
2023-04-07 更新

Super-Resolving Face Image by Facial Parsing Information

Authors:Chenyang Wang, Junjun Jiang, Zhiwei Zhong, Deming Zhai, Xianming Liu

Face super-resolution is a technology that transforms a low-resolution face image into the corresponding high-resolution one. In this paper, we build a novel parsing map guided face super-resolution network which extracts the face prior (i.e., parsing map) directly from low-resolution face image for the following utilization. To exploit the extracted prior fully, a parsing map attention fusion block is carefully designed, which can not only effectively explore the information of parsing map, but also combines powerful attention mechanism. Moreover, in light of that high-resolution features contain more precise spatial information while low-resolution features provide strong contextual information, we hope to maintain and utilize these complementary information. To achieve this goal, we develop a multi-scale refine block to maintain spatial and contextual information and take advantage of multi-scale features to refine the feature representations. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-arts in terms of quantitative metrics and visual quality. The source codes will be available at https://github.com/wcy-cs/FishFSRNet.


Mask Detection and Classification in Thermal Face Images

Authors:Natalia Kowalczyk, Jacek Rumiński

Face masks are recommended to reduce the transmission of many viruses, especially SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the automatic detection of whether there is a mask on the face, what type of mask is worn, and how it is worn is an important research topic. In this work, the use of thermal imaging was considered to analyze the possibility of detecting (localizing) a mask on the face, as well as to check whether it is possible to classify the type of mask on the face. The previously proposed dataset of thermal images was extended and annotated with the description of a type of mask and a location of a mask within a face. Different deep learning models were adapted. The best model for face mask detection turned out to be the Yolov5 model in the “nano” version, reaching mAP higher than 97% and precision of about 95%. High accuracy was also obtained for mask type classification. The best results were obtained for the convolutional neural network model built on an autoencoder initially trained in the thermal image reconstruction problem. The pretrained encoder was used to train a classifier which achieved an accuracy of 91%.


文章作者: 木子已
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