
2022-11-10 更新

ORA3D: Overlap Region Aware Multi-view 3D Object Detection

Authors:Wonseok Roh, Gyusam Chang, Seokha Moon, Giljoo Nam, Chanyoung Kim, Younghyun Kim, Sangpil Kim, Jinkyu Kim

Current multi-view 3D object detection methods often fail to detect objects in the overlap region properly, and the networks’ understanding of the scene is often limited to that of a monocular detection network. Moreover, objects in the overlap region are often largely occluded or suffer from deformation due to camera distortion, causing a domain shift. To mitigate this issue, we propose using the following two main modules: (1) Stereo Disparity Estimation for Weak Depth Supervision and (2) Adversarial Overlap Region Discriminator. The former utilizes the traditional stereo disparity estimation method to obtain reliable disparity information from the overlap region. Given the disparity estimates as supervision, we propose regularizing the network to fully utilize the geometric potential of binocular images and improve the overall detection accuracy accordingly. Further, the latter module minimizes the representational gap between non-overlap and overlapping regions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with the nuScenes large-scale multi-view 3D object detection data. Our experiments show that our proposed method outperforms current state-of-the-art models, i.e., DETR3D and BEVDet.


p$^3$VAE: a physics-integrated generative model. Application to the semantic segmentation of optical remote sensing images

Authors:Romain Thoreau, Laurent Risser, Véronique Achard, Béatrice Berthelot, Xavier Briottet

The combination of machine learning models with physical models is a recent research path to learn robust data representations. In this paper, we introduce p$^3$VAE, a generative model that integrates a perfect physical model which partially explains the true underlying factors of variation in the data. To fully leverage our hybrid design, we propose a semi-supervised optimization procedure and an inference scheme that comes along meaningful uncertainty estimates. We apply p$^3$VAE to the semantic segmentation of high-resolution hyperspectral remote sensing images. Our experiments on a simulated data set demonstrated the benefits of our hybrid model against conventional machine learning models in terms of extrapolation capabilities and interpretability. In particular, we show that p$^3$VAE naturally has high disentanglement capabilities. Our code and data have been made publicly available at https://github.com/Romain3Ch216/p3VAE.
PDF 21 pages, 11 figures, submitted to the International Journal of Computer Vision


CLUDA : Contrastive Learning in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Midhun Vayyat, Jaswin Kasi, Anuraag Bhattacharya, Shuaib Ahmed, Rahul Tallamraju

In this work, we propose CLUDA, a simple, yet novel method for performing unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for semantic segmentation by incorporating contrastive losses into a student-teacher learning paradigm, that makes use of pseudo-labels generated from the target domain by the teacher network. More specifically, we extract a multi-level fused-feature map from the encoder, and apply contrastive loss across different classes and different domains, via source-target mixing of images. We consistently improve performance on various feature encoder architectures and for different domain adaptation datasets in semantic segmentation. Furthermore, we introduce a learned-weighted contrastive loss to improve upon on a state-of-the-art multi-resolution training approach in UDA. We produce state-of-the-art results on GTA $\rightarrow$ Cityscapes (74.4 mIOU, +0.6) and Synthia $\rightarrow$ Cityscapes (67.2 mIOU, +1.4) datasets. CLUDA effectively demonstrates contrastive learning in UDA as a generic method, which can be easily integrated into any existing UDA for semantic segmentation tasks. Please refer to the supplementary material for the details on implementation.
PDF Contrastive learning


Domain Adaptive Video Semantic Segmentation via Cross-Domain Moving Object Mixing

Authors:Kyusik Cho, Suhyeon Lee, Hongje Seong, Euntai Kim

The network trained for domain adaptation is prone to bias toward the easy-to-transfer classes. Since the ground truth label on the target domain is unavailable during training, the bias problem leads to skewed predictions, forgetting to predict hard-to-transfer classes. To address this problem, we propose Cross-domain Moving Object Mixing (CMOM) that cuts several objects, including hard-to-transfer classes, in the source domain video clip and pastes them into the target domain video clip. Unlike image-level domain adaptation, the temporal context should be maintained to mix moving objects in two different videos. Therefore, we design CMOM to mix with consecutive video frames, so that unrealistic movements are not occurring. We additionally propose Feature Alignment with Temporal Context (FATC) to enhance target domain feature discriminability. FATC exploits the robust source domain features, which are trained with ground truth labels, to learn discriminative target domain features in an unsupervised manner by filtering unreliable predictions with temporal consensus. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches through extensive experiments. In particular, our model reaches mIoU of 53.81% on VIPER to Cityscapes-Seq benchmark and mIoU of 56.31% on SYNTHIA-Seq to Cityscapes-Seq benchmark, surpassing the state-of-the-art methods by large margins.
PDF Accepted to WACV 2023


SSDA-YOLO: Semi-supervised Domain Adaptive YOLO for Cross-Domain Object Detection

Authors:Huayi Zhou, Fei Jiang, Hongtao Lu

Domain adaptive object detection (DAOD) aims to alleviate transfer performance degradation caused by the cross-domain discrepancy. However, most existing DAOD methods are dominated by computationally intensive two-stage detectors, which are not the first choice for industrial applications. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised domain adaptive YOLO (SSDA-YOLO) based method to improve cross-domain detection performance by integrating the compact one-stage detector YOLOv5 with domain adaptation. Specifically, we adapt the knowledge distillation framework with the Mean Teacher model to assist the student model in obtaining instance-level features of the unlabeled target domain. We also utilize the scene style transfer to cross-generate pseudo images in different domains for remedying image-level differences. In addition, an intuitive consistency loss is proposed to further align cross-domain predictions. We evaluate our proposed SSDA-YOLO on public benchmarks including PascalVOC, Clipart1k, Cityscapes, and Foggy Cityscapes. Moreover, to verify its generalization, we conduct experiments on yawning detection datasets collected from various classrooms. The results show considerable improvements of our method in these DAOD tasks. Our code is available on \url{https://github.com/hnuzhy/SSDA-YOLO}.
PDF submitted to CVIU


1st Place Solution of The Robust Vision Challenge 2022 Semantic Segmentation Track

Authors:Junfei Xiao, Zhichao Xu, Shiyi Lan, Zhiding Yu, Alan Yuille, Anima Anandkumar

This report describes the winning solution to the Robust Vision Challenge (RVC) semantic segmentation track at ECCV 2022. Our method adopts the FAN-B-Hybrid model as the encoder and uses SegFormer as the segmentation framework. The model is trained on a composite dataset consisting of images from 9 datasets (ADE20K, Cityscapes, Mapillary Vistas, ScanNet, VIPER, WildDash 2, IDD, BDD, and COCO) with a simple dataset balancing strategy. All the original labels are projected to a 256-class unified label space, and the model is trained using a cross-entropy loss. Without significant hyperparameter tuning or any specific loss weighting, our solution ranks the first place on all the testing semantic segmentation benchmarks from multiple domains (ADE20K, Cityscapes, Mapillary Vistas, ScanNet, VIPER, and WildDash 2). The proposed method can serve as a strong baseline for the multi-domain segmentation task and benefit future works. Code will be available at https://github.com/lambert-x/RVC_Segmentation.
PDF The Winning Solution to The Robust Vision Challenge 2022 Semantic Segmentation Track


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