
2023-04-04 更新

Accuracy Improvement of Object Detection in VVC Coded Video Using YOLO-v7 Features

Authors:Takahiro Shindo, Taiju Watanabe, Kein Yamada, Hiroshi Watanabe

With advances in image recognition technology based on deep learning, automatic video analysis by Artificial Intelligence is becoming more widespread. As the amount of video used for image recognition increases, efficient compression methods for such video data are necessary. In general, when the image quality deteriorates due to image encoding, the image recognition accuracy also falls. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a neural-network-based approach to improve image recognition accuracy, especially the object detection accuracy by applying post-processing to the encoded video. Versatile Video Coding (VVC) will be used for the video compression method, since it is the latest video coding method with the best encoding performance. The neural network is trained using the features of YOLO-v7, the latest object detection model. By using VVC as the video coding method and YOLO-v7 as the detection model, high object detection accuracy is achieved even at low bit rates. Experimental results show that the combination of the proposed method and VVC achieves better coding performance than regular VVC in object detection accuracy.


Associating Spatially-Consistent Grouping with Text-supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Yabo Zhang, Zihao Wang, Jun Hao Liew, Jingjia Huang, Manyu Zhu, Jiashi Feng, Wangmeng Zuo

In this work, we investigate performing semantic segmentation solely through the training on image-sentence pairs. Due to the lack of dense annotations, existing text-supervised methods can only learn to group an image into semantic regions via pixel-insensitive feedback. As a result, their grouped results are coarse and often contain small spurious regions, limiting the upper-bound performance of segmentation. On the other hand, we observe that grouped results from self-supervised models are more semantically consistent and break the bottleneck of existing methods. Motivated by this, we introduce associate self-supervised spatially-consistent grouping with text-supervised semantic segmentation. Considering the part-like grouped results, we further adapt a text-supervised model from image-level to region-level recognition with two core designs. First, we encourage fine-grained alignment with a one-way noun-to-region contrastive loss, which reduces the mismatched noun-region pairs. Second, we adopt a contextually aware masking strategy to enable simultaneous recognition of all grouped regions. Coupled with spatially-consistent grouping and region-adapted recognition, our method achieves 59.2% mIoU and 32.4% mIoU on Pascal VOC and Pascal Context benchmarks, significantly surpassing the state-of-the-art methods.


WeakTr: Exploring Plain Vision Transformer for Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Lianghui Zhu, Yingyue Li, Jieming Fang, Yan Liu, Hao Xin, Wenyu Liu, Xinggang Wang

This paper explores the properties of the plain Vision Transformer (ViT) for Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS). The class activation map (CAM) is of critical importance for understanding a classification network and launching WSSS. We observe that different attention heads of ViT focus on different image areas. Thus a novel weight-based method is proposed to end-to-end estimate the importance of attention heads, while the self-attention maps are adaptively fused for high-quality CAM results that tend to have more complete objects. Besides, we propose a ViT-based gradient clipping decoder for online retraining with the CAM results to complete the WSSS task. We name this plain Transformer-based Weakly-supervised learning framework WeakTr. It achieves the state-of-the-art WSSS performance on standard benchmarks, i.e., 78.4% mIoU on the val set of PASCAL VOC 2012 and 50.3% mIoU on the val set of COCO 2014. Code is available at https://github.com/hustvl/WeakTr.
PDF 20 pages, 11 figures


Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation with Decoupled One-Pass Network

Authors:Cong Han, Yujie Zhong, Dengjie Li, Kai Han, Lin Ma

Recently, the zero-shot semantic segmentation problem has attracted increasing attention, and the best performing methods are based on two-stream networks: one stream for proposal mask generation and the other for segment classification using a pre-trained visual-language model. However, existing two-stream methods require passing a great number of (up to a hundred) image crops into the visuallanguage model, which is highly inefficient. To address the problem, we propose a network that only needs a single pass through the visual-language model for each input image. Specifically, we first propose a novel network adaptation approach, termed patch severance, to restrict the harmful interference between the patch embeddings in the pre-trained visual encoder. We then propose classification anchor learning to encourage the network to spatially focus on more discriminative features for classification. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves outstanding performance, surpassing state-of-theart methods while being 4 to 7 times faster at inference. We release our code at https://github.com/CongHan0808/DeOP.git.
PDF 13pages, 9 figures


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