
2023-04-11 更新

Interpretable Unified Language Checking

Authors:Tianhua Zhang, Hongyin Luo, Yung-Sung Chuang, Wei Fang, Luc Gaitskell, Thomas Hartvigsen, Xixin Wu, Danny Fox, Helen Meng, James Glass

Despite recent concerns about undesirable behaviors generated by large language models (LLMs), including non-factual, biased, and hateful language, we find LLMs are inherent multi-task language checkers based on their latent representations of natural and social knowledge. We present an interpretable, unified, language checking (UniLC) method for both human and machine-generated language that aims to check if language input is factual and fair. While fairness and fact-checking tasks have been handled separately with dedicated models, we find that LLMs can achieve high performance on a combination of fact-checking, stereotype detection, and hate speech detection tasks with a simple, few-shot, unified set of prompts. With the ``1/2-shot’’ multi-task language checking method proposed in this work, the GPT3.5-turbo model outperforms fully supervised baselines on several language tasks. The simple approach and results suggest that based on strong latent knowledge representations, an LLM can be an adaptive and explainable tool for detecting misinformation, stereotypes, and hate speech.
PDF 10 + 5 pages


WikiGoldSK: Annotated Dataset, Baselines and Few-Shot Learning Experiments for Slovak Named Entity Recognition

Authors:Dávid Šuba, Marek Šuppa, Jozef Kubík, Endre Hamerlik, Martin Takáč

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a fundamental NLP tasks with a wide range of practical applications. The performance of state-of-the-art NER methods depends on high quality manually anotated datasets which still do not exist for some languages. In this work we aim to remedy this situation in Slovak by introducing WikiGoldSK, the first sizable human labelled Slovak NER dataset. We benchmark it by evaluating state-of-the-art multilingual Pretrained Language Models and comparing it to the existing silver-standard Slovak NER dataset. We also conduct few-shot experiments and show that training on a sliver-standard dataset yields better results. To enable future work that can be based on Slovak NER, we release the dataset, code, as well as the trained models publicly under permissible licensing terms at https://github.com/NaiveNeuron/WikiGoldSK.
PDF BSNLP 2023 Workshop at EACL 2023


MERMAIDE: Learning to Align Learners using Model-Based Meta-Learning

Authors:Arundhati Banerjee, Soham Phade, Stefano Ermon, Stephan Zheng

We study how a principal can efficiently and effectively intervene on the rewards of a previously unseen learning agent in order to induce desirable outcomes. This is relevant to many real-world settings like auctions or taxation, where the principal may not know the learning behavior nor the rewards of real people. Moreover, the principal should be few-shot adaptable and minimize the number of interventions, because interventions are often costly. We introduce MERMAIDE, a model-based meta-learning framework to train a principal that can quickly adapt to out-of-distribution agents with different learning strategies and reward functions. We validate this approach step-by-step. First, in a Stackelberg setting with a best-response agent, we show that meta-learning enables quick convergence to the theoretically known Stackelberg equilibrium at test time, although noisy observations severely increase the sample complexity. We then show that our model-based meta-learning approach is cost-effective in intervening on bandit agents with unseen explore-exploit strategies. Finally, we outperform baselines that use either meta-learning or agent behavior modeling, in both $0$-shot and $K=1$-shot settings with partial agent information.


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