2022-11-18 更新

Assessing Neural Network Robustness via Adversarial Pivotal Tuning

Authors:Peter Ebert Christensen, Vésteinn Snæbjarnarson, Andrea Dittadi, Serge Belongie, Sagie Benaim

The ability to assess the robustness of image classifiers to a diverse set of manipulations is essential to their deployment in the real world. Recently, semantic manipulations of real images have been considered for this purpose, as they may not arise using standard adversarial settings. However, such semantic manipulations are often limited to style, color or attribute changes. While expressive, these manipulations do not consider the full capacity of a pretrained generator to affect adversarial image manipulations. In this work, we aim at leveraging the full capacity of a pretrained image generator to generate highly detailed, diverse and photorealistic image manipulations. Inspired by recent GAN-based image inversion methods, we propose a method called Adversarial Pivotal Tuning (APT). APT first finds a pivot latent space input to a pretrained generator that best reconstructs an input image. It then adjusts the weights of the generator to create small, but semantic, manipulations which fool a pretrained classifier. Crucially, APT changes both the input and the weights of the pretrained generator, while preserving its expressive latent editing capability, thus allowing the use of its full capacity in creating semantic adversarial manipulations. We demonstrate that APT generates a variety of semantic image manipulations, which preserve the input image class, but which fool a variety of pretrained classifiers. We further demonstrate that classifiers trained to be robust to other robustness benchmarks, are not robust to our generated manipulations and propose an approach to improve the robustness towards our generated manipulations. Code available at:


Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation in STEM Simulation

Authors:Nick Lawrence, Mingren Shen, Ruiqi Yin, Cloris Feng, Dane Morgan

The use of accurate scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) image simulation methods require large computation times that can make their use infeasible for the simulation of many images. Other simulation methods based on linear imaging models, such as the convolution method, are much faster but are too inaccurate to be used in application. In this paper, we explore deep learning models that attempt to translate a STEM image produced by the convolution method to a prediction of the high accuracy multislice image. We then compare our results to those of regression methods. We find that using the deep learning model Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) provides us with the best results and performs at a similar accuracy level to previous regression models on the same dataset. Codes and data for this project can be found in this GitHub repository,


IntereStyle: Encoding an Interest Region for Robust StyleGAN Inversion

Authors:Seungjun Moon, Gyeong-Moon Park

Recently, manipulation of real-world images has been highly elaborated along with the development of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and corresponding encoders, which embed real-world images into the latent space. However, designing encoders of GAN still remains a challenging task due to the trade-off between distortion and perception. In this paper, we point out that the existing encoders try to lower the distortion not only on the interest region, e.g., human facial region but also on the uninterest region, e.g., background patterns and obstacles. However, most uninterest regions in real-world images are located at out-of-distribution (OOD), which are infeasible to be ideally reconstructed by generative models. Moreover, we empirically find that the uninterest region overlapped with the interest region can mangle the original feature of the interest region, e.g., a microphone overlapped with a facial region is inverted into the white beard. As a result, lowering the distortion of the whole image while maintaining the perceptual quality is very challenging. To overcome this trade-off, we propose a simple yet effective encoder training scheme, coined IntereStyle, which facilitates encoding by focusing on the interest region. IntereStyle steers the encoder to disentangle the encodings of the interest and uninterest regions. To this end, we filter the information of the uninterest region iteratively to regulate the negative impact of the uninterest region. We demonstrate that IntereStyle achieves both lower distortion and higher perceptual quality compared to the existing state-of-the-art encoders. Especially, our model robustly conserves features of the original images, which shows the robust image editing and style mixing results. We will release our code with the pre-trained model after the review.


ShadowDiffusion: Diffusion-based Shadow Removal using Classifier-driven Attention and Structure Preservation

Authors:Yeying Jin, Wenhan Yang, Wei Ye, Yuan Yuan, Robby T. Tan

Shadow removal from a single image is challenging, particularly with the presence of soft and self shadows. Unlike hard shadows, soft shadows do not show any clear boundaries, while self shadows are shadows that cast on the object itself. Most existing methods require the detection/annotation of binary shadow masks, without taking into account the ambiguous boundaries of soft and self shadows. Most deep learning shadow removal methods are GAN-based and require statistical similarity between shadow and shadow-free domains. In contrast to these methods, in this paper, we present ShadowDiffusion, the first diffusion-based shadow removal method. ShadowDiffusion focuses on single-image shadow removal, even in the presence of soft and self shadows. To guide the diffusion process to recover semantically meaningful structures during the reverse diffusion, we introduce a structure preservation loss, where we extract features from the pre-trained Vision Transformer (DINO-ViT). Moreover, to focus on the recovery of shadow regions, we inject classifier-driven attention into the architecture of the diffusion model. To maintain the consistent colors of the regions where the shadows have been removed, we introduce a chromaticity consistency loss. Our ShadowDiffusion outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the SRD, AISTD, LRSS, USR and UIUC datasets, removing hard, soft, and self shadows robustly. Our method outperforms the SOTA method by 20% of the RMSE of the whole image on the SRD dataset.


Latent Space is Feature Space: Regularization Term for GANs Training on Limited Dataset

Authors:Pengwei Wang

Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) is currently widely used as an unsupervised image generation method. Current state-of-the-art GANs can generate photorealistic images with high resolution. However, a large amount of data is required, or the model would prone to generate images with similar patterns (mode collapse) and bad quality. I proposed an additional structure and loss function for GANs called LFM, trained to maximize the feature diversity between the different dimensions of the latent space to avoid mode collapse without affecting the image quality. Orthogonal latent vector pairs are created, and feature vector pairs extracted by discriminator are examined by dot product, with which discriminator and generator are in a novel adversarial relationship. In experiments, this system has been built upon DCGAN and proved to have improvement on Frechet Inception Distance (FID) training from scratch on CelebA Dataset. This system requires mild extra performance and can work with data augmentation methods. The code is available on
PDF 8 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables


MAGE: MAsked Generative Encoder to Unify Representation Learning and Image Synthesis

Authors:Tianhong Li, Huiwen Chang, Shlok Kumar Mishra, Han Zhang, Dina Katabi, Dilip Krishnan

Generative modeling and representation learning are two key tasks in computer vision. However, these models are typically trained independently, which ignores the potential for each task to help the other, and leads to training and model maintenance overheads. In this work, we propose MAsked Generative Encoder (MAGE), the first framework to unify SOTA image generation and self-supervised representation learning. Our key insight is that using variable masking ratios in masked image modeling pre-training can allow generative training (very high masking ratio) and representation learning (lower masking ratio) under the same training framework. Inspired by previous generative models, MAGE uses semantic tokens learned by a vector-quantized GAN at inputs and outputs, combining this with masking. We can further improve the representation by adding a contrastive loss to the encoder output. We extensively evaluate the generation and representation learning capabilities of MAGE. On ImageNet-1K, a single MAGE ViT-L model obtains 9.10 FID in the task of class-unconditional image generation and 78.9% top-1 accuracy for linear probing, achieving state-of-the-art performance in both image generation and representation learning. Code is available at


DeepPrivacy2: Towards Realistic Full-Body Anonymization

Authors:Håkon Hukkelås, Frank Lindseth

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are widely adapted for anonymization of human figures. However, current state-of-the-art limit anonymization to the task of face anonymization. In this paper, we propose a novel anonymization framework (DeepPrivacy2) for realistic anonymization of human figures and faces. We introduce a new large and diverse dataset for human figure synthesis, which significantly improves image quality and diversity of generated images. Furthermore, we propose a style-based GAN that produces high quality, diverse and editable anonymizations. We demonstrate that our full-body anonymization framework provides stronger privacy guarantees than previously proposed methods.
PDF Accepted at WACV2023


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