
2022-10-31 更新

RecurSeed and EdgePredictMix: Single-stage Learning is Sufficient for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Sanghyun Jo, In-Jae Yu, Kyungsu Kim

Although weakly-supervised semantic segmentation using only image-level labels (WSSS-IL) is potentially useful, its low performance and implementation complexity still limit its application. The main causes are (a) non-detection and (b) false-detection phenomena: (a) The class activation maps refined from existing WSSS-IL methods still only represent partial regions for large-scale objects, and (b) for small-scale objects, over-activation causes them to deviate from the object edges. We propose RecurSeed which alternately reduces non and false-detections through recursive iterations, thereby implicitly finding an optimal junction that minimizes both errors. We also propose a novel data augmentation (DA) approach called EdgePredictMix, which further expresses an object’s edge by utilizing the probability difference information between adjacent pixels in combining the segmentation results, thereby compensating for the shortcomings when applying the existing DA methods to WSSS. We achieved new state-of-the-art performances on both the PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 benchmarks (VOC val 74.4%, COCO val 46.4%). The code is available at https://github.com/OFRIN/RecurSeed_and_EdgePredictMix.


RGB-T Semantic Segmentation with Location, Activation, and Sharpening

Authors:Gongyang Li, Yike Wang, Zhi Liu, Xinpeng Zhang, Dan Zeng

Semantic segmentation is important for scene understanding. To address the scenes of adverse illumination conditions of natural images, thermal infrared (TIR) images are introduced. Most existing RGB-T semantic segmentation methods follow three cross-modal fusion paradigms, i.e. encoder fusion, decoder fusion, and feature fusion. Some methods, unfortunately, ignore the properties of RGB and TIR features or the properties of features at different levels. In this paper, we propose a novel feature fusion-based network for RGB-T semantic segmentation, named \emph{LASNet}, which follows three steps of location, activation, and sharpening. The highlight of LASNet is that we fully consider the characteristics of cross-modal features at different levels, and accordingly propose three specific modules for better segmentation. Concretely, we propose a Collaborative Location Module (CLM) for high-level semantic features, aiming to locate all potential objects. We propose a Complementary Activation Module for middle-level features, aiming to activate exact regions of different objects. We propose an Edge Sharpening Module (ESM) for low-level texture features, aiming to sharpen the edges of objects. Furthermore, in the training phase, we attach a location supervision and an edge supervision after CLM and ESM, respectively, and impose two semantic supervisions in the decoder part to facilitate network convergence. Experimental results on two public datasets demonstrate that the superiority of our LASNet over relevant state-of-the-art methods. The code and results of our method are available at https://github.com/MathLee/LASNet.
PDF 12 pages, 7 figures, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2022


LeNo: Adversarial Robust Salient Object Detection Networks with Learnable Noise

Authors:He Tang, He Wang

Pixel-wise predction with deep neural network has become an effective paradigm for salient object detection (SOD) and achieved remakable performance. However, very few SOD models are robust against adversarial attacks which are visually imperceptible for human visual attention. The previous work robust salient object detection against adversarial attacks (ROSA) shuffles the pre-segmented superpixels and then refines the coarse saliency map by the densely connected CRF. Different from ROSA that rely on various pre- and post-processings, this paper proposes a light-weight Learnble Noise (LeNo) to against adversarial attacks for SOD models. LeNo preserves accuracy of SOD models on both adversarial and clean images, as well as inference speed. In general, LeNo consists of a simple shallow noise and noise estimation that embedded in the encoder and decoder of arbitrary SOD networks respectively. Inspired by the center prior of human visual attention mechanism, we initialize the shallow noise with a cross-shaped gaussian distribution for better defense against adversarial attacks. Instead of adding additional network components for post-processing, the proposed noise estimation modifies only one channel of the decoder. With the deeply-supervised noise-decoupled training on state-of-the-art RGB and RGB-D SOD networks, LeNo outperforms previous works not only on adversarial images but also clean images, which contributes stronger robustness for SOD.
PDF 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to AAAI


Salient Object Detection via Dynamic Scale Routing

Authors:Zhenyu Wu, Shuai Li, Chenglizhao Chen, Hong Qin, Aimin Hao

Recent research advances in salient object detection (SOD) could largely be attributed to ever-stronger multi-scale feature representation empowered by the deep learning technologies. The existing SOD deep models extract multi-scale features via the off-the-shelf encoders and combine them smartly via various delicate decoders. However, the kernel sizes in this commonly-used thread are usually “fixed”. In our new experiments, we have observed that kernels of small size are preferable in scenarios containing tiny salient objects. In contrast, large kernel sizes could perform better for images with large salient objects. Inspired by this observation, we advocate the “dynamic” scale routing (as a brand-new idea) in this paper. It will result in a generic plug-in that could directly fit the existing feature backbone. This paper’s key technical innovations are two-fold. First, instead of using the vanilla convolution with fixed kernel sizes for the encoder design, we propose the dynamic pyramid convolution (DPConv), which dynamically selects the best-suited kernel sizes w.r.t. the given input. Second, we provide a self-adaptive bidirectional decoder design to accommodate the DPConv-based encoder best. The most significant highlight is its capability of routing between feature scales and their dynamic collection, making the inference process scale-aware. As a result, this paper continues to enhance the current SOTA performance. Both the code and dataset are publicly available at https://github.com/wuzhenyubuaa/DPNet.
PDF 15 pages, 15 figures


Open-vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Frozen Vision-Language Models

Authors:Chaofan Ma, Yuhuan Yang, Yanfeng Wang, Ya Zhang, Weidi Xie

When trained at a sufficient scale, self-supervised learning has exhibited a notable ability to solve a wide range of visual or language understanding tasks. In this paper, we investigate simple, yet effective approaches for adapting the pre-trained foundation models to the downstream task of interest, namely, open-vocabulary semantic segmentation. To this end, we make the following contributions: (i) we introduce Fusioner, with a lightweight, transformer-based fusion module, that pairs the frozen visual representation with language concept through a handful of image segmentation data. As a consequence, the model gains the capability of zero-shot transfer to segment novel categories; (ii) without loss of generality, we experiment on a broad range of self-supervised models that have been pre-trained with different schemes, e.g. visual-only models (MoCo v3, DINO), language-only models (BERT), visual-language model (CLIP), and show that, the proposed fusion approach is effective to any pair of visual and language models, even those pre-trained on a corpus of uni-modal data; (iii) we conduct thorough ablation studies to analyze the critical components in our proposed Fusioner, while evaluating on standard benchmarks, e.g. PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i , it surpasses existing state-of-the-art models by a large margin, despite only being trained on frozen visual and language features; (iv) to measure the model’s robustness on learning visual-language correspondence, we further evaluate on synthetic dataset, named Mosaic-4, where images are constructed by mosaicking the samples from FSS-1000. Fusioner demonstrates superior performance over previous models.
PDF BMVC 2022 Oral


1st Place Solution of The Robust Vision Challenge (RVC) 2022 Semantic Segmentation Track

Authors:Junfei Xiao, Zhichao Xu, Shiyi Lan, Zhiding Yu, Alan Yuille, Anima Anandkumar

This report describes the winning solution to the semantic segmentation task of the Robust Vision Challenge on ECCV 2022. Our method adopts the FAN-B-Hybrid model as the encoder and uses Segformer as the segmentation framework. The model is trained on a composite dataset consisting of images from 9 datasets (ADE20K, Cityscapes, Mapillary Vistas, ScanNet, VIPER, WildDash 2, IDD, BDD, and COCO) with a simple dataset balancing strategy. All the original labels are projected to a 256-class unified label space, and the model is trained using a cross-entropy loss. Without significant hyperparameter tuning or any specific loss weighting, our solution ranks the first place on all the testing semantic segmentation benchmarks from multiple domains (ADE20K, Cityscapes, Mapillary Vistas, ScanNet, VIPER, and WildDash 2). The proposed method could serve as a strong baseline for the multi-domain segmentation task and benefit future works. Code will be available at https://github.com/lambert-x/RVC_Segmentation.
PDF The Winning Solution to The Robust Vision Challenge 2022 Semantic Segmentation Track


CD-FSOD: A Benchmark for Cross-domain Few-shot Object Detection

Authors:Wuti Xiong, Li Liu

In this paper, we propose a study of the cross-domain few-shot object detection (CD-FSOD) benchmark, consisting of image data from a diverse data domain. On the proposed benchmark, we evaluate state-of-art FSOD approaches, including meta-learning FSOD approaches and fine-tuning FSOD approaches. The results show that these methods tend to fall, and even underperform the naive fine-tuning model. We analyze the reasons for their failure and introduce a strong baseline that uses a mutually-beneficial manner to alleviate the overfitting problem. Our approach is remarkably superior to existing approaches by significant margins (2.0\% on average) on the proposed benchmark. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/FSOD/CD-FSOD}.


Slicing Aided Hyper Inference and Fine-tuning for Small Object Detection

Authors:Fatih Cagatay Akyon, Sinan Onur Altinuc, Alptekin Temizel

Detection of small objects and objects far away in the scene is a major challenge in surveillance applications. Such objects are represented by small number of pixels in the image and lack sufficient details, making them difficult to detect using conventional detectors. In this work, an open-source framework called Slicing Aided Hyper Inference (SAHI) is proposed that provides a generic slicing aided inference and fine-tuning pipeline for small object detection. The proposed technique is generic in the sense that it can be applied on top of any available object detector without any fine-tuning. Experimental evaluations, using object detection baselines on the Visdrone and xView aerial object detection datasets show that the proposed inference method can increase object detection AP by 6.8%, 5.1% and 5.3% for FCOS, VFNet and TOOD detectors, respectively. Moreover, the detection accuracy can be further increased with a slicing aided fine-tuning, resulting in a cumulative increase of 12.7%, 13.4% and 14.5% AP in the same order. Proposed technique has been integrated with Detectron2, MMDetection and YOLOv5 models and it is publicly available at https://github.com/obss/sahi.git .
PDF Presented at ICIP 2022, 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables


Dense Voxel Fusion for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Anas Mahmoud, Jordan S. K. Hu, Steven L. Waslander

Camera and LiDAR sensor modalities provide complementary appearance and geometric information useful for detecting 3D objects for autonomous vehicle applications. However, current end-to-end fusion methods are challenging to train and underperform state-of-the-art LiDAR-only detectors. Sequential fusion methods suffer from a limited number of pixel and point correspondences due to point cloud sparsity, or their performance is strictly capped by the detections of one of the modalities. Our proposed solution, Dense Voxel Fusion (DVF) is a sequential fusion method that generates multi-scale dense voxel feature representations, improving expressiveness in low point density regions. To enhance multi-modal learning, we train directly with projected ground truth 3D bounding box labels, avoiding noisy, detector-specific 2D predictions. Both DVF and the multi-modal training approach can be applied to any voxel-based LiDAR backbone. DVF ranks 3rd among published fusion methods on KITTI 3D car detection benchmark without introducing additional trainable parameters, nor requiring stereo images or dense depth labels. In addition, DVF significantly improves 3D vehicle detection performance of voxel-based methods on the Waymo Open Dataset.
PDF Accepted in WACV 2023


SemFormer: Semantic Guided Activation Transformer for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Junliang Chen, Xiaodong Zhao, Cheng Luo, Linlin Shen

Recent mainstream weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) approaches are mainly based on Class Activation Map (CAM) generated by a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) based image classifier. In this paper, we propose a novel transformer-based framework, named Semantic Guided Activation Transformer (SemFormer), for WSSS. We design a transformer-based Class-Aware AutoEncoder (CAAE) to extract the class embeddings for the input image and learn class semantics for all classes of the dataset. The class embeddings and learned class semantics are then used to guide the generation of activation maps with four losses, i.e., class-foreground, class-background, activation suppression, and activation complementation loss. Experimental results show that our SemFormer achieves \textbf{74.3}\% mIoU and surpasses many recent mainstream WSSS approaches by a large margin on PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/JLChen-C/SemFormer}.


H2RBox: Horizontal Box Annotation is All You Need for Oriented Object Detection

Authors:Xue Yang, Gefan Zhang, Wentong Li, Xuehui Wang, Yue Zhou, Junchi Yan

Oriented object detection emerges in many applications from aerial images to autonomous driving, while many existing detection benchmarks are annotated with horizontal bounding box only which is also less costive than fine-grained rotated box, leading to a gap between the readily available training corpus and the rising demand for oriented object detection. This paper proposes a simple yet effective oriented object detection approach called H2RBox merely using horizontal box annotation for weakly-supervised training, which closes the above gap and shows competitive performance even against those trained with rotated boxes. The cores of our method are weakly- and self-supervised learning, which predicts the angle of the object by learning the consistency of two different views. To our best knowledge, H2RBox is the first horizontal box annotation-based oriented object detector. Compared to an alternative i.e. horizontal box-supervised instance segmentation with our post adaption to oriented object detection, our approach is not susceptible to the prediction quality of mask and can perform more robustly in complex scenes containing a large number of dense objects and outliers. Experimental results show that H2RBox has significant performance and speed advantages over horizontal box-supervised instance segmentation methods, as well as lower memory requirements. While compared to rotated box-supervised oriented object detectors, our method shows very close performance and speed, and even surpasses them in some cases. The source code is available at https://github.com/yangxue0827/h2rbox-mmrotate.
PDF 14 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, the source code is available at https://github.com/yangxue0827/h2rbox-mmrotate


A Comparative Attention Framework for Better Few-Shot Object Detection on Aerial Images

Authors:Pierre Le Jeune, Anissa Mokraoui

Few-Shot Object Detection (FSOD) methods are mainly designed and evaluated on natural image datasets such as Pascal VOC and MS COCO. However, it is not clear whether the best methods for natural images are also the best for aerial images. Furthermore, direct comparison of performance between FSOD methods is difficult due to the wide variety of detection frameworks and training strategies. Therefore, we propose a benchmarking framework that provides a flexible environment to implement and compare attention-based FSOD methods. The proposed framework focuses on attention mechanisms and is divided into three modules: spatial alignment, global attention, and fusion layer. To remain competitive with existing methods, which often leverage complex training, we propose new augmentation techniques designed for object detection. Using this framework, several FSOD methods are reimplemented and compared. This comparison highlights two distinct performance regimes on aerial and natural images: FSOD performs worse on aerial images. Our experiments suggest that small objects, which are harder to detect in the few-shot setting, account for the poor performance. Finally, we develop a novel multiscale alignment method, Cross-Scales Query-Support Alignment (XQSA) for FSOD, to improve the detection of small objects. XQSA outperforms the state-of-the-art significantly on DOTA and DIOR.


Domain Adaptive Object Detection for Autonomous Driving under Foggy Weather

Authors:Jinlong Li, Runsheng Xu, Jin Ma, Qin Zou, Jiaqi Ma, Hongkai Yu

Most object detection methods for autonomous driving usually assume a consistent feature distribution between training and testing data, which is not always the case when weathers differ significantly. The object detection model trained under clear weather might not be effective enough in foggy weather because of the domain gap. This paper proposes a novel domain adaptive object detection framework for autonomous driving under foggy weather. Our method leverages both image-level and object-level adaptation to diminish the domain discrepancy in image style and object appearance. To further enhance the model’s capabilities under challenging samples, we also come up with a new adversarial gradient reversal layer to perform adversarial mining for the hard examples together with domain adaptation. Moreover, we propose to generate an auxiliary domain by data augmentation to enforce a new domain-level metric regularization. Experimental results on public benchmarks show the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method. The code is available at https://github.com/jinlong17/DA-Detect.
PDF Accepted by WACV2023. Code is available at https://github.com/jinlong17/DA-Detect


Synthetic Data Supervised Salient Object Detection

Authors:Zhenyu Wu, Lin Wang, Wei Wang, Tengfei Shi, Chenglizhao Chen, Aimin Hao, Shuo Li

Although deep salient object detection (SOD) has achieved remarkable progress, deep SOD models are extremely data-hungry, requiring large-scale pixel-wise annotations to deliver such promising results. In this paper, we propose a novel yet effective method for SOD, coined SODGAN, which can generate infinite high-quality image-mask pairs requiring only a few labeled data, and these synthesized pairs can replace the human-labeled DUTS-TR to train any off-the-shelf SOD model. Its contribution is three-fold. 1) Our proposed diffusion embedding network can address the manifold mismatch and is tractable for the latent code generation, better matching with the ImageNet latent space. 2) For the first time, our proposed few-shot saliency mask generator can synthesize infinite accurate image synchronized saliency masks with a few labeled data. 3) Our proposed quality-aware discriminator can select highquality synthesized image-mask pairs from noisy synthetic data pool, improving the quality of synthetic data. For the first time, our SODGAN tackles SOD with synthetic data directly generated from the generative model, which opens up a new research paradigm for SOD. Extensive experimental results show that the saliency model trained on synthetic data can achieve $98.4\%$ F-measure of the saliency model trained on the DUTS-TR. Moreover, our approach achieves a new SOTA performance in semi/weakly-supervised methods, and even outperforms several fully-supervised SOTA methods. Code is available at https://github.com/wuzhenyubuaa/SODGAN
PDF 9 pages, 8 figures


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