
2023-03-16 更新

AutoEnsemble: Automated Ensemble Search Framework for Semantic Segmentation Using Image Labels

Authors:Erik Ostrowski, Muhammad Shafique

A key bottleneck of employing state-of-the-art semantic segmentation networks in the real world is the availability of training labels. Standard semantic segmentation networks require massive pixel-wise annotated labels to reach state-of-the-art prediction quality. Hence, several works focus on semantic segmentation networks trained with only image-level annotations. However, when scrutinizing the state-of-the-art results in more detail, we notice that although they are very close to each other on average prediction quality, different approaches perform better in different classes while providing low quality in others. To address this problem, we propose a novel framework, AutoEnsemble, which employs an ensemble of the “pseudo-labels” for a given set of different segmentation techniques on a class-wise level. Pseudo-labels are the pixel-wise predictions of the image-level semantic segmentation frameworks used to train the final segmentation model. Our pseudo-labels seamlessly combine the strong points of multiple segmentation techniques approaches to reach superior prediction quality. We reach up to 2.4% improvement over AutoEnsemble’s components. An exhaustive analysis was performed to demonstrate AutoEnsemble’s effectiveness over state-of-the-art frameworks for image-level semantic segmentation.
PDF This paper is submitted to a IEEE conference for peer review publication


SeqCo-DETR: Sequence Consistency Training for Self-Supervised Object Detection with Transformers

Authors:Guoqiang Jin, Fan Yang, Mingshan Sun, Ruyi Zhao, Yakun Liu, Wei Li, Tianpeng Bao, Liwei Wu, Xingyu Zeng, Rui Zhao

Self-supervised pre-training and transformer-based networks have significantly improved the performance of object detection. However, most of the current self-supervised object detection methods are built on convolutional-based architectures. We believe that the transformers’ sequence characteristics should be considered when designing a transformer-based self-supervised method for the object detection task. To this end, we propose SeqCo-DETR, a novel Sequence Consistency-based self-supervised method for object DEtection with TRansformers. SeqCo-DETR defines a simple but effective pretext by minimizes the discrepancy of the output sequences of transformers with different image views as input and leverages bipartite matching to find the most relevant sequence pairs to improve the sequence-level self-supervised representation learning performance. Furthermore, we provide a mask-based augmentation strategy incorporated with the sequence consistency strategy to extract more representative contextual information about the object for the object detection task. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on MS COCO (45.8 AP) and PASCAL VOC (64.1 AP), demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.


SIM: Semantic-aware Instance Mask Generation for Box-Supervised Instance Segmentation

Authors:Ruihuang Li, Chenhang He, Yabin Zhang, Shuai Li, Liyi Chen, Lei Zhang

Weakly supervised instance segmentation using only bounding box annotations has recently attracted much research attention. Most of the current efforts leverage low-level image features as extra supervision without explicitly exploiting the high-level semantic information of the objects, which will become ineffective when the foreground objects have similar appearances to the background or other objects nearby. We propose a new box-supervised instance segmentation approach by developing a Semantic-aware Instance Mask (SIM) generation paradigm. Instead of heavily relying on local pair-wise affinities among neighboring pixels, we construct a group of category-wise feature centroids as prototypes to identify foreground objects and assign them semantic-level pseudo labels. Considering that the semantic-aware prototypes cannot distinguish different instances of the same semantics, we propose a self-correction mechanism to rectify the falsely activated regions while enhancing the correct ones. Furthermore, to handle the occlusions between objects, we tailor the Copy-Paste operation for the weakly-supervised instance segmentation task to augment challenging training data. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed SIM approach over other state-of-the-art methods. The source code: https://github.com/lslrh/SIM.
PDF Accepted by CVPR2023


MSeg3D: Multi-modal 3D Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving

Authors:Jiale Li, Hang Dai, Hao Han, Yong Ding

LiDAR and camera are two modalities available for 3D semantic segmentation in autonomous driving. The popular LiDAR-only methods severely suffer from inferior segmentation on small and distant objects due to insufficient laser points, while the robust multi-modal solution is under-explored, where we investigate three crucial inherent difficulties: modality heterogeneity, limited sensor field of view intersection, and multi-modal data augmentation. We propose a multi-modal 3D semantic segmentation model (MSeg3D) with joint intra-modal feature extraction and inter-modal feature fusion to mitigate the modality heterogeneity. The multi-modal fusion in MSeg3D consists of geometry-based feature fusion GF-Phase, cross-modal feature completion, and semantic-based feature fusion SF-Phase on all visible points. The multi-modal data augmentation is reinvigorated by applying asymmetric transformations on LiDAR point cloud and multi-camera images individually, which benefits the model training with diversified augmentation transformations. MSeg3D achieves state-of-the-art results on nuScenes, Waymo, and SemanticKITTI datasets. Under the malfunctioning multi-camera input and the multi-frame point clouds input, MSeg3D still shows robustness and improves the LiDAR-only baseline. Our code is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/jialeli1/lidarseg3d}.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023 (preprint)


Weakly Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection using Multi-View Projection and Direction Consistency

Authors:Runzhou Tao, Wencheng Han, Zhongying Qiu, Cheng-zhong Xu, Jianbing Shen

Monocular 3D object detection has become a mainstream approach in automatic driving for its easy application. A prominent advantage is that it does not need LiDAR point clouds during the inference. However, most current methods still rely on 3D point cloud data for labeling the ground truths used in the training phase. This inconsistency between the training and inference makes it hard to utilize the large-scale feedback data and increases the data collection expenses. To bridge this gap, we propose a new weakly supervised monocular 3D objection detection method, which can train the model with only 2D labels marked on images. To be specific, we explore three types of consistency in this task, i.e. the projection, multi-view and direction consistency, and design a weakly-supervised architecture based on these consistencies. Moreover, we propose a new 2D direction labeling method in this task to guide the model for accurate rotation direction prediction. Experiments show that our weakly-supervised method achieves comparable performance with some fully supervised methods. When used as a pre-training method, our model can significantly outperform the corresponding fully-supervised baseline with only 1/3 3D labels. https://github.com/weakmono3d/weakmono3d


SpiderMesh: Spatial-aware Demand-guided Recursive Meshing for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Siqi Fan, Zhe Wang, Yan Wang, Jingjing Liu

For semantic segmentation in urban scene understanding, RGB cameras alone often fail to capture a clear holistic topology, especially in challenging lighting conditions. Thermal signal is an informative additional channel that can bring to light the contour and fine-grained texture of blurred regions in low-quality RGB image. Aiming at RGB-T (thermal) segmentation, existing methods either use simple passive channel/spatial-wise fusion for cross-modal interaction, or rely on heavy labeling of ambiguous boundaries for fine-grained supervision. We propose a Spatial-aware Demand-guided Recursive Meshing (SpiderMesh) framework that: 1) proactively compensates inadequate contextual semantics in optically-impaired regions via a demand-guided target masking algorithm; 2) refines multimodal semantic features with recursive meshing to improve pixel-level semantic analysis performance. We further introduce an asymmetric data augmentation technique M-CutOut, and enable semi-supervised learning to fully utilize RGB-T labels only sparsely available in practical use. Extensive experiments on MFNet and PST900 datasets demonstrate that SpiderMesh achieves new state-of-the-art performance on standard RGB-T segmentation benchmarks.


文章作者: 木子已
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