Domain Adaptation

2023-03-20 更新

Guiding Pseudo-labels with Uncertainty Estimation for Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Authors:Mattia Litrico, Alessio Del Bue, Pietro Morerio

Standard Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) methods assume the availability of both source and target data during the adaptation. In this work, we investigate Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SF-UDA), a specific case of UDA where a model is adapted to a target domain without access to source data. We propose a novel approach for the SF-UDA setting based on a loss reweighting strategy that brings robustness against the noise that inevitably affects the pseudo-labels. The classification loss is reweighted based on the reliability of the pseudo-labels that is measured by estimating their uncertainty. Guided by such reweighting strategy, the pseudo-labels are progressively refined by aggregating knowledge from neighbouring samples. Furthermore, a self-supervised contrastive framework is leveraged as a target space regulariser to enhance such knowledge aggregation. A novel negative pairs exclusion strategy is proposed to identify and exclude negative pairs made of samples sharing the same class, even in presence of some noise in the pseudo-labels. Our method outperforms previous methods on three major benchmarks by a large margin. We set the new SF-UDA state-of-the-art on VisDA-C and DomainNet with a performance gain of +1.8% on both benchmarks and on PACS with +12.3% in the single-source setting and +6.6% in multi-target adaptation. Additional analyses demonstrate that the proposed approach is robust to the noise, which results in significantly more accurate pseudo-labels compared to state-of-the-art approaches.
PDF To be published in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023


Unsupervised Self-Driving Attention Prediction via Uncertainty Mining and Knowledge Embedding

Authors:Pengfei Zhu, Mengshi Qi, Xia Li, Weijian Li, Huadong Ma

Predicting attention regions of interest is an important yet challenging task for self-driving systems. Existing methodologies rely on large-scale labeled traffic datasets that are labor-intensive to obtain. Besides, the huge domain gap between natural scenes and traffic scenes in current datasets also limits the potential for model training. To address these challenges, we are the first to introduce an unsupervised way to predict self-driving attention by uncertainty modeling and driving knowledge integration. Our approach’s Uncertainty Mining Branch (UMB) discovers commonalities and differences from multiple generated pseudo-labels achieved from models pre-trained on natural scenes by actively measuring the uncertainty. Meanwhile, our Knowledge Embedding Block (KEB) bridges the domain gap by incorporating driving knowledge to adaptively refine the generated pseudo-labels. Quantitative and qualitative results with equivalent or even more impressive performance compared to fully-supervised state-of-the-art approaches across all three public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and the potential of this direction. The code will be made publicly available.


Bidirectional Domain Mixup for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Daehan Kim, Minseok Seo, Kwanyong Park, Inkyu Shin, Sanghyun Woo, In-So Kweon, Dong-Geol Choi

Mixup provides interpolated training samples and allows the model to obtain smoother decision boundaries for better generalization. The idea can be naturally applied to the domain adaptation task, where we can mix the source and target samples to obtain domain-mixed samples for better adaptation. However, the extension of the idea from classification to segmentation (i.e., structured output) is nontrivial. This paper systematically studies the impact of mixup under the domain adaptaive semantic segmentation task and presents a simple yet effective mixup strategy called Bidirectional Domain Mixup (BDM). In specific, we achieve domain mixup in two-step: cut and paste. Given the warm-up model trained from any adaptation techniques, we forward the source and target samples and perform a simple threshold-based cut out of the unconfident regions (cut). After then, we fill-in the dropped regions with the other domain region patches (paste). In doing so, we jointly consider class distribution, spatial structure, and pseudo label confidence. Based on our analysis, we found that BDM leaves domain transferable regions by cutting, balances the dataset-level class distribution while preserving natural scene context by pasting. We coupled our proposal with various state-of-the-art adaptation models and observe significant improvement consistently. We also provide extensive ablation experiments to empirically verify our main components of the framework. Visit our project page with the code at
PDF 10 pages, 3 figures, Accepted on AAAI 2023


Exploring Sparse Visual Prompt for Cross-domain Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Senqiao Yang, Jiarui Wu, Jiaming Liu, Xiaoqi Li, Qizhe Zhang, Mingjie Pan, Mingjie Pan, Shanghang Zhang

Visual Domain Prompts (VDP) have shown promising potential in addressing visual cross-domain problems. Existing methods adopt VDP in classification domain adaptation (DA), such as tuning image-level or feature-level prompts for target domains. Since the previous dense prompts are opaque and mask out continuous spatial details in the prompt regions, it will suffer from inaccurate contextual information extraction and insufficient domain-specific feature transferring when dealing with the dense prediction (i.e. semantic segmentation) DA problems. Therefore, we propose a novel Sparse Visual Domain Prompts (SVDP) approach tailored for addressing domain shift problems in semantic segmentation, which holds minimal discrete trainable parameters (e.g. 10\%) of the prompt and reserves more spatial information. To better apply SVDP, we propose Domain Prompt Placement (DPP) method to adaptively distribute several SVDP on regions with large data distribution distance based on uncertainty guidance. It aims to extract more local domain-specific knowledge and realizes efficient cross-domain learning. Furthermore, we design a Domain Prompt Updating (DPU) method to optimize prompt parameters differently for each target domain sample with different degrees of domain shift, which helps SVDP to better fit target domain knowledge. Experiments, which are conducted on the widely-used benchmarks (Cityscapes, Foggy-Cityscapes, and ACDC), show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performances on the source-free adaptations, including six Test Time Adaptation and one Continual Test-Time Adaptation in semantic segmentation.


TeSLA: Test-Time Self-Learning With Automatic Adversarial Augmentation

Authors:Devavrat Tomar, Guillaume Vray, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Most recent test-time adaptation methods focus on only classification tasks, use specialized network architectures, destroy model calibration or rely on lightweight information from the source domain. To tackle these issues, this paper proposes a novel Test-time Self-Learning method with automatic Adversarial augmentation dubbed TeSLA for adapting a pre-trained source model to the unlabeled streaming test data. In contrast to conventional self-learning methods based on cross-entropy, we introduce a new test-time loss function through an implicitly tight connection with the mutual information and online knowledge distillation. Furthermore, we propose a learnable efficient adversarial augmentation module that further enhances online knowledge distillation by simulating high entropy augmented images. Our method achieves state-of-the-art classification and segmentation results on several benchmarks and types of domain shifts, particularly on challenging measurement shifts of medical images. TeSLA also benefits from several desirable properties compared to competing methods in terms of calibration, uncertainty metrics, insensitivity to model architectures, and source training strategies, all supported by extensive ablations. Our code and models are available on GitHub.


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