
2023-03-14 更新

Multi-Context Interaction Network for Few-Shot Segmentation

Authors:Hao Chen, Yunlong Yu, Yonghan Dong, Zheming Lu, Yingming Li, Zhongfei Zhang

Few-Shot Segmentation (FSS) is challenging for limited support images and large intra-class appearance discrepancies. Due to the huge difference between support and query samples, most existing approaches focus on extracting high-level representations of the same layers for support-query correlations but neglect the shift issue between different layers and scales. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Context Interaction Network (MCINet) to remedy this issue by fully exploiting and interacting with the multi-scale contextual information contained in the support-query pairs. Specifically, MCINet improves FSS from the perspectives of boosting the query representations by incorporating the low-level structural information from another query branch into the high-level semantic features, enhancing the support-query correlations by exploiting both the same-layer and adjacent-layer features, and refining the predicted results by a multi-scale mask prediction strategy, with which the different scale contents have bidirectionally interacted. Experiments on two benchmarks demonstrate that our approach reaches SOTA performances and outperforms the best competitors with many desirable advantages, especially on the challenging COCO dataset.


DETA: Denoised Task Adaptation for Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Ji Zhang, Lianli Gao, Xu Luo, Hengtao Shen, Jingkuan Song

Test-time task adaptation in few-shot learning aims to adapt a pre-trained task-agnostic model for capturing taskspecific knowledge of the test task, rely only on few-labeled support samples. Previous approaches generally focus on developing advanced algorithms to achieve the goal, while neglecting the inherent problems of the given support samples. In fact, with only a handful of samples available, the adverse effect of either the image noise (a.k.a. X-noise) or the label noise (a.k.a. Y-noise) from support samples can be severely amplified. To address this challenge, in this work we propose DEnoised Task Adaptation (DETA), a first, unified image- and label-denoising framework orthogonal to existing task adaptation approaches. Without extra supervision, DETA filters out task-irrelevant, noisy representations by taking advantage of both global visual information and local region details of support samples. On the challenging Meta-Dataset, DETA consistently improves the performance of a broad spectrum of baseline methods applied on various pre-trained models. Notably, by tackling the overlooked image noise in Meta-Dataset, DETA establishes new state-of-the-art results. Code is released at https://github.com/nobody-1617/DETA.
PDF 10 pages, 5 figures


PointPatchMix: Point Cloud Mixing with Patch Scoring

Authors:Yi Wang, Jiaze Wang, Jinpeng Li, Zixu Zhao, Guangyong Chen, Anfeng Liu, Pheng-Ann Heng

Data augmentation is an effective regularization strategy for mitigating overfitting in deep neural networks, and it plays a crucial role in 3D vision tasks, where the point cloud data is relatively limited. While mixing-based augmentation has shown promise for point clouds, previous methods mix point clouds either on block level or point level, which has constrained their ability to strike a balance between generating diverse training samples and preserving the local characteristics of point clouds. Additionally, the varying importance of each part of the point clouds has not been fully considered, cause not all parts contribute equally to the classification task, and some parts may contain unimportant or redundant information. To overcome these challenges, we propose PointPatchMix, a novel approach that mixes point clouds at the patch level and integrates a patch scoring module to generate content-based targets for mixed point clouds. Our approach preserves local features at the patch level, while the patch scoring module assigns targets based on the content-based significance score from a pre-trained teacher model. We evaluate PointPatchMix on two benchmark datasets, ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN, and demonstrate significant improvements over various baselines in both synthetic and real-world datasets, as well as few-shot settings. With Point-MAE as our baseline, our model surpasses previous methods by a significant margin, achieving 86.3% accuracy on ScanObjectNN and 94.1% accuracy on ModelNet40. Furthermore, our approach shows strong generalization across multiple architectures and enhances the robustness of the baseline model.


RotoGBML: Towards Out-of-Distribution Generalization for Gradient-Based Meta-Learning

Authors:Min Zhang, Zifeng Zhuang, Zhitao Wang, Donglin Wang, Wenbin Li

Gradient-based meta-learning (GBML) algorithms are able to fast adapt to new tasks by transferring the learned meta-knowledge, while assuming that all tasks come from the same distribution (in-distribution, ID). However, in the real world, they often suffer from an out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization problem, where tasks come from different distributions. OOD exacerbates inconsistencies in magnitudes and directions of task gradients, which brings challenges for GBML to optimize the meta-knowledge by minimizing the sum of task gradients in each minibatch. To address this problem, we propose RotoGBML, a novel approach to homogenize OOD task gradients. RotoGBML uses reweighted vectors to dynamically balance diverse magnitudes to a common scale and uses rotation matrixes to rotate conflicting directions close to each other. To reduce overhead, we homogenize gradients with the features rather than the network parameters. On this basis, to avoid the intervention of non-causal features (e.g., backgrounds), we also propose an invariant self-information (ISI) module to extract invariant causal features (e.g., the outlines of objects). Finally, task gradients are homogenized based on these invariant causal features. Experiments show that RotoGBML outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on various few-shot image classification benchmarks.
PDF 13 pages


One-Shot Segmentation of Novel White Matter Tracts via Extensive Data Augmentation

Authors:Wan Liu, Qi Lu, ZhiZheng Zhuo, Yaou Liu, Chuyang Ye

Deep learning based methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance for automated white matter (WM) tract segmentation. In these methods, the segmentation model needs to be trained with a large number of manually annotated scans, which can be accumulated throughout time. When novel WM tracts, i.e., tracts not included in the existing annotated WM tracts, are to be segmented, additional annotations of these novel WM tracts need to be collected. Since tract annotation is time-consuming and costly, it is desirable to make only a few annotations of novel WM tracts for training the segmentation model, and previous work has addressed this problem by transferring the knowledge learned for segmenting existing WM tracts to the segmentation of novel WM tracts. However, accurate segmentation of novel WM tracts can still be challenging in the one-shot setting, where only one scan is annotated for the novel WM tracts. In this work, we explore the problem of one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts. Since in the one-shot setting the annotated training data is extremely scarce, based on the existing knowledge transfer framework, we propose to further perform extensive data augmentation for the single annotated scan, where synthetic annotated training data is produced. We have designed several different strategies that mask out regions in the single annotated scan for data augmentation. Our method was evaluated on public and in-house datasets. The experimental results show that our method improves the accuracy of one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts.


Large Language Models in the Workplace: A Case Study on Prompt Engineering for Job Type Classification

Authors:Benjamin Clavié, Alexandru Ciceu, Frederick Naylor, Guillaume Soulié, Thomas Brightwell

This case study investigates the task of job classification in a real-world setting, where the goal is to determine whether an English-language job posting is appropriate for a graduate or entry-level position. We explore multiple approaches to text classification, including supervised approaches such as traditional models like Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and state-of-the-art deep learning methods such as DeBERTa. We compare them with Large Language Models (LLMs) used in both few-shot and zero-shot classification settings. To accomplish this task, we employ prompt engineering, a technique that involves designing prompts to guide the LLMs towards the desired output. Specifically, we evaluate the performance of two commercially available state-of-the-art GPT-3.5-based language models, text-davinci-003 and gpt-3.5-turbo. We also conduct a detailed analysis of the impact of different aspects of prompt engineering on the model’s performance. Our results show that, with a well-designed prompt, a zero-shot gpt-3.5-turbo classifier outperforms all other models, achieving a 6% increase in Precision@95% Recall compared to the best supervised approach. Furthermore, we observe that the wording of the prompt is a critical factor in eliciting the appropriate “reasoning” in the model, and that seemingly minor aspects of the prompt significantly affect the model’s performance.


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