
2023-04-26 更新

AutoKary2022: A Large-Scale Densely Annotated Dataset for Chromosome Instance Segmentation

Authors:Dan You, Pengcheng Xia, Qiuzhu Chen, Minghui Wu, Suncheng Xiang, Jun Wang

Automated chromosome instance segmentation from metaphase cell microscopic images is critical for the diagnosis of chromosomal disorders (i.e., karyotype analysis). However, it is still a challenging task due to lacking of densely annotated datasets and the complicated morphologies of chromosomes, e.g., dense distribution, arbitrary orientations, and wide range of lengths. To facilitate the development of this area, we take a big step forward and manually construct a large-scale densely annotated dataset named AutoKary2022, which contains over 27,000 chromosome instances in 612 microscopic images from 50 patients. Specifically, each instance is annotated with a polygonal mask and a class label to assist in precise chromosome detection and segmentation. On top of it, we systematically investigate representative methods on this dataset and obtain a number of interesting findings, which helps us have a deeper understanding of the fundamental problems in chromosome instance segmentation. We hope this dataset could advance research towards medical understanding. The dataset can be available at: https://github.com/wangjuncongyu/chromosome-instance-segmentation-dataset.
PDF Accepted by ICME 2023


An Instance Segmentation Dataset of Yeast Cells in Microstructures

Authors:Christoph Reich, Tim Prangemeier, André O. Françani, Heinz Koeppl

Extracting single-cell information from microscopy data requires accurate instance-wise segmentations. Obtaining pixel-wise segmentations from microscopy imagery remains a challenging task, especially with the added complexity of microstructured environments. This paper presents a novel dataset for segmenting yeast cells in microstructures. We offer pixel-wise instance segmentation labels for both cells and trap microstructures. In total, we release 493 densely annotated microscopy images. To facilitate a unified comparison between novel segmentation algorithms, we propose a standardized evaluation strategy for our dataset. The aim of the dataset and evaluation strategy is to facilitate the development of new cell segmentation approaches. The dataset is publicly available at https://christophreich1996.github.io/yeast_in_microstructures_dataset/ .
PDF IEEE EMBC 2023 (accepted), Christoph Reich and Tim Prangemeier —- both authors contributed equally


SACANet: scene-aware class attention network for semantic segmentation of remote sensing images

Authors:Xiaowen Ma, Rui Che, Tingfeng Hong, Mengting Ma, Ziyan Zhao, Tian Feng, Wei Zhang

Spatial attention mechanism has been widely used in semantic segmentation of remote sensing images given its capability to model long-range dependencies. Many methods adopting spatial attention mechanism aggregate contextual information using direct relationships between pixels within an image, while ignoring the scene awareness of pixels (i.e., being aware of the global context of the scene where the pixels are located and perceiving their relative positions). Given the observation that scene awareness benefits context modeling with spatial correlations of ground objects, we design a scene-aware attention module based on a refined spatial attention mechanism embedding scene awareness. Besides, we present a local-global class attention mechanism to address the problem that general attention mechanism introduces excessive background noises while hardly considering the large intra-class variance in remote sensing images. In this paper, we integrate both scene-aware and class attentions to propose a scene-aware class attention network (SACANet) for semantic segmentation of remote sensing images. Experimental results on three datasets show that SACANet outperforms other state-of-the-art methods and validate its effectiveness. Code is available at https://github.com/xwmaxwma/rssegmentation.
PDF Accepted by ICME 2023


Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation With Region Relevance

Authors:Rui Chen, Tao Chen, Qiong Wang, Yazhou Yao

Semi-supervised semantic segmentation aims to learn from a small amount of labeled data and plenty of unlabeled ones for the segmentation task. The most common approach is to generate pseudo-labels for unlabeled images to augment the training data. However, the noisy pseudo-labels will lead to cumulative classification errors and aggravate the local inconsistency in prediction. This paper proposes a Region Relevance Network (RRN) to alleviate the problem mentioned above. Specifically, we first introduce a local pseudo-label filtering module that leverages discriminator networks to assess the accuracy of the pseudo-label at the region level. A local selection loss is proposed to mitigate the negative impact of wrong pseudo-labels in consistency regularization training. In addition, we propose a dynamic region-loss correction module, which takes the merit of network diversity to further rate the reliability of pseudo-labels and correct the convergence direction of the segmentation network with a dynamic region loss. Extensive experiments are conducted on PASCAL VOC 2012 and Cityscapes datasets with varying amounts of labeled data, demonstrating that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to current counterparts.
PDF accepted by IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2023


You Never Get a Second Chance To Make a Good First Impression: Seeding Active Learning for 3D Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Nermin Samet, Oriane Siméoni, Gilles Puy, Georgy Ponimatkin, Renaud Marlet, Vincent Lepetit

We propose SeedAL, a method to seed active learning for efficient annotation of 3D point clouds for semantic segmentation. Active Learning (AL) iteratively selects relevant data fractions to annotate within a given budget, but requires a first fraction of the dataset (a ‘seed’) to be already annotated to estimate the benefit of annotating other data fractions. We first show that the choice of the seed can significantly affect the performance of many AL methods. We then propose a method for automatically constructing a seed that will ensure good performance for AL. Assuming that images of the point clouds are available, which is common, our method relies on powerful unsupervised image features to measure the diversity of the point clouds. It selects the point clouds for the seed by optimizing the diversity under an annotation budget, which can be done by solving a linear optimization problem. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to random seeding and existing methods on both the S3DIS and SemanticKitti datasets. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/nerminsamet/seedal}.


OGMN: Occlusion-guided Multi-task Network for Object Detection in UAV Images

Authors:Xuexue Li, Wenhui Diao, Yongqiang Mao, Peng Gao, Xiuhua Mao, Xinming Li, Xian Sun

Occlusion between objects is one of the overlooked challenges for object detection in UAV images. Due to the variable altitude and angle of UAVs, occlusion in UAV images happens more frequently than that in natural scenes. Compared to occlusion in natural scene images, occlusion in UAV images happens with feature confusion problem and local aggregation characteristic. And we found that extracting or localizing occlusion between objects is beneficial for the detector to address this challenge. According to this finding, the occlusion localization task is introduced, which together with the object detection task constitutes our occlusion-guided multi-task network (OGMN). The OGMN contains the localization of occlusion and two occlusion-guided multi-task interactions. In detail, an occlusion estimation module (OEM) is proposed to precisely localize occlusion. Then the OGMN utilizes the occlusion localization results to implement occlusion-guided detection with two multi-task interactions. One interaction for the guide is between two task decoders to address the feature confusion problem, and an occlusion decoupling head (ODH) is proposed to replace the general detection head. Another interaction for guide is designed in the detection process according to local aggregation characteristic, and a two-phase progressive refinement process (TPP) is proposed to optimize the detection process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our OGMN on the Visdrone and UAVDT datasets. In particular, our OGMN achieves 35.0% mAP on the Visdrone dataset and outperforms the baseline by 5.3%. And our OGMN provides a new insight for accurate occlusion localization and achieves competitive detection performance.
PDF 20 pages, 15 figures


Augmentation-based Domain Generalization for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Manuel Schwonberg, Fadoua El Bouazati, Nico M. Schmidt, Hanno Gottschalk

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) and domain generalization (DG) are two research areas that aim to tackle the lack of generalization of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) towards unseen domains. While UDA methods have access to unlabeled target images, domain generalization does not involve any target data and only learns generalized features from a source domain. Image-style randomization or augmentation is a popular approach to improve network generalization without access to the target domain. Complex methods are often proposed that disregard the potential of simple image augmentations for out-of-domain generalization. For this reason, we systematically study the in- and out-of-domain generalization capabilities of simple, rule-based image augmentations like blur, noise, color jitter and many more. Based on a full factorial design of experiment design we provide a systematic statistical evaluation of augmentations and their interactions. Our analysis provides both, expected and unexpected, outcomes. Expected, because our experiments confirm the common scientific standard that combination of multiple different augmentations out-performs single augmentations. Unexpected, because combined augmentations perform competitive to state-of-the-art domain generalization approaches, while being significantly simpler and without training overhead. On the challenging synthetic-to-real domain shift between Synthia and Cityscapes we reach 39.5% mIoU compared to 40.9% mIoU of the best previous work. When additionally employing the recent vision transformer architecture DAFormer we outperform these benchmarks with a performance of 44.2% mIoU
PDF Accepted at Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2023 (IV 2023) Autonomy@Scale Workshop


Fully Sparse Fusion for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yingyan Li, Lue Fan, Yang Liu, Zehao Huang, Yuntao Chen, Naiyan Wang, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Tieniu Tan

Currently prevalent multimodal 3D detection methods are built upon LiDAR-based detectors that usually use dense Bird’s-Eye-View (BEV) feature maps. However, the cost of such BEV feature maps is quadratic to the detection range, making it not suitable for long-range detection. Fully sparse architecture is gaining attention as they are highly efficient in long-range perception. In this paper, we study how to effectively leverage image modality in the emerging fully sparse architecture. Particularly, utilizing instance queries, our framework integrates the well-studied 2D instance segmentation into the LiDAR side, which is parallel to the 3D instance segmentation part in the fully sparse detector. This design achieves a uniform query-based fusion framework in both the 2D and 3D sides while maintaining the fully sparse characteristic. Extensive experiments showcase state-of-the-art results on the widely used nuScenes dataset and the long-range Argoverse 2 dataset. Notably, the inference speed of the proposed method under the long-range LiDAR perception setting is 2.7 $\times$ faster than that of other state-of-the-art multimodal 3D detection methods. Code will be released at \url{https://github.com/BraveGroup/FullySparseFusion}.


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