
2023-04-19 更新

Text-Conditional Contextualized Avatars For Zero-Shot Personalization

Authors:Samaneh Azadi, Thomas Hayes, Akbar Shah, Guan Pang, Devi Parikh, Sonal Gupta

Recent large-scale text-to-image generation models have made significant improvements in the quality, realism, and diversity of the synthesized images and enable users to control the created content through language. However, the personalization aspect of these generative models is still challenging and under-explored. In this work, we propose a pipeline that enables personalization of image generation with avatars capturing a user’s identity in a delightful way. Our pipeline is zero-shot, avatar texture and style agnostic, and does not require training on the avatar at all - it is scalable to millions of users who can generate a scene with their avatar. To render the avatar in a pose faithful to the given text prompt, we propose a novel text-to-3D pose diffusion model trained on a curated large-scale dataset of in-the-wild human poses improving the performance of the SOTA text-to-motion models significantly. We show, for the first time, how to leverage large-scale image datasets to learn human 3D pose parameters and overcome the limitations of motion capture datasets.


Avatars Grow Legs: Generating Smooth Human Motion from Sparse Tracking Inputs with Diffusion Model

Authors:Yuming Du, Robin Kips, Albert Pumarola, Sebastian Starke, Ali Thabet, Artsiom Sanakoyeu

With the recent surge in popularity of AR/VR applications, realistic and accurate control of 3D full-body avatars has become a highly demanded feature. A particular challenge is that only a sparse tracking signal is available from standalone HMDs (Head Mounted Devices), often limited to tracking the user’s head and wrists. While this signal is resourceful for reconstructing the upper body motion, the lower body is not tracked and must be synthesized from the limited information provided by the upper body joints. In this paper, we present AGRoL, a novel conditional diffusion model specifically designed to track full bodies given sparse upper-body tracking signals. Our model is based on a simple multi-layer perceptron (MLP) architecture and a novel conditioning scheme for motion data. It can predict accurate and smooth full-body motion, particularly the challenging lower body movement. Unlike common diffusion architectures, our compact architecture can run in real-time, making it suitable for online body-tracking applications. We train and evaluate our model on AMASS motion capture dataset, and demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in generated motion accuracy and smoothness. We further justify our design choices through extensive experiments and ablation studies.
PDF CVPR 2023, project page: https://dulucas.github.io/agrol/


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