
2023-04-19 更新

Few-shot Camouflaged Animal Detection and Segmentation

Authors:Thanh-Danh Nguyen, Anh-Khoa Nguyen Vu, Nhat-Duy Nguyen, Vinh-Tiep Nguyen, Thanh Duc Ngo, Thanh-Toan Do, Minh-Triet Tran, Tam V. Nguyen

Camouflaged object detection and segmentation is a new and challenging research topic in computer vision. There is a serious issue of lacking data of camouflaged objects such as camouflaged animals in natural scenes. In this paper, we address the problem of few-shot learning for camouflaged object detection and segmentation. To this end, we first collect a new dataset, CAMO-FS, for the benchmark. We then propose a novel method to efficiently detect and segment the camouflaged objects in the images. In particular, we introduce the instance triplet loss and the instance memory storage. The extensive experiments demonstrated that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the newly collected dataset.
PDF Under-review Journal


Exploring Incompatible Knowledge Transfer in Few-shot Image Generation

Authors:Yunqing Zhao, Chao Du, Milad Abdollahzadeh, Tianyu Pang, Min Lin, Shuicheng Yan, Ngai-Man Cheung

Few-shot image generation (FSIG) learns to generate diverse and high-fidelity images from a target domain using a few (e.g., 10) reference samples. Existing FSIG methods select, preserve and transfer prior knowledge from a source generator (pretrained on a related domain) to learn the target generator. In this work, we investigate an underexplored issue in FSIG, dubbed as incompatible knowledge transfer, which would significantly degrade the realisticness of synthetic samples. Empirical observations show that the issue stems from the least significant filters from the source generator. To this end, we propose knowledge truncation to mitigate this issue in FSIG, which is a complementary operation to knowledge preservation and is implemented by a lightweight pruning-based method. Extensive experiments show that knowledge truncation is simple and effective, consistently achieving state-of-the-art performance, including challenging setups where the source and target domains are more distant. Project Page: yunqing-me.github.io/RICK.
PDF 25 pages, 16 figures, 10 tables. The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023


Sabiá: Portuguese Large Language Models

Authors:Ramon Pires, Hugo Abonizio, Thales Rogério, Rodrigo Nogueira

As the capabilities of language models continue to advance, it is conceivable that “one-size-fits-all” model will remain as the main paradigm. For instance, given the vast number of languages worldwide, many of which are low-resource, the prevalent practice is to pretrain a single model on multiple languages. In this paper, we add to the growing body of evidence that challenges this practice, demonstrating that monolingual pretraining on the target language significantly improves models already extensively trained on diverse corpora. More specifically, we further pretrain GPT-J and LLaMA models on Portuguese texts using 3% or less of their original pretraining budget. Few-shot evaluations on Poeta, a suite of 14 Portuguese datasets, reveal that our models outperform English-centric and multilingual counterparts by a significant margin. Our best model, Sabi\’a-65B, performs on par with GPT-3.5-turbo. By evaluating on datasets originally conceived in the target language as well as translated ones, we study the contributions of language-specific pretraining in terms of 1) capturing linguistic nuances and structures inherent to the target language, and 2) enriching the model’s knowledge about a domain or culture. Our results indicate that the majority of the benefits stem from the domain-specific knowledge acquired through monolingual pretraining.


Chain of Thought Prompt Tuning in Vision Language Models

Authors:Jiaxin Ge, Hongyin Luo, Siyuan Qian, Yulu Gan, Jie Fu, Shanghang Zhan

Language-Image Pre-training has demonstrated promising results on zero-shot and few-shot downstream tasks by prompting visual models with natural language prompts. However, most recent studies only use a single prompt for tuning, neglecting the inherent step-to-step cognitive reasoning process that humans conduct in complex task settings, for example, when processing images from unfamiliar domains. Chain of Thought is a simple and effective approximation to human reasoning process and has been proven useful for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Based on this cognitive intuition, we believe that conducting effective reasoning is also an important problem in visual tasks, and a chain of thought could be a solution to this problem. In this work, we propose a novel chain of thought prompt tuning for vision-language modeling. Extensive experiments show that our method not only generalizes better in image classification tasks, has greater transferability beyond a single dataset, and has stronger domain generalization performance, but also performs much better in imagetext retrieval and visual question answering, which require more reasoning capabilities. We are the first to successfully adapt chain-of-thought prompting that combines visual and textual embeddings. We will release our codes


Progressive Visual Prompt Learning with Contrastive Feature Re-formation

Authors:Chen Xu, Haocheng Shen, Fengyuan Shi, Boheng Chen, Yixuan Liao, Xiaoxin Chen, Limin Wang

Prompt learning has been designed as an alternative to fine-tuning for adapting Vision-language (V-L) models to the downstream tasks. Previous works mainly focus on text prompt while visual prompt works are limited for V-L models. The existing visual prompt methods endure either mediocre performance or unstable training process, indicating the difficulty of visual prompt learning. In this paper, we propose a new Progressive Visual Prompt (ProVP) structure to strengthen the interactions among prompts of different layers. More importantly, our ProVP could effectively propagate the image embeddings to deep layers and behave partially similar to an instance adaptive prompt method. To alleviate generalization deterioration, we further propose a new contrastive feature re-formation, which prevents the serious deviation of the prompted visual feature from the fixed CLIP visual feature distribution. Combining both, our method (ProVP-Ref) is evaluated on 11 image benchmark datasets and achieves 7/11 state-of-theart results on both few-shot and base-to-novel settings. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to demonstrate the superior performance of visual prompts in V-L models to previous prompt-based methods in downstream tasks. Meanwhile, it implies that our ProVP-Ref shows the best capability to adapt and to generalize.
PDF 14 pages,8 figures and 10 tables


BenchMD: A Benchmark for Modality-Agnostic Learning on Medical Images and Sensors

Authors:Kathryn Wantlin, Chenwei Wu, Shih-Cheng Huang, Oishi Banerjee, Farah Dadabhoy, Veeral Vipin Mehta, Ryan Wonhee Han, Fang Cao, Raja R. Narayan, Errol Colak, Adewole Adamson, Laura Heacock, Geoffrey H. Tison, Alex Tamkin, Pranav Rajpurkar

Medical data poses a daunting challenge for AI algorithms: it exists in many different modalities, experiences frequent distribution shifts, and suffers from a scarcity of examples and labels. Recent advances, including transformers and self-supervised learning, promise a more universal approach that can be applied flexibly across these diverse conditions. To measure and drive progress in this direction, we present BenchMD: a benchmark that tests how modality-agnostic methods, including architectures and training techniques (e.g. self-supervised learning, ImageNet pretraining), perform on a diverse array of clinically-relevant medical tasks. BenchMD combines 19 publicly available datasets for 7 medical modalities, including 1D sensor data, 2D images, and 3D volumetric scans. Our benchmark reflects real-world data constraints by evaluating methods across a range of dataset sizes, including challenging few-shot settings that incentivize the use of pretraining. Finally, we evaluate performance on out-of-distribution data collected at different hospitals than the training data, representing naturally-occurring distribution shifts that frequently degrade the performance of medical AI models. Our baseline results demonstrate that no modality-agnostic technique achieves strong performance across all modalities, leaving ample room for improvement on the benchmark. Code is released at https://github.com/rajpurkarlab/BenchMD .


Revisiting k-NN for Pre-trained Language Models

Authors:Lei Li, Jing Chen, Bozhong Tian, Ningyu Zhang

Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs), as parametric-based eager learners, have become the de-facto choice for current paradigms of Natural Language Processing (NLP). In contrast, k-Nearest-Neighbor (k-NN) classifiers, as the lazy learning paradigm, tend to mitigate over-fitting and isolated noise. In this paper, we revisit k-NN classifiers for augmenting the PLMs-based classifiers. From the methodological level, we propose to adopt k-NN with textual representations of PLMs in two steps: (1) Utilize k-NN as prior knowledge to calibrate the training process. (2) Linearly interpolate the probability distribution predicted by k-NN with that of the PLMs’ classifier. At the heart of our approach is the implementation of k-NN-calibrated training, which treats predicted results as indicators for easy versus hard examples during the training process. From the perspective of the diversity of application scenarios, we conduct extensive experiments on fine-tuning, prompt-tuning paradigms and zero-shot, few-shot and fully-supervised settings, respectively, across eight diverse end-tasks. We hope our exploration will encourage the community to revisit the power of classical methods for efficient NLP\footnote{Code and datasets are available in https://github.com/zjunlp/Revisit-KNN.
PDF Work in progress


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