan Tapia, Christoph Busch

Nowadays, Presentation Attack Detection is a very active research area. Several databases are constituted in the state-of-the-art using images extracted from videos. One of the main problems identified is that many databases present a low-quality, small image size and do not represent an operational scenario in a real remote biometric system. Currently, these images are captured from smartphones with high-quality and bigger resolutions. In order to increase the diversity of image quality, this work presents a new PAD database based on open-access Flickr images called: “Flickr-PAD”. Our new hand-made database shows high-quality printed and screen scenarios. This will help researchers to compare new approaches to existing algorithms on a wider database. This database will be available for other researchers. A leave-one-out protocol was used to train and evaluate three PAD models based on MobileNet-V3 (small and large) and EfficientNet-B0. The best result was reached with MobileNet-V3 large with BPCER10 of 7.08% and BPCER20 of 11.15%.


Face Feature Visualisation of Single Morphing Attack Detection

Authors:Juan Tapia, Christoph Busch

This paper proposes an explainable visualisation of different face feature extraction algorithms that enable the detection of bona fide and morphing images for single morphing attack detection. The feature extraction is based on raw image, shape, texture, frequency and compression. This visualisation may help to develop a Graphical User Interface for border policies and specifically for border guard personnel that have to investigate details of suspect images. A Random forest classifier was trained in a leave-one-out protocol on three landmarks-based face morphing methods and a StyleGAN-based morphing method for which morphed images are available in the FRLL database. For morphing attack detection, the Discrete Cosine-Transformation-based method obtained the best results for synthetic images and BSIF for landmark-based image features.


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