Domain Adaptation

2022-10-12 更新

Meta-Learning with Self-Improving Momentum Target

Authors:Jihoon Tack, Jongjin Park, Hankook Lee, Jaeho Lee, Jinwoo Shin

The idea of using a separately trained target model (or teacher) to improve the performance of the student model has been increasingly popular in various machine learning domains, and meta-learning is no exception; a recent discovery shows that utilizing task-wise target models can significantly boost the generalization performance. However, obtaining a target model for each task can be highly expensive, especially when the number of tasks for meta-learning is large. To tackle this issue, we propose a simple yet effective method, coined Self-improving Momentum Target (SiMT). SiMT generates the target model by adapting from the temporal ensemble of the meta-learner, i.e., the momentum network. This momentum network and its task-specific adaptations enjoy a favorable generalization performance, enabling self-improving of the meta-learner through knowledge distillation. Moreover, we found that perturbing parameters of the meta-learner, e.g., dropout, further stabilize this self-improving process by preventing fast convergence of the distillation loss during meta-training. Our experimental results demonstrate that SiMT brings a significant performance gain when combined with a wide range of meta-learning methods under various applications, including few-shot regression, few-shot classification, and meta-reinforcement learning. Code is available at
PDF Published as a conference proceeding for NeurIPS 2022


Cluster-level pseudo-labelling for source-free cross-domain facial expression recognition

Authors:Alessandro Conti, Paolo Rota, Yiming Wang, Elisa Ricci

Automatically understanding emotions from visual data is a fundamental task for human behaviour understanding. While models devised for Facial Expression Recognition (FER) have demonstrated excellent performances on many datasets, they often suffer from severe performance degradation when trained and tested on different datasets due to domain shift. In addition, as face images are considered highly sensitive data, the accessibility to large-scale datasets for model training is often denied. In this work, we tackle the above-mentioned problems by proposing the first Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SFUDA) method for FER. Our method exploits self-supervised pretraining to learn good feature representations from the target data and proposes a novel and robust cluster-level pseudo-labelling strategy that accounts for in-cluster statistics. We validate the effectiveness of our method in four adaptation setups, proving that it consistently outperforms existing SFUDA methods when applied to FER, and is on par with methods addressing FER in the UDA setting.
PDF Accepted at BMVC2022, 13 pages, 4 figures, code is available at


CASAPose: Class-Adaptive and Semantic-Aware Multi-Object Pose Estimation

Authors:Niklas Gard, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert

Applications in the field of augmented reality or robotics often require joint localisation and 6d pose estimation of multiple objects. However, most algorithms need one network per object class to be trained in order to provide the best results. Analysing all visible objects demands multiple inferences, which is memory and time-consuming. We present a new single-stage architecture called CASAPose that determines 2D-3D correspondences for pose estimation of multiple different objects in RGB images in one pass. It is fast and memory efficient, and achieves high accuracy for multiple objects by exploiting the output of a semantic segmentation decoder as control input to a keypoint recognition decoder via local class-adaptive normalisation. Our new differentiable regression of keypoint locations significantly contributes to a faster closing of the domain gap between real test and synthetic training data. We apply segmentation-aware convolutions and upsampling operations to increase the focus inside the object mask and to reduce mutual interference of occluding objects. For each inserted object, the network grows by only one output segmentation map and a negligible number of parameters. We outperform state-of-the-art approaches in challenging multi-object scenes with inter-object occlusion and synthetic training.
PDF Accepted at BMVC 2022 (this submission includes the paper and supplementary material)


Set-based Meta-Interpolation for Few-Task Meta-Learning

Authors:Seanie Lee, Bruno Andreis, Kenji Kawaguchi, Juho Lee, Sung Ju Hwang

Meta-learning approaches enable machine learning systems to adapt to new tasks given few examples by leveraging knowledge from related tasks. However, a large number of meta-training tasks are still required for generalization to unseen tasks during meta-testing, which introduces a critical bottleneck for real-world problems that come with only few tasks, due to various reasons including the difficulty and cost of constructing tasks. Recently, several task augmentation methods have been proposed to tackle this issue using domain-specific knowledge to design augmentation techniques to densify the meta-training task distribution. However, such reliance on domain-specific knowledge renders these methods inapplicable to other domains. While Manifold Mixup based task augmentation methods are domain-agnostic, we empirically find them ineffective on non-image domains. To tackle these limitations, we propose a novel domain-agnostic task augmentation method, Meta-Interpolation, which utilizes expressive neural set functions to densify the meta-training task distribution using bilevel optimization. We empirically validate the efficacy of Meta-Interpolation on eight datasets spanning across various domains such as image classification, molecule property prediction, text classification and speech recognition. Experimentally, we show that Meta-Interpolation consistently outperforms all the relevant baselines. Theoretically, we prove that task interpolation with the set function regularizes the meta-learner to improve generalization.
PDF First two authors contributed equally. Name order decided by a coin toss


Unifying Graph Embedding Features with Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-based Action Recognition

Authors:Dong Yang, Monica Mengqi Li, Hong Fu, Jicong Fan, Zhao Zhang, Howard Leung

Combining skeleton structure with graph convolutional networks has achieved remarkable performance in human action recognition. Since current research focuses on designing basic graph for representing skeleton data, these embedding features contain basic topological information, which cannot learn more systematic perspectives from skeleton data. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by proposing a novel framework, which unifies 15 graph embedding features into the graph convolutional network for human action recognition, aiming to best take advantage of graph information to distinguish key joints, bones, and body parts in human action, instead of being exclusive to a single feature or domain. Additionally, we fully investigate how to find the best graph features of skeleton structure for improving human action recognition. Besides, the topological information of the skeleton sequence is explored to further enhance the performance in a multi-stream framework. Moreover, the unified graph features are extracted by the adaptive methods on the training process, which further yields improvements. Our model is validated by three large-scale datasets, namely NTU-RGB+D, Kinetics and SYSU-3D, and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Overall, our work unified graph embedding features to promotes systematic research on human action recognition.


PatternRank: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models and Part of Speech for Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction

Authors:Tim Schopf, Simon Klimek, Florian Matthes

Keyphrase extraction is the process of automatically selecting a small set of most relevant phrases from a given text. Supervised keyphrase extraction approaches need large amounts of labeled training data and perform poorly outside the domain of the training data (Bennani-Smires et al., 2018). In this paper, we present PatternRank, which leverages pretrained language models and part-of-speech for unsupervised keyphrase extraction from single documents. Our experiments show PatternRank achieves higher precision, recall and F1 -scores than previous state-of-the-art approaches. In addition, we present the KeyphraseVectorizers package, which allows easy modification of part-of-speech patterns for candidate keyphrase selection, and hence adaptation of our approach to any domain.
PDF Accepted to 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - KDIR


MEMO: Test Time Robustness via Adaptation and Augmentation

Authors:Marvin Zhang, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn

While deep neural networks can attain good accuracy on in-distribution test points, many applications require robustness even in the face of unexpected perturbations in the input, changes in the domain, or other sources of distribution shift. We study the problem of test time robustification, i.e., using the test input to improve model robustness. Recent prior works have proposed methods for test time adaptation, however, they each introduce additional assumptions, such as access to multiple test points, that prevent widespread adoption. In this work, we aim to study and devise methods that make no assumptions about the model training process and are broadly applicable at test time. We propose a simple approach that can be used in any test setting where the model is probabilistic and adaptable: when presented with a test example, perform different data augmentations on the data point, and then adapt (all of) the model parameters by minimizing the entropy of the model’s average, or marginal, output distribution across the augmentations. Intuitively, this objective encourages the model to make the same prediction across different augmentations, thus enforcing the invariances encoded in these augmentations, while also maintaining confidence in its predictions. In our experiments, we evaluate two baseline ResNet models, two robust ResNet-50 models, and a robust vision transformer model, and we demonstrate that this approach achieves accuracy gains of 1-8\% over standard model evaluation and also generally outperforms prior augmentation and adaptation strategies. For the setting in which only one test point is available, we achieve state-of-the-art results on the ImageNet-C, ImageNet-R, and, among ResNet-50 models, ImageNet-A distribution shift benchmarks.
PDF NeurIPS ‘22 camera ready. Code:


Ensemble of Averages: Improving Model Selection and Boosting Performance in Domain Generalization

Authors:Devansh Arpit, Huan Wang, Yingbo Zhou, Caiming Xiong

In Domain Generalization (DG) settings, models trained independently on a given set of training domains have notoriously chaotic performance on distribution shifted test domains, and stochasticity in optimization (e.g. seed) plays a big role. This makes deep learning models unreliable in real world settings. We first show that this chaotic behavior exists even along the training optimization trajectory of a single model, and propose a simple model averaging protocol that both significantly boosts domain generalization and diminishes the impact of stochasticity by improving the rank correlation between the in-domain validation accuracy and out-domain test accuracy, which is crucial for reliable early stopping. Taking advantage of our observation, we show that instead of ensembling unaveraged models (that is typical in practice), ensembling moving average models (EoA) from independent runs further boosts performance. We theoretically explain the boost in performance of ensembling and model averaging by adapting the well known Bias-Variance trade-off to the domain generalization setting. On the DomainBed benchmark, when using a pre-trained ResNet-50, this ensemble of averages achieves an average of $68.0\%$, beating vanilla ERM (w/o averaging/ensembling) by $\sim 4\%$, and when using a pre-trained RegNetY-16GF, achieves an average of $76.6\%$, beating vanilla ERM by $6\%$. Our code is available at \url{}.
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS 2022


Image-Based CLIP-Guided Essence Transfer

Authors:Hila Chefer, Sagie Benaim, Roni Paiss, Lior Wolf

We make the distinction between (i) style transfer, in which a source image is manipulated to match the textures and colors of a target image, and (ii) essence transfer, in which one edits the source image to include high-level semantic attributes from the target. Crucially, the semantic attributes that constitute the essence of an image may differ from image to image. Our blending operator combines the powerful StyleGAN generator and the semantic encoder of CLIP in a novel way that is simultaneously additive in both latent spaces, resulting in a mechanism that guarantees both identity preservation and high-level feature transfer without relying on a facial recognition network. We present two variants of our method. The first is based on optimization, while the second fine-tunes an existing inversion encoder to perform essence extraction. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the superiority of our methods for essence transfer over existing methods for style transfer, domain adaptation, and text-based semantic editing. Our code is available at
PDF To appear in ECCV’22


Improving Retrieval Augmented Neural Machine Translation by Controlling Source and Fuzzy-Match Interactions

Authors:Cuong Hoang, Devendra Sachan, Prashant Mathur, Brian Thompson, Marcello Federico

We explore zero-shot adaptation, where a general-domain model has access to customer or domain specific parallel data at inference time, but not during training. We build on the idea of Retrieval Augmented Translation (RAT) where top-k in-domain fuzzy matches are found for the source sentence, and target-language translations of those fuzzy-matched sentences are provided to the translation model at inference time. We propose a novel architecture to control interactions between a source sentence and the top-k fuzzy target-language matches, and compare it to architectures from prior work. We conduct experiments in two language pairs (En-De and En-Fr) by training models on WMT data and testing them with five and seven multi-domain datasets, respectively. Our approach consistently outperforms the alternative architectures, improving BLEU across language pair, domain, and number k of fuzzy matches.


Personalised Meta-path Generation for Heterogeneous GNNs

Authors:Zhiqiang Zhong, Cheng-Te Li, Jun Pang

Recently, increasing attention has been paid to heterogeneous graph representation learning (HGRL), which aims to embed rich structural and semantic information in heterogeneous information networks (HINs) into low-dimensional node representations. To date, most HGRL models rely on hand-crafted meta-paths. However, the dependency on manually-defined meta-paths requires domain knowledge, which is difficult to obtain for complex HINs. More importantly, the pre-defined or generated meta-paths of all existing HGRL methods attached to each node type or node pair cannot be personalised to each individual node. To fully unleash the power of HGRL, we present a novel framework, Personalised Meta-path based Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks (PM-HGNN), to jointly generate meta-paths that are personalised for each individual node in a HIN and learn node representations for the target downstream task like node classification. Precisely, PM-HGNN treats the meta-path generation as a Markov Decision Process and utilises a policy network to adaptively generate a meta-path for each individual node and simultaneously learn effective node representations. The policy network is trained with deep reinforcement learning by exploiting the performance improvement on a downstream task. We further propose an extension, PM-HGNN++, to better encode relational structure and accelerate the training during the meta-path generation. Experimental results reveal that both PM-HGNN and PM-HGNN++ can significantly and consistently outperform 16 competing baselines and state-of-the-art methods in various settings of node classification. Qualitative analysis also shows that PM-HGNN++ can identify meaningful meta-paths overlooked by human knowledge.


Deliberated Domain Bridging for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Lin Chen, Zhixiang Wei, Xin Jin, Huaian Chen, Miao Zheng, Kai Chen, Yi Jin

In unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), directly adapting from the source to the target domain usually suffers significant discrepancies and leads to insufficient alignment. Thus, many UDA works attempt to vanish the domain gap gradually and softly via various intermediate spaces, dubbed domain bridging (DB). However, for dense prediction tasks such as domain adaptive semantic segmentation (DASS), existing solutions have mostly relied on rough style transfer and how to elegantly bridge domains is still under-explored. In this work, we resort to data mixing to establish a deliberated domain bridging (DDB) for DASS, through which the joint distributions of source and target domains are aligned and interacted with each in the intermediate space. At the heart of DDB lies a dual-path domain bridging step for generating two intermediate domains using the coarse-wise and the fine-wise data mixing techniques, alongside a cross-path knowledge distillation step for taking two complementary models trained on generated intermediate samples as ‘teachers’ to develop a superior ‘student’ in a multi-teacher distillation manner. These two optimization steps work in an alternating way and reinforce each other to give rise to DDB with strong adaptation power. Extensive experiments on adaptive segmentation tasks with different settings demonstrate that our DDB significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS2022


Semantic Segmentation under Adverse Conditions: A Weather and Nighttime-aware Synthetic Data-based Approach

Authors:Abdulrahman Kerim, Felipe Chamone, Washington Ramos, Leandro Soriano Marcolino, Erickson R. Nascimento, Richard Jiang

Recent semantic segmentation models perform well under standard weather conditions and sufficient illumination but struggle with adverse weather conditions and nighttime. Collecting and annotating training data under these conditions is expensive, time-consuming, error-prone, and not always practical. Usually, synthetic data is used as a feasible data source to increase the amount of training data. However, just directly using synthetic data may actually harm the model’s performance under normal weather conditions while getting only small gains in adverse situations. Therefore, we present a novel architecture specifically designed for using synthetic training data for domain adaptation. We propose a simple yet powerful addition to DeepLabV3+ by using weather and time-of-the-day supervisors trained with multi-task learning, making it both weather and nighttime aware, which improves its mIoU accuracy by $14$ percentage points on the ACDC dataset while maintaining a score of $75\%$ mIoU on the Cityscapes dataset. Our code is available at
PDF This paper is accepted by BMVC 2022


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