
2023-03-29 更新

Building Scalable Video Understanding Benchmarks through Sports

Authors:Aniket Agarwal, Alex Zhang, Karthik Narasimhan, Igor Gilitschenski, Vishvak Murahari, Yash Kant

Existing benchmarks for evaluating long video understanding falls short on two critical aspects, either lacking in scale or quality of annotations. These limitations arise from the difficulty in collecting dense annotations for long videos, which often require manually labeling each frame. In this work, we introduce an automated Annotation and Video Stream Alignment Pipeline (abbreviated ASAP). We demonstrate the generality of ASAP by aligning unlabeled videos of four different sports with corresponding freely available dense web annotations (i.e. commentary). We then leverage ASAP scalability to create LCric, a large-scale long video understanding benchmark, with over 1000 hours of densely annotated long Cricket videos (with an average sample length of ~50 mins) collected at virtually zero annotation cost. We benchmark and analyze state-of-the-art video understanding models on LCric through a large set of compositional multi-choice and regression queries. We establish a human baseline that indicates significant room for new research to explore. Our human studies indicate that ASAP can align videos and annotations with high fidelity, precision, and speed. The dataset along with the code for ASAP and baselines can be accessed here: https://asap-benchmark.github.io/.


Selective Structured State-Spaces for Long-Form Video Understanding

Authors:Jue Wang, Wentao Zhu, Pichao Wang, Xiang Yu, Linda Liu, Mohamed Omar, Raffay Hamid

Effective modeling of complex spatiotemporal dependencies in long-form videos remains an open problem. The recently proposed Structured State-Space Sequence (S4) model with its linear complexity offers a promising direction in this space. However, we demonstrate that treating all image-tokens equally as done by S4 model can adversely affect its efficiency and accuracy. To address this limitation, we present a novel Selective S4 (i.e., S5) model that employs a lightweight mask generator to adaptively select informative image tokens resulting in more efficient and accurate modeling of long-term spatiotemporal dependencies in videos. Unlike previous mask-based token reduction methods used in transformers, our S5 model avoids the dense self-attention calculation by making use of the guidance of the momentum-updated S4 model. This enables our model to efficiently discard less informative tokens and adapt to various long-form video understanding tasks more effectively. However, as is the case for most token reduction methods, the informative image tokens could be dropped incorrectly. To improve the robustness and the temporal horizon of our model, we propose a novel long-short masked contrastive learning (LSMCL) approach that enables our model to predict longer temporal context using shorter input videos. We present extensive comparative results using three challenging long-form video understanding datasets (LVU, COIN and Breakfast), demonstrating that our approach consistently outperforms the previous state-of-the-art S4 model by up to 9.6% accuracy while reducing its memory footprint by 23%.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023


System-status-aware Adaptive Network for Online Streaming Video Understanding

Authors:Lin Geng Foo, Jia Gong, Zhipeng Fan, Jun Liu

Recent years have witnessed great progress in deep neural networks for real-time applications. However, most existing works do not explicitly consider the general case where the device’s state and the available resources fluctuate over time, and none of them investigate or address the impact of varying computational resources for online video understanding tasks. This paper proposes a System-status-aware Adaptive Network (SAN) that considers the device’s real-time state to provide high-quality predictions with low delay. Usage of our agent’s policy improves efficiency and robustness to fluctuations of the system status. On two widely used video understanding tasks, SAN obtains state-of-the-art performance while constantly keeping processing delays low. Moreover, training such an agent on various types of hardware configurations is not easy as the labeled training data might not be available, or can be computationally prohibitive. To address this challenging problem, we propose a Meta Self-supervised Adaptation (MSA) method that adapts the agent’s policy to new hardware configurations at test-time, allowing for easy deployment of the model onto other unseen hardware platforms.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023


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