
2022-12-28 更新

Annotation by Clicks: A Point-Supervised Contrastive Variance Method for Medical Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Qing En, Yuhong Guo

Medical image segmentation methods typically rely on numerous dense annotated images for model training, which are notoriously expensive and time-consuming to collect. To alleviate this burden, weakly supervised techniques have been exploited to train segmentation models with less expensive annotations. In this paper, we propose a novel point-supervised contrastive variance method (PSCV) for medical image semantic segmentation, which only requires one pixel-point from each organ category to be annotated. The proposed method trains the base segmentation network by using a novel contrastive variance (CV) loss to exploit the unlabeled pixels and a partial cross-entropy loss on the labeled pixels. The CV loss function is designed to exploit the statistical spatial distribution properties of organs in medical images and their variance distribution map representations to enforce discriminative predictions over the unlabeled pixels. Experimental results on two standard medical image datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art weakly supervised methods on point-supervised medical image semantic segmentation tasks.


Restoring Vision in Hazy Weather with Hierarchical Contrastive Learning

Authors:Tao Wang, Guangpin Tao, Wanglong Lu, Kaihao Zhang, Wenhan Luo, Xiaoqin Zhang, Tong Lu

Image restoration under hazy weather condition, which is called single image dehazing, has been of significant interest for various computer vision applications. In recent years, deep learning-based methods have achieved success. However, existing image dehazing methods typically neglect the hierarchy of features in the neural network and fail to exploit their relationships fully. To this end, we propose an effective image dehazing method named Hierarchical Contrastive Dehazing (HCD), which is based on feature fusion and contrastive learning strategies. HCD consists of a hierarchical dehazing network (HDN) and a novel hierarchical contrastive loss (HCL). Specifically, the core design in the HDN is a Hierarchical Interaction Module, which utilizes multi-scale activation to revise the feature responses hierarchically. To cooperate with the training of HDN, we propose HCL which performs contrastive learning on hierarchically paired exemplars, facilitating haze removal. Extensive experiments on public datasets, RESIDE, HazeRD, and DENSE-HAZE, demonstrate that HCD quantitatively outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of PSNR, SSIM and achieves better visual quality.
PDF 27 pages, 9 figures


UnICLAM:Contrastive Representation Learning with Adversarial Masking for Unified and Interpretable Medical Vision Question Answering

Authors:Chenlu Zhan, Peng Peng, Hongsen Wang, Tao Chen, Hongwei Wang

Medical Visual Question Answering (Medical-VQA) aims to to answer clinical questions regarding radiology images, assisting doctors with decision-making options. Nevertheless, current Medical-VQA models learn cross-modal representations through residing vision and texture encoders in dual separate spaces, which lead to indirect semantic alignment. In this paper, we propose UnICLAM, a Unified and Interpretable Medical-VQA model through Contrastive Representation Learning with Adversarial Masking. Specifically, to learn an aligned image-text representation, we first establish a unified dual-stream pre-training structure with the gradually soft-parameter sharing strategy. Technically, the proposed strategy learns a constraint for the vision and texture encoders to be close in a same space, which is gradually loosened as the higher number of layers. Moreover, for grasping the unified semantic representation, we extend the adversarial masking data augmentation to the contrastive representation learning of vision and text in a unified manner. Concretely, while the encoder training minimizes the distance between original and masking samples, the adversarial masking module keeps adversarial learning to conversely maximize the distance. Furthermore, we also intuitively take a further exploration to the unified adversarial masking augmentation model, which improves the potential ante-hoc interpretability with remarkable performance and efficiency. Experimental results on VQA-RAD and SLAKE public benchmarks demonstrate that UnICLAM outperforms existing 11 state-of-the-art Medical-VQA models. More importantly, we make an additional discussion about the performance of UnICLAM in diagnosing heart failure, verifying that UnICLAM exhibits superior few-shot adaption performance in practical disease diagnosis.


Precise Location Matching Improves Dense Contrastive Learning in Digital Pathology

Authors:Jingwei Zhang, Saarthak Kapse, Ke Ma, Prateek Prasanna, Maria Vakalopoulou, Joel Saltz, Dimitris Samaras

Dense prediction tasks such as segmentation and detection of pathological entities hold crucial clinical value in the digital pathology workflow. However, obtaining dense annotations on large cohorts is usually tedious and expensive. Contrastive learning (CL) is thus often employed to leverage large volumes of unlabeled data to pre-train the backbone network. To boost CL for dense prediction, some studies have proposed variations of dense matching objectives in pre-training. However, our analysis shows that employing existing dense matching strategies on histopathology images enforces invariance among incorrect pairs of dense features and, thus, is imprecise. To address this, we propose a precise location-based matching mechanism that utilizes the overlapping information between geometric transformations to precisely match regions in two augmentations. Extensive experiments on two pretraining datasets (TCGA-BRCA, NCT-CRC-HE) and three downstream datasets (GlaS, CRAG, BCSS) highlight the superiority of our method in semantic and instance segmentation tasks. Our method outperforms previous dense matching methods by up to 7.2 % in average precision for detection and 5.6 % in average precision for instance segmentation tasks. Additionally, by using our matching mechanism in the three popular contrastive learning frameworks, MoCo-v2, VICRegL and ConCL, the average precision in detection is improved by 0.7 % to 5.2 % and the average precision in segmentation is improved by 0.7 % to 4.0 %, demonstrating its generalizability.
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