Diffusion Models

2023-03-15 更新

Parallel Vertex Diffusion for Unified Visual Grounding

Authors:Zesen Cheng, Kehan Li, Peng Jin, Xiangyang Ji, Li Yuan, Chang Liu, Jie Chen

Unified visual grounding pursues a simple and generic technical route to leverage multi-task data with less task-specific design. The most advanced methods typically present boxes and masks as vertex sequences to model referring detection and segmentation as an autoregressive sequential vertex generation paradigm. However, generating high-dimensional vertex sequences sequentially is error-prone because the upstream of the sequence remains static and cannot be refined based on downstream vertex information, even if there is a significant location gap. Besides, with limited vertexes, the inferior fitting of objects with complex contours restricts the performance upper bound. To deal with this dilemma, we propose a parallel vertex generation paradigm for superior high-dimension scalability with a diffusion model by simply modifying the noise dimension. An intuitive materialization of our paradigm is Parallel Vertex Diffusion (PVD) to directly set vertex coordinates as the generation target and use a diffusion model to train and infer. We claim that it has two flaws: (1) unnormalized coordinate caused a high variance of loss value; (2) the original training objective of PVD only considers point consistency but ignores geometry consistency. To solve the first flaw, Center Anchor Mechanism (CAM) is designed to convert coordinates as normalized offset values to stabilize the training loss value. For the second flaw, Angle summation loss (ASL) is designed to constrain the geometry difference of prediction and ground truth vertexes for geometry-level consistency. Empirical results show that our PVD achieves state-of-the-art in both referring detection and segmentation, and our paradigm is more scalable and efficient than sequential vertex generation with high-dimension data.


Text-to-image Diffusion Model in Generative AI: A Survey

Authors:Chenshuang Zhang, Chaoning Zhang, Mengchun Zhang, In So Kweon

This survey reviews text-to-image diffusion models in the context that diffusion models have emerged to be popular for a wide range of generative tasks. As a self-contained work, this survey starts with a brief introduction of how a basic diffusion model works for image synthesis, followed by how condition or guidance improves learning. Based on that, we present a review of state-of-the-art methods on text-conditioned image synthesis, i.e., text-to-image. We further summarize applications beyond text-to-image generation: text-guided creative generation and text-guided image editing. Beyond the progress made so far, we discuss existing challenges and promising future directions.
PDF First survey on the recent progress of text-to-image generation based on the diffusion model (under progress)


Edit-A-Video: Single Video Editing with Object-Aware Consistency

Authors:Chaehun Shin, Heeseung Kim, Che Hyun Lee, Sang-gil Lee, Sungroh Yoon

Despite the fact that text-to-video (TTV) model has recently achieved remarkable success, there have been few approaches on TTV for its extension to video editing. Motivated by approaches on TTV models adapting from diffusion-based text-to-image (TTI) models, we suggest the video editing framework given only a pretrained TTI model and a single pair, which we term Edit-A-Video. The framework consists of two stages: (1) inflating the 2D model into the 3D model by appending temporal modules and tuning on the source video (2) inverting the source video into the noise and editing with target text prompt and attention map injection. Each stage enables the temporal modeling and preservation of semantic attributes of the source video. One of the key challenges for video editing include a background inconsistency problem, where the regions not included for the edit suffer from undesirable and inconsistent temporal alterations. To mitigate this issue, we also introduce a novel mask blending method, termed as sparse-causal blending (SC Blending). We improve previous mask blending methods to reflect the temporal consistency so that the area where the editing is applied exhibits smooth transition while also achieving spatio-temporal consistency of the unedited regions. We present extensive experimental results over various types of text and videos, and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method compared to baselines in terms of background consistency, text alignment, and video editing quality.


LayoutDM: Discrete Diffusion Model for Controllable Layout Generation

Authors:Naoto Inoue, Kotaro Kikuchi, Edgar Simo-Serra, Mayu Otani, Kota Yamaguchi

Controllable layout generation aims at synthesizing plausible arrangement of element bounding boxes with optional constraints, such as type or position of a specific element. In this work, we try to solve a broad range of layout generation tasks in a single model that is based on discrete state-space diffusion models. Our model, named LayoutDM, naturally handles the structured layout data in the discrete representation and learns to progressively infer a noiseless layout from the initial input, where we model the layout corruption process by modality-wise discrete diffusion. For conditional generation, we propose to inject layout constraints in the form of masking or logit adjustment during inference. We show in the experiments that our LayoutDM successfully generates high-quality layouts and outperforms both task-specific and task-agnostic baselines on several layout tasks.
PDF To be published in CVPR2023, project page: https://cyberagentailab.github.io/layout-dm/


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