Domain Adaptation

2023-03-16 更新

MGA: Medical generalist agent through text-guided knowledge transformation

Authors:Weijian Huang, Hao Yang, Cheng Li, Mingtong Dai, Rui Yang, Shanshan Wang

Multi-modal representation methods have achieved advanced performance in medical applications by extracting more robust features from multi-domain data. However, existing methods usually need to train additional branches for downstream tasks, which may increase the model complexities in clinical applications as well as introduce additional human inductive bias. Besides, very few studies exploit the rich clinical knowledge embedded in clinical daily reports. To this end, we propose a novel medical generalist agent, MGA, that can address three kinds of common clinical tasks via clinical reports knowledge transformation. Unlike the existing methods, MGA can easily adapt to different tasks without specific downstream branches when their corresponding annotations are missing. More importantly, we are the first attempt to use medical professional language guidance as a transmission medium to guide the agent’s behavior. The proposed method is implemented on four well-known X-ray open-source datasets, MIMIC-CXR, CheXpert, MIMIC-CXR-JPG, and MIMIC-CXR-MS. Promising results are obtained, which validate the effectiveness of our proposed MGA. Code is available at:


Sensitivity-Aware Visual Parameter-Efficient Tuning

Authors:Haoyu He, Jianfei Cai, Jing Zhang, Dacheng Tao, Bohan Zhuang

Visual Parameter-Efficient Tuning (VPET) has become a powerful alternative for full fine-tuning so as to adapt pre-trained vision models to downstream tasks, which only tunes a small number of parameters while freezing the vast majority ones to ease storage burden and optimization difficulty. However, existing VPET methods introduce trainable parameters to the same positions across different tasks depending solely on human heuristics and neglect the domain gaps. To this end, we study where to introduce and how to allocate trainable parameters by proposing a novel Sensitivity-aware visual Parameter-efficient Tuning (SPT) scheme, which adaptively allocates trainable parameters to task-specific important positions given a desired tunable parameter budget. Specifically, our SPT first quickly identifies the sensitive parameters that require tuning for a given task in a data-dependent way. Next, our SPT further boosts the representational capability for the weight matrices whose number of sensitive parameters exceeds a pre-defined threshold by utilizing any of the existing structured tuning methods, e.g., LoRA or Adapter, to replace directly tuning the selected sensitive parameters (unstructured tuning) under the budget. Extensive experiments on a wide range of downstream recognition tasks show that our SPT is complementary to the existing VPET methods and largely boosts their performance, e.g., SPT improves Adapter with supervised pre-trained ViT-B/16 backbone by 4.2% and 1.4% mean Top-1 accuracy, reaching SOTA performance on FGVC and VTAB-1k benchmarks, respectively. Source code is at
PDF Tech report


ResDiff: Combining CNN and Diffusion Model for Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Shuyao Shang, Zhengyang Shan, Guangxing Liu, Jinglin Zhang

Adapting the Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DPM) for direct image super-resolution is wasteful, given that a simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can recover the main low-frequency content. Therefore, we present ResDiff, a novel Diffusion Probabilistic Model based on Residual structure for Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR). ResDiff utilizes a combination of a CNN, which restores primary low-frequency components, and a DPM, which predicts the residual between the ground-truth image and the CNN-predicted image. In contrast to the common diffusion-based methods that directly use LR images to guide the noise towards HR space, ResDiff utilizes the CNN’s initial prediction to direct the noise towards the residual space between HR space and CNN-predicted space, which not only accelerates the generation process but also acquires superior sample quality. Additionally, a frequency-domain-based loss function for CNN is introduced to facilitate its restoration, and a frequency-domain guided diffusion is designed for DPM on behalf of predicting high-frequency details. The extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that ResDiff outperforms previous diffusion-based methods in terms of shorter model convergence time, superior generation quality, and more diverse samples.
PDF 18 pages, 13 figures


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