
2023-04-12 更新

Enhancing Low-resolution Face Recognition with Feature Similarity Knowledge Distillation

Authors:Sungho Shin, Yeonguk Yu, Kyoobin Lee

In this study, we introduce a feature knowledge distillation framework to improve low-resolution (LR) face recognition performance using knowledge obtained from high-resolution (HR) images. The proposed framework transfers informative features from an HR-trained network to an LR-trained network by reducing the distance between them. A cosine similarity measure was employed as a distance metric to effectively align the HR and LR features. This approach differs from conventional knowledge distillation frameworks, which use the L_p distance metrics and offer the advantage of converging well when reducing the distance between features of different resolutions. Our framework achieved a 3% improvement over the previous state-of-the-art method on the AgeDB-30 benchmark without bells and whistles, while maintaining a strong performance on HR images. The effectiveness of cosine similarity as a distance metric was validated through statistical analysis, making our approach a promising solution for real-world applications in which LR images are frequently encountered. The code and pretrained models are publicly available on https://github.com/gist-ailab/feature-similarity-KD.


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