
2022-11-10 更新

NIP: Neuron-level Inverse Perturbation Against Adversarial Attacks

Authors:Ruoxi Chen, Haibo Jin, Jinyin Chen, Haibin Zheng, Yue Yu, Shouling Ji

Although deep learning models have achieved unprecedented success, their vulnerabilities towards adversarial attacks have attracted increasing attention, especially when deployed in security-critical domains. To address the challenge, numerous defense strategies, including reactive and proactive ones, have been proposed for robustness improvement. From the perspective of image feature space, some of them cannot reach satisfying results due to the shift of features. Besides, features learned by models are not directly related to classification results. Different from them, We consider defense method essentially from model inside and investigated the neuron behaviors before and after attacks. We observed that attacks mislead the model by dramatically changing the neurons that contribute most and least to the correct label. Motivated by it, we introduce the concept of neuron influence and further divide neurons into front, middle and tail part. Based on it, we propose neuron-level inverse perturbation(NIP), the first neuron-level reactive defense method against adversarial attacks. By strengthening front neurons and weakening those in the tail part, NIP can eliminate nearly all adversarial perturbations while still maintaining high benign accuracy. Besides, it can cope with different sizes of perturbations via adaptivity, especially larger ones. Comprehensive experiments conducted on three datasets and six models show that NIP outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines against eleven adversarial attacks. We further provide interpretable proofs via neuron activation and visualization for better understanding.
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Black-Box Attack against GAN-Generated Image Detector with Contrastive Perturbation

Authors:Zijie Lou, Gang Cao, Man Lin

Visually realistic GAN-generated facial images raise obvious concerns on potential misuse. Many effective forensic algorithms have been developed to detect such synthetic images in recent years. It is significant to assess the vulnerability of such forensic detectors against adversarial attacks. In this paper, we propose a new black-box attack method against GAN-generated image detectors. A novel contrastive learning strategy is adopted to train the encoder-decoder network based anti-forensic model under a contrastive loss function. GAN images and their simulated real counterparts are constructed as positive and negative samples, respectively. Leveraging on the trained attack model, imperceptible contrastive perturbation could be applied to input synthetic images for removing GAN fingerprint to some extent. As such, existing GAN-generated image detectors are expected to be deceived. Extensive experimental results verify that the proposed attack effectively reduces the accuracy of three state-of-the-art detectors on six popular GANs. High visual quality of the attacked images is also achieved. The source code will be available at https://github.com/ZXMMD/BAttGAND.


Textual Manifold-based Defense Against Natural Language Adversarial Examples

Authors:Dang Minh Nguyen, Luu Anh Tuan

Recent studies on adversarial images have shown that they tend to leave the underlying low-dimensional data manifold, making them significantly more challenging for current models to make correct predictions. This so-called off-manifold conjecture has inspired a novel line of defenses against adversarial attacks on images. In this study, we find a similar phenomenon occurs in the contextualized embedding space induced by pretrained language models, in which adversarial texts tend to have their embeddings diverge from the manifold of natural ones. Based on this finding, we propose Textual Manifold-based Defense (TMD), a defense mechanism that projects text embeddings onto an approximated embedding manifold before classification. It reduces the complexity of potential adversarial examples, which ultimately enhances the robustness of the protected model. Through extensive experiments, our method consistently and significantly outperforms previous defenses under various attack settings without trading off clean accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first NLP defense that leverages the manifold structure against adversarial attacks. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/dangne/tmd}.


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