
2023-01-26 更新

Bidirectional Propagation for Cross-Modal 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yifan Zhang, Qijian Zhang, Junhui Hou, Yixuan Yuan, Guoliang Xing

Recent works have revealed the superiority of feature-level fusion for cross-modal 3D object detection, where fine-grained feature propagation from 2D image pixels to 3D LiDAR points has been widely adopted for performance improvement. Still, the potential of heterogeneous feature propagation between 2D and 3D domains has not been fully explored. In this paper, in contrast to existing pixel-to-point feature propagation, we investigate an opposite point-to-pixel direction, allowing point-wise features to flow inversely into the 2D image branch. Thus, when jointly optimizing the 2D and 3D streams, the gradients back-propagated from the 2D image branch can boost the representation ability of the 3D backbone network working on LiDAR point clouds. Then, combining pixel-to-point and point-to-pixel information flow mechanisms, we construct an bidirectional feature propagation framework, dubbed BiProDet. In addition to the architectural design, we also propose normalized local coordinates map estimation, a new 2D auxiliary task for the training of the 2D image branch, which facilitates learning local spatial-aware features from the image modality and implicitly enhances the overall 3D detection performance. Extensive experiments and ablation studies validate the effectiveness of our method. Notably, we rank $\mathbf{1^{\mathrm{st}}}$ on the highly competitive KITTI benchmark on the cyclist class by the time of submission. The source code is available at https://github.com/Eaphan/BiProDet.
PDF Accepted by ICLR2023. Code is avaliable at https://github.com/Eaphan/BiProDet


RangeViT: Towards Vision Transformers for 3D Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving

Authors:Angelika Ando, Spyros Gidaris, Andrei Bursuc, Gilles Puy, Alexandre Boulch, Renaud Marlet

Casting semantic segmentation of outdoor LiDAR point clouds as a 2D problem, e.g., via range projection, is an effective and popular approach. These projection-based methods usually benefit from fast computations and, when combined with techniques which use other point cloud representations, achieve state-of-the-art results. Today, projection-based methods leverage 2D CNNs but recent advances in computer vision show that vision transformers (ViTs) have achieved state-of-the-art results in many image-based benchmarks. In this work, we question if projection-based methods for 3D semantic segmentation can benefit from these latest improvements on ViTs. We answer positively but only after combining them with three key ingredients: (a) ViTs are notoriously hard to train and require a lot of training data to learn powerful representations. By preserving the same backbone architecture as for RGB images, we can exploit the knowledge from long training on large image collections that are much cheaper to acquire and annotate than point clouds. We reach our best results with pre-trained ViTs on large image datasets. (b) We compensate ViTs’ lack of inductive bias by substituting a tailored convolutional stem for the classical linear embedding layer. (c) We refine pixel-wise predictions with a convolutional decoder and a skip connection from the convolutional stem to combine low-level but fine-grained features of the the convolutional stem with the high-level but coarse predictions of the ViT encoder. With these ingredients, we show that our method, called RangeViT, outperforms existing projection-based methods on nuScenes and SemanticKITTI. We provide the implementation code at https://github.com/valeoai/rangevit.
PDF Code at https://github.com/valeoai/rangevit


Using a Waffle Iron for Automotive Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Gilles Puy, Alexandre Boulch, Renaud Marlet

Semantic segmentation of point clouds in autonomous driving datasets requires techniques that can process large numbers of points over large field of views. Today, most deep networks designed for this task exploit 3D sparse convolutions to reduce memory and computational loads. The best methods then further exploit specificities of rotating lidar sampling patterns to further improve the performance, e.g., cylindrical voxels, or range images (for feature fusion from multiple point cloud representations). In contrast, we show that one can build a well-performing point-based backbone free of these specialized tools. This backbone, WaffleIron, relies heavily on generic MLPs and dense 2D convolutions, making it easy to implement, and contains just a few parameters easy to tune. Despite its simplicity, our experiments on SemanticKITTI and nuScenes show that WaffleIron competes with the best methods designed specifically for these autonomous driving datasets. Hence, WaffleIron is a strong, easy-to-implement, baseline for semantic segmentation of sparse outdoor point clouds.


Learning Open-vocabulary Semantic Segmentation Models From Natural Language Supervision

Authors:Jilan Xu, Junlin Hou, Yuejie Zhang, Rui Feng, Yi Wang, Yu Qiao, Weidi Xie

In this paper, we consider the problem of open-vocabulary semantic segmentation (OVS), which aims to segment objects of arbitrary classes instead of pre-defined, closed-set categories. The main contributions are as follows: First, we propose a transformer-based model for OVS, termed as OVSegmentor, which only exploits web-crawled image-text pairs for pre-training without using any mask annotations. OVSegmentor assembles the image pixels into a set of learnable group tokens via a slot-attention based binding module, and aligns the group tokens to the corresponding caption embedding. Second, we propose two proxy tasks for training, namely masked entity completion and cross-image mask consistency. The former aims to infer all masked entities in the caption given the group tokens, that enables the model to learn fine-grained alignment between visual groups and text entities. The latter enforces consistent mask predictions between images that contain shared entities, which encourages the model to learn visual invariance. Third, we construct CC4M dataset for pre-training by filtering CC12M with frequently appeared entities, which significantly improves training efficiency. Fourth, we perform zero-shot transfer on three benchmark datasets, PASCAL VOC 2012, PASCAL Context, and COCO Object. Our model achieves superior segmentation results over the state-of-the-art method by using only 3\% data (4M vs 134M) for pre-training. Code and pre-trained models will be released for future research.


LWSIS: LiDAR-guided Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation for Autonomous Driving

Authors:Xiang Li, Junbo Yin, Botian Shi, Yikang Li, Ruigang Yang, Jianbing Shen

Image instance segmentation is a fundamental research topic in autonomous driving, which is crucial for scene understanding and road safety. Advanced learning-based approaches often rely on the costly 2D mask annotations for training. In this paper, we present a more artful framework, LiDAR-guided Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation (LWSIS), which leverages the off-the-shelf 3D data, i.e., Point Cloud, together with the 3D boxes, as natural weak supervisions for training the 2D image instance segmentation models. Our LWSIS not only exploits the complementary information in multimodal data during training, but also significantly reduces the annotation cost of the dense 2D masks. In detail, LWSIS consists of two crucial modules, Point Label Assignment (PLA) and Graph-based Consistency Regularization (GCR). The former module aims to automatically assign the 3D point cloud as 2D point-wise labels, while the latter further refines the predictions by enforcing geometry and appearance consistency of the multimodal data. Moreover, we conduct a secondary instance segmentation annotation on the nuScenes, named nuInsSeg, to encourage further research on multimodal perception tasks. Extensive experiments on the nuInsSeg, as well as the large-scale Waymo, show that LWSIS can substantially improve existing weakly supervised segmentation models by only involving 3D data during training. Additionally, LWSIS can also be incorporated into 3D object detectors like PointPainting to boost the 3D detection performance for free. The code and dataset are available at https://github.com/Serenos/LWSIS.


Improving Performance of Object Detection using the Mechanisms of Visual Recognition in Humans

Authors:Amir Ghasemi, Fatemeh Mottaghian, Akram Bayat

Object recognition systems are usually trained and evaluated on high resolution images. However, in real world applications, it is common that the images have low resolutions or have small sizes. In this study, we first track the performance of the state-of-the-art deep object recognition network, Faster- RCNN, as a function of image resolution. The results reveals negative effects of low resolution images on recognition performance. They also show that different spatial frequencies convey different information about the objects in recognition process. It means multi-resolution recognition system can provides better insight into optimal selection of features that results in better recognition of objects. This is similar to the mechanisms of the human visual systems that are able to implement multi-scale representation of a visual scene simultaneously. Then, we propose a multi-resolution object recognition framework rather than a single-resolution network. The proposed framework is evaluated on the PASCAL VOC2007 database. The experimental results show the performance of our adapted multi-resolution Faster-RCNN framework outperforms the single-resolution Faster-RCNN on input images with various resolutions with an increase in the mean Average Precision (mAP) of 9.14% across all resolutions and 1.2% on the full-spectrum images. Furthermore, the proposed model yields robustness of the performance over a wide range of spatial frequencies.


FECANet: Boosting Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation with Feature-Enhanced Context-Aware Network

Authors:Huafeng Liu, Pai Peng, Tao Chen, Qiong Wang, Yazhou Yao, Xian-Sheng Hua

Few-shot semantic segmentation is the task of learning to locate each pixel of the novel class in the query image with only a few annotated support images. The current correlation-based methods construct pair-wise feature correlations to establish the many-to-many matching because the typical prototype-based approaches cannot learn fine-grained correspondence relations. However, the existing methods still suffer from the noise contained in naive correlations and the lack of context semantic information in correlations. To alleviate these problems mentioned above, we propose a Feature-Enhanced Context-Aware Network (FECANet). Specifically, a feature enhancement module is proposed to suppress the matching noise caused by inter-class local similarity and enhance the intra-class relevance in the naive correlation. In addition, we propose a novel correlation reconstruction module that encodes extra correspondence relations between foreground and background and multi-scale context semantic features, significantly boosting the encoder to capture a reliable matching pattern. Experiments on PASCAL-$5^i$ and COCO-$20^i$ datasets demonstrate that our proposed FECANet leads to remarkable improvement compared to previous state-of-the-arts, demonstrating its effectiveness.
PDF accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia


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