
2023-01-18 更新

Multi-resolution location-based training for multi-channel continuous speech separation

Authors:Hassan Taherian, DeLiang Wang

The performance of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems severely degrades when multi-talker speech overlap occurs. In meeting environments, speech separation is typically performed to improve the robustness of ASR systems. Recently, location-based training (LBT) was proposed as a new training criterion for multi-channel talker-independent speaker separation. Assuming fixed array geometry, LBT outperforms widely-used permutation-invariant training in fully overlapped utterances and matched reverberant conditions. This paper extends LBT to conversational multi-channel speaker separation. We introduce multi-resolution LBT to estimate the complex spectrograms from low to high time and frequency resolutions. With multi-resolution LBT, convolutional kernels are assigned consistently based on speaker locations in physical space. Evaluation results show that multi-resolution LBT consistently outperforms other competitive methods on the recorded LibriCSS corpus.
PDF Submitted to ICASSP 23


Modulation spectral features for speech emotion recognition using deep neural networks

Authors:Premjeet Singh, Md Sahidullah, Goutam Saha

This work explores the use of constant-Q transform based modulation spectral features (CQT-MSF) for speech emotion recognition (SER). The human perception and analysis of sound comprise of two important cognitive parts: early auditory analysis and cortex-based processing. The early auditory analysis considers spectrogram-based representation whereas cortex-based analysis includes extraction of temporal modulations from the spectrogram. This temporal modulation representation of spectrogram is called modulation spectral feature (MSF). As the constant-Q transform (CQT) provides higher resolution at emotion salient low-frequency regions of speech, we find that CQT-based spectrogram, together with its temporal modulations, provides a representation enriched with emotion-specific information. We argue that CQT-MSF when used with a 2-dimensional convolutional network can provide a time-shift invariant and deformation insensitive representation for SER. Our results show that CQT-MSF outperforms standard mel-scale based spectrogram and its modulation features on two popular SER databases, Berlin EmoDB and RAVDESS. We also show that our proposed feature outperforms the shift and deformation invariant scattering transform coefficients, hence, showing the importance of joint hand-crafted and self-learned feature extraction instead of reliance on complete hand-crafted features. Finally, we perform Grad-CAM analysis to visually inspect the contribution of constant-Q modulation features over SER.
PDF Accepted for publication in Elsevier’s Speech Communication Journal


Using Kaldi for Automatic Speech Recognition of Conversational Austrian German

Authors:Julian Linke, Saskia Wepner, Gernot Kubin, Barbara Schuppler

As dialogue systems are becoming more and more interactional and social, also the accurate automatic speech recognition (ASR) of conversational speech is of increasing importance. This shifts the focus from short, spontaneous, task-oriented dialogues to the much higher complexity of casual face-to-face conversations. However, the collection and annotation of such conversations is a time-consuming process and data is sparse for this specific speaking style. This paper presents ASR experiments with read and conversational Austrian German as target. In order to deal with having only limited resources available for conversational German and, at the same time, with a large variation among speakers with respect to pronunciation characteristics, we improve a Kaldi-based ASR system by incorporating a (large) knowledge-based pronunciation lexicon, while exploring different data-based methods to restrict the number of pronunciation variants for each lexical entry. We achieve best WER of 0.4% on Austrian German read speech and best average WER of 48.5% on conversational speech. We find that by using our best pronunciation lexicon a similarly high performance can be achieved than by increasing the size of the data used for the language model by approx. 360% to 760%. Our findings indicate that for low-resource scenarios — despite the general trend in speech technology towards using data-based methods only — knowledge-based approaches are a successful, efficient method.
PDF 10 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables


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