
2023-04-13 更新

Rethinking Dense Retrieval’s Few-Shot Ability

Authors:Si Sun, Yida Lu, Shi Yu, Xiangyang Li, Zhonghua Li, Zhao Cao, Zhiyuan Liu, Deiming Ye, Jie Bao

Few-shot dense retrieval (DR) aims to effectively generalize to novel search scenarios by learning a few samples. Despite its importance, there is little study on specialized datasets and standardized evaluation protocols. As a result, current methods often resort to random sampling from supervised datasets to create “few-data” setups and employ inconsistent training strategies during evaluations, which poses a challenge in accurately comparing recent progress. In this paper, we propose a customized FewDR dataset and a unified evaluation benchmark. Specifically, FewDR employs class-wise sampling to establish a standardized “few-shot” setting with finely-defined classes, reducing variability in multiple sampling rounds. Moreover, the dataset is disjointed into base and novel classes, allowing DR models to be continuously trained on ample data from base classes and a few samples in novel classes. This benchmark eliminates the risk of novel class leakage, providing a reliable estimation of the DR model’s few-shot ability. Our extensive empirical results reveal that current state-of-the-art DR models still face challenges in the standard few-shot scene. Our code and data will be open-sourced at https://github.com/OpenMatch/ANCE-Tele.
PDF Work in progress


Boosted Prompt Ensembles for Large Language Models

Authors:Silviu Pitis, Michael R. Zhang, Andrew Wang, Jimmy Ba

Methods such as chain-of-thought prompting and self-consistency have pushed the frontier of language model reasoning performance with no additional training. To further improve performance, we propose a prompt ensembling method for large language models, which uses a small dataset to construct a set of few shot prompts that together comprise a boosted prompt ensemble''. The few shot examples for each prompt are chosen in a stepwise fashion to behard’’ examples on which the previous step’s ensemble is uncertain. We show that this outperforms single-prompt output-space ensembles and bagged prompt-space ensembles on the GSM8k and AQuA datasets, among others. We propose both train-time and test-time versions of boosted prompting that use different levels of available annotation and conduct a detailed empirical study of our algorithm.


APPLeNet: Visual Attention Parameterized Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Generalization using CLIP

Authors:Mainak Singha, Ankit Jha, Bhupendra Solanki, Shirsha Bose, Biplab Banerjee

In recent years, the success of large-scale vision-language models (VLMs) such as CLIP has led to their increased usage in various computer vision tasks. These models enable zero-shot inference through carefully crafted instructional text prompts without task-specific supervision. However, the potential of VLMs for generalization tasks in remote sensing (RS) has not been fully realized. To address this research gap, we propose a novel image-conditioned prompt learning strategy called the Visual Attention Parameterized Prompts Learning Network (APPLeNet). APPLeNet emphasizes the importance of multi-scale feature learning in RS scene classification and disentangles visual style and content primitives for domain generalization tasks. To achieve this, APPLeNet combines visual content features obtained from different layers of the vision encoder and style properties obtained from feature statistics of domain-specific batches. An attention-driven injection module is further introduced to generate visual tokens from this information. We also introduce an anti-correlation regularizer to ensure discrimination among the token embeddings, as this visual information is combined with the textual tokens. To validate APPLeNet, we curated four available RS benchmarks and introduced experimental protocols and datasets for three domain generalization tasks. Our results consistently outperform the relevant literature and code is available at https://github.com/mainaksingha01/APPLeNet
PDF 11 Pages, 6 figures, 8 tables, Accepted in Earth Vision (CVPR 2023)


GPr-Net: Geometric Prototypical Network for Point Cloud Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Tejas Anvekar, Dena Bazazian

In the realm of 3D-computer vision applications, point cloud few-shot learning plays a critical role. However, it poses an arduous challenge due to the sparsity, irregularity, and unordered nature of the data. Current methods rely on complex local geometric extraction techniques such as convolution, graph, and attention mechanisms, along with extensive data-driven pre-training tasks. These approaches contradict the fundamental goal of few-shot learning, which is to facilitate efficient learning. To address this issue, we propose GPr-Net (Geometric Prototypical Network), a lightweight and computationally efficient geometric prototypical network that captures the intrinsic topology of point clouds and achieves superior performance. Our proposed method, IGI++ (Intrinsic Geometry Interpreter++) employs vector-based hand-crafted intrinsic geometry interpreters and Laplace vectors to extract and evaluate point cloud morphology, resulting in improved representations for FSL (Few-Shot Learning). Additionally, Laplace vectors enable the extraction of valuable features from point clouds with fewer points. To tackle the distribution drift challenge in few-shot metric learning, we leverage hyperbolic space and demonstrate that our approach handles intra and inter-class variance better than existing point cloud few-shot learning methods. Experimental results on the ModelNet40 dataset show that GPr-Net outperforms state-of-the-art methods in few-shot learning on point clouds, achieving utmost computational efficiency that is $170\times$ better than all existing works. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/TejasAnvekar/GPr-Net.


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