2022-11-30 更新

Fake It Till You Make It: Towards Accurate Near-Distribution Novelty Detection

Authors:Hossein Mirzaei, Mohammadreza Salehi, Sajjad Shahabi, Efstratios Gavves, Cees G. M. Snoek, Mohammad Sabokrou, Mohammad Hossein Rohban

We aim for image-based novelty detection. Despite considerable progress, existing models either fail or face a dramatic drop under the so-called “near-distribution” setting, where the differences between normal and anomalous samples are subtle. We first demonstrate existing methods experience up to 20% decrease in performance in the near-distribution setting. Next, we propose to exploit a score-based generative model to produce synthetic near-distribution anomalous data. Our model is then fine-tuned to distinguish such data from the normal samples. We provide a quantitative as well as qualitative evaluation of this strategy, and compare the results with a variety of GAN-based models. Effectiveness of our method for both the near-distribution and standard novelty detection is assessed through extensive experiments on datasets in diverse applications such as medical images, object classification, and quality control. This reveals that our method considerably improves over existing models, and consistently decreases the gap between the near-distribution and standard novelty detection performance. The code repository is available at


High-fidelity 3D GAN Inversion by Pseudo-multi-view Optimization

Authors:Jiaxin Xie, Hao Ouyang, Jingtan Piao, Chenyang Lei, Qifeng Chen

We present a high-fidelity 3D generative adversarial network (GAN) inversion framework that can synthesize photo-realistic novel views while preserving specific details of the input image. High-fidelity 3D GAN inversion is inherently challenging due to the geometry-texture trade-off in 3D inversion, where overfitting to a single view input image often damages the estimated geometry during the latent optimization. To solve this challenge, we propose a novel pipeline that builds on the pseudo-multi-view estimation with visibility analysis. We keep the original textures for the visible parts and utilize generative priors for the occluded parts. Extensive experiments show that our approach achieves advantageous reconstruction and novel view synthesis quality over state-of-the-art methods, even for images with out-of-distribution textures. The proposed pipeline also enables image attribute editing with the inverted latent code and 3D-aware texture modification. Our approach enables high-fidelity 3D rendering from a single image, which is promising for various applications of AI-generated 3D content.
PDF Project website: ; Github link:


Sound-Guided Semantic Video Generation

Authors:Seung Hyun Lee, Gyeongrok Oh, Wonmin Byeon, Chanyoung Kim, Won Jeong Ryoo, Sang Ho Yoon, Hyunjun Cho, Jihyun Bae, Jinkyu Kim, Sangpil Kim

The recent success in StyleGAN demonstrates that pre-trained StyleGAN latent space is useful for realistic video generation. However, the generated motion in the video is usually not semantically meaningful due to the difficulty of determining the direction and magnitude in the StyleGAN latent space. In this paper, we propose a framework to generate realistic videos by leveraging multimodal (sound-image-text) embedding space. As sound provides the temporal contexts of the scene, our framework learns to generate a video that is semantically consistent with sound. First, our sound inversion module maps the audio directly into the StyleGAN latent space. We then incorporate the CLIP-based multimodal embedding space to further provide the audio-visual relationships. Finally, the proposed frame generator learns to find the trajectory in the latent space which is coherent with the corresponding sound and generates a video in a hierarchical manner. We provide the new high-resolution landscape video dataset (audio-visual pair) for the sound-guided video generation task. The experiments show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of video quality. We further show several applications including image and video editing to verify the effectiveness of our method.


Wavelet Diffusion Models are fast and scalable Image Generators

Authors:Hao Phung, Quan Dao, Anh Tran

Diffusion models are rising as a powerful solution for high-fidelity image generation, which exceeds GANs in quality in many circumstances. However, their slow training and inference speed is a huge bottleneck, blocking them from being used in real-time applications. A recent DiffusionGAN method significantly decreases the models’ running time by reducing the number of sampling steps from thousands to several, but their speeds still largely lag behind the GAN counterparts. This paper aims to reduce the speed gap by proposing a novel wavelet-based diffusion structure. We extract low-and-high frequency components from both image and feature levels via wavelet decomposition and adaptively handle these components for faster processing while maintaining good generation quality. Furthermore, we propose to use a reconstruction term, which effectively boosts the model training convergence. Experimental results on CelebA-HQ, CIFAR-10, LSUN-Church, and STL-10 datasets prove our solution is a stepping-stone to offering real-time and high-fidelity diffusion models. Our code and pre-trained checkpoints will be available at \url{}.


Three-stage binarization of color document images based on discrete wavelet transform and generative adversarial networks

Authors:Yu-Shian Lin, Rui-Yang Ju, Chih-Chia Chen, Ting-Yu Lin, Jen-Shiun Chiang

The efficient segmentation of foreground text information from the background in degraded color document images is a hot research topic. Due to the imperfect preservation of ancient documents over a long period of time, various types of degradation, including staining, yellowing, and ink seepage, have seriously affected the results of image binarization. In this paper, a three-stage method is proposed for image enhancement and binarization of degraded color document images by using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and generative adversarial network (GAN). In Stage-1, we use DWT and retain the LL subband images to achieve the image enhancement. In Stage-2, the original input image is split into four (Red, Green, Blue and Gray) single-channel images, each of which trains the independent adversarial networks. The trained adversarial network models are used to extract the color foreground information from the images. In Stage-3, in order to combine global and local features, the output image from Stage-2 and the original input image are used to train the independent adversarial networks for document binarization. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms many classical and state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on the Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO) dataset. We release our implementation code at


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