Diffusion Models

2022-10-30 更新

Lafite2: Few-shot Text-to-Image Generation

Authors:Yufan Zhou, Chunyuan Li, Changyou Chen, Jianfeng Gao, Jinhui Xu

Text-to-image generation models have progressed considerably in recent years, which can now generate impressive realistic images from arbitrary text. Most of such models are trained on web-scale image-text paired datasets, which may not be affordable for many researchers. In this paper, we propose a novel method for pre-training text-to-image generation model on image-only datasets. It considers a retrieval-then-optimization procedure to synthesize pseudo text features: for a given image, relevant pseudo text features are first retrieved, then optimized for better alignment. The low requirement of the proposed method yields high flexibility and usability: it can be beneficial to a wide range of settings, including the few-shot, semi-supervised and fully-supervised learning; it can be applied on different models including generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion models. Extensive experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. On MS-COCO dataset, our GAN model obtains Fr\’echet Inception Distance (FID) of 6.78 which is the new state-of-the-art (SoTA) of GANs under fully-supervised setting. Our diffusion model obtains FID of 8.42 and 4.28 on zero-shot and supervised setting respectively, which are competitive to SoTA diffusion models with a much smaller model size.


Towards the Detection of Diffusion Model Deepfakes

Authors:Jonas Ricker, Simon Damm, Thorsten Holz, Asja Fischer

Diffusion models (DMs) have recently emerged as a promising method in image synthesis. They have surpassed generative adversarial networks (GANs) in both diversity and quality, and have achieved impressive results in text-to-image and image-to-image modeling. However, to date, only little attention has been paid to the detection of DM-generated images, which is critical to prevent adverse impacts on our society. Although prior work has shown that GAN-generated images can be reliably detected using automated methods, it is unclear whether the same methods are effective against DMs. In this work, we address this challenge and take a first look at detecting DM-generated images. We approach the problem from two different angles: First, we evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art detectors on a variety of DMs. Second, we analyze DM-generated images in the frequency domain and study different factors that influence the spectral properties of these images. Most importantly, we demonstrate that GANs and DMs produce images with different characteristics, which requires adaptation of existing classifiers to ensure reliable detection. We believe this work provides the foundation and starting point for further research to detect DM deepfakes effectively.
PDF 24 pages, 18 figures


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