
2022-11-10 更新

OpenAUC: Towards AUC-Oriented Open-Set Recognition

Authors:Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Zhiyong Yang, Yuan He, Xiaochun Cao, Qingming Huang

Traditional machine learning follows a close-set assumption that the training and test set share the same label space. While in many practical scenarios, it is inevitable that some test samples belong to unknown classes (open-set). To fix this issue, Open-Set Recognition (OSR), whose goal is to make correct predictions on both close-set samples and open-set samples, has attracted rising attention. In this direction, the vast majority of literature focuses on the pattern of open-set samples. However, how to evaluate model performance in this challenging task is still unsolved. In this paper, a systematic analysis reveals that most existing metrics are essentially inconsistent with the aforementioned goal of OSR: (1) For metrics extended from close-set classification, such as Open-set F-score, Youden’s index, and Normalized Accuracy, a poor open-set prediction can escape from a low performance score with a superior close-set prediction. (2) Novelty detection AUC, which measures the ranking performance between close-set and open-set samples, ignores the close-set performance. To fix these issues, we propose a novel metric named OpenAUC. Compared with existing metrics, OpenAUC enjoys a concise pairwise formulation that evaluates open-set performance and close-set performance in a coupling manner. Further analysis shows that OpenAUC is free from the aforementioned inconsistency properties. Finally, an end-to-end learning method is proposed to minimize the OpenAUC risk, and the experimental results on popular benchmark datasets speak to its effectiveness.


3DOS: Towards 3D Open Set Learning — Benchmarking and Understanding Semantic Novelty Detection on Point Clouds

Authors:Antonio Alliegro, Francesco Cappio Borlino, Tatiana Tommasi

In recent years there has been significant progress in the field of 3D learning on classification, detection and segmentation problems. The vast majority of the existing studies focus on canonical closed-set conditions, neglecting the intrinsic open nature of the real-world. This limits the abilities of robots and autonomous systems involved in safety-critical applications that require managing novel and unknown signals. In this context exploiting 3D data can be a valuable asset since it provides rich information about the geometry of perceived objects and scenes. With this paper we provide the first broad study on 3D Open Set learning. We introduce 3DOS: a novel testbed for semantic novelty detection that considers several settings with increasing difficulties in terms of semantic (category) shift, and covers both in-domain (synthetic-to-synthetic, real-to-real) and cross-domain (synthetic-to-real) scenarios. Moreover, we investigate the related 2D Open Set literature to understand if and how its recent improvements are effective on 3D data. Our extensive benchmark positions several algorithms in the same coherent picture, revealing their strengths and limitations. The results of our analysis may serve as a reliable foothold for future tailored 3D Open Set methods.
PDF Accepted by NeurIPS 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks Track. Code:


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