2022-12-16 更新

Meta-Learned Kernel For Blind Super-Resolution Kernel Estimation

Authors:Royson Lee, Rui Li, Stylianos I. Venieris, Timothy Hospedales, Ferenc Huszár, Nicholas D. Lane

Recent image degradation estimation methods have enabled single-image super-resolution (SR) approaches to better upsample real-world images. Among these methods, explicit kernel estimation approaches have demonstrated unprecedented performance at handling unknown degradations. Nonetheless, a number of limitations constrain their efficacy when used by downstream SR models. Specifically, this family of methods yields i) excessive inference time due to long per-image adaptation times and ii) inferior image fidelity due to kernel mismatch. In this work, we introduce a learning-to-learn approach that meta-learns from the information contained in a distribution of images, thereby enabling significantly faster adaptation to new images with substantially improved performance in both kernel estimation and image fidelity. Specifically, we meta-train a kernel-generating GAN, named MetaKernelGAN, on a range of tasks, such that when a new image is presented, the generator starts from an informed kernel estimate and the discriminator starts with a strong capability to distinguish between patch distributions. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, our experiments show that MetaKernelGAN better estimates the magnitude and covariance of the kernel, leading to state-of-the-art blind SR results within a similar computational regime when combined with a non-blind SR model. Through supervised learning of an unsupervised learner, our method maintains the generalizability of the unsupervised learner, improves the optimization stability of kernel estimation, and hence image adaptation, and leads to a faster inference with a speedup between 14.24 to 102.1x over existing methods.
PDF Preprint: under review


Self-Supervised Geometry-Aware Encoder for Style-Based 3D GAN Inversion

Authors:Yushi Lan, Xuyi Meng, Shuai Yang, Chen Change Loy, Bo Dai

StyleGAN has achieved great progress in 2D face reconstruction and semantic editing via image inversion and latent editing. While studies over extending 2D StyleGAN to 3D faces have emerged, a corresponding generic 3D GAN inversion framework is still missing, limiting the applications of 3D face reconstruction and semantic editing. In this paper, we study the challenging problem of 3D GAN inversion where a latent code is predicted given a single face image to faithfully recover its 3D shapes and detailed textures. The problem is ill-posed: innumerable compositions of shape and texture could be rendered to the current image. Furthermore, with the limited capacity of a global latent code, 2D inversion methods cannot preserve faithful shape and texture at the same time when applied to 3D models. To solve this problem, we devise an effective self-training scheme to constrain the learning of inversion. The learning is done efficiently without any real-world 2D-3D training pairs but proxy samples generated from a 3D GAN. In addition, apart from a global latent code that captures the coarse shape and texture information, we augment the generation network with a local branch, where pixel-aligned features are added to faithfully reconstruct face details. We further consider a new pipeline to perform 3D view-consistent editing. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art inversion methods in both shape and texture reconstruction quality. Code and data will be released.
PDF An encoder-based 3D GAN inversion method. Project page:


ContraFeat: Contrasting Deep Features for Semantic Discovery

Authors:Xinqi Zhu, Chang Xu, Dacheng Tao

StyleGAN has shown strong potential for disentangled semantic control, thanks to its special design of multi-layer intermediate latent variables. However, existing semantic discovery methods on StyleGAN rely on manual selection of modified latent layers to obtain satisfactory manipulation results, which is tedious and demanding. In this paper, we propose a model that automates this process and achieves state-of-the-art semantic discovery performance. The model consists of an attention-equipped navigator module and losses contrasting deep-feature changes. We propose two model variants, with one contrasting samples in a binary manner, and another one contrasting samples with learned prototype variation patterns. The proposed losses are defined with pretrained deep features, based on our assumption that the features can implicitly reveal the desired semantic structure including consistency and orthogonality. Additionally, we design two metrics to quantitatively evaluate the performance of semantic discovery methods on FFHQ dataset, and also show that disentangled representations can be derived via a simple training process. Experimentally, our models can obtain state-of-the-art semantic discovery results without relying on latent layer-wise manual selection, and these discovered semantics can be used to manipulate real-world images.


Towards Smooth Video Composition

Authors:Qihang Zhang, Ceyuan Yang, Yujun Shen, Yinghao Xu, Bolei Zhou

Video generation requires synthesizing consistent and persistent frames with dynamic content over time. This work investigates modeling the temporal relations for composing video with arbitrary length, from a few frames to even infinite, using generative adversarial networks (GANs). First, towards composing adjacent frames, we show that the alias-free operation for single image generation, together with adequately pre-learned knowledge, brings a smooth frame transition without compromising the per-frame quality. Second, by incorporating the temporal shift module (TSM), originally designed for video understanding, into the discriminator, we manage to advance the generator in synthesizing more consistent dynamics. Third, we develop a novel B-Spline based motion representation to ensure temporal smoothness to achieve infinite-length video generation. It can go beyond the frame number used in training. A low-rank temporal modulation is also proposed to alleviate repeating contents for long video generation. We evaluate our approach on various datasets and show substantial improvements over video generation baselines. Code and models will be publicly available at


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