2022-09-30 更新

VToonify: Controllable High-Resolution Portrait Video Style Transfer

Authors:Shuai Yang, Liming Jiang, Ziwei Liu, Chen Change Loy

Generating high-quality artistic portrait videos is an important and desirable task in computer graphics and vision. Although a series of successful portrait image toonification models built upon the powerful StyleGAN have been proposed, these image-oriented methods have obvious limitations when applied to videos, such as the fixed frame size, the requirement of face alignment, missing non-facial details and temporal inconsistency. In this work, we investigate the challenging controllable high-resolution portrait video style transfer by introducing a novel VToonify framework. Specifically, VToonify leverages the mid- and high-resolution layers of StyleGAN to render high-quality artistic portraits based on the multi-scale content features extracted by an encoder to better preserve the frame details. The resulting fully convolutional architecture accepts non-aligned faces in videos of variable size as input, contributing to complete face regions with natural motions in the output. Our framework is compatible with existing StyleGAN-based image toonification models to extend them to video toonification, and inherits appealing features of these models for flexible style control on color and intensity. This work presents two instantiations of VToonify built upon Toonify and DualStyleGAN for collection-based and exemplar-based portrait video style transfer, respectively. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed VToonify framework over existing methods in generating high-quality and temporally-coherent artistic portrait videos with flexible style controls.
PDF ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022). Code: Project page:


Creative Painting with Latent Diffusion Models

Authors:Xianchao Wu

Artistic painting has achieved significant progress during recent years by applying hundreds of GAN variants. However, adversarial training has been reported to be notoriously unstable and can lead to mode collapse. Recently, diffusion models have achieved GAN-level sample quality without adversarial training. Using autoencoders to project the original images into compressed latent spaces and cross attention enhanced U-Net as the backbone of diffusion, latent diffusion models have achieved stable and high fertility image generation. In this paper, we focus on enhancing the creative painting ability of current latent diffusion models in two directions, textual condition extension and model retraining with Wikiart dataset. Through textual condition extension, users’ input prompts are expanded in temporal and spacial directions for deeper understanding and explaining the prompts. Wikiart dataset contains 80K famous artworks drawn during recent 400 years by more than 1,000 famous artists in rich styles and genres. Through the retraining, we are able to ask these artists to draw novel and creative painting on modern topics.
PDF 17pages, 12 figures


Unsupervised Learning of Efficient Geometry-Aware Neural Articulated Representations

Authors:Atsuhiro Noguchi, Xiao Sun, Stephen Lin, Tatsuya Harada

We propose an unsupervised method for 3D geometry-aware representation learning of articulated objects, in which no image-pose pairs or foreground masks are used for training. Though photorealistic images of articulated objects can be rendered with explicit pose control through existing 3D neural representations, these methods require ground truth 3D pose and foreground masks for training, which are expensive to obtain. We obviate this need by learning the representations with GAN training. The generator is trained to produce realistic images of articulated objects from random poses and latent vectors by adversarial training. To avoid a high computational cost for GAN training, we propose an efficient neural representation for articulated objects based on tri-planes and then present a GAN-based framework for its unsupervised training. Experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our method and show that GAN-based training enables the learning of controllable 3D representations without paired supervision.
PDF 26 pages, ECCV2022, project page


Semantics-Guided Object Removal for Facial Images: with Broad Applicability and Robust Style Preservation

Authors:Jookyung Song, Yeonjin Chang, Seonguk Park, Nojun Kwak

Object removal and image inpainting in facial images is a task in which objects that occlude a facial image are specifically targeted, removed, and replaced by a properly reconstructed facial image. Two different approaches utilizing U-net and modulated generator respectively have been widely endorsed for this task for their unique advantages but notwithstanding each method’s innate disadvantages. U-net, a conventional approach for conditional GANs, retains fine details of unmasked regions but the style of the reconstructed image is inconsistent with the rest of the original image and only works robustly when the size of the occluding object is small enough. In contrast, the modulated generative approach can deal with a larger occluded area in an image and provides {a} more consistent style, yet it usually misses out on most of the detailed features. This trade-off between these two models necessitates an invention of a model that can be applied to any size of mask while maintaining a consistent style and preserving minute details of facial features. Here, we propose Semantics-Guided Inpainting Network (SGIN) which itself is a modification of the modulated generator, aiming to take advantage of its advanced generative capability and preserve the high-fidelity details of the original image. By using the guidance of a semantic map, our model is capable of manipulating facial features which grants direction to the one-to-many problem for further practicability.
PDF 9 pages, 9 figures


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Histogram-gated Image Translation for Delayered IC Image Analysis

Authors:Yee-Yang Tee, Deruo Cheng, Chye-Soon Chee, Tong Lin, Yiqiong Shi, Bah-Hwee Gwee

Deep learning has achieved great success in the challenging circuit annotation task by employing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for the segmentation of circuit structures. The deep learning approaches require a large amount of manually annotated training data to achieve a good performance, which could cause a degradation in performance if a deep learning model trained on a given dataset is applied to a different dataset. This is commonly known as the domain shift problem for circuit annotation, which stems from the possibly large variations in distribution across different image datasets. The different image datasets could be obtained from different devices or different layers within a single device. To address the domain shift problem, we propose Histogram-gated Image Translation (HGIT), an unsupervised domain adaptation framework which transforms images from a given source dataset to the domain of a target dataset, and utilize the transformed images for training a segmentation network. Specifically, our HGIT performs generative adversarial network (GAN)-based image translation and utilizes histogram statistics for data curation. Experiments were conducted on a single labeled source dataset adapted to three different target datasets (without labels for training) and the segmentation performance was evaluated for each target dataset. We have demonstrated that our method achieves the best performance compared to the reported domain adaptation techniques, and is also reasonably close to the fully supervised benchmark.
PDF 7 pages, 4 figures, To be presented at IEEE PAINE 2022 (oral)


Controllable Face Manipulation and UV Map Generation by Self-supervised Learning

Authors:Yuanming Li, Jeong-gi Kwak, David Han, Hanseok Ko

Although manipulating facial attributes by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) has been remarkably successful recently, there are still some challenges in explicit control of features such as pose, expression, lighting, etc. Recent methods achieve explicit control over 2D images by combining 2D generative model and 3DMM. However, due to the lack of realism and clarity in texture reconstruction by 3DMM, there is a domain gap between the synthetic image and the rendered image of 3DMM. Since rendered 3DMM images contain facial region only without the background, directly computing the loss between these two domains is not ideal and the resultant trained model will be biased. In this study, we propose to explicitly edit the latent space of the pretrained StyleGAN by controlling the parameters of the 3DMM. To address the domain gap problem, we propose a noval network called ‘Map and edit’ and a simple but effective attribute editing method to avoid direct loss computation between rendered and synthesized images. Furthermore, since our model can accurately generate multi-view face images while the identity remains unchanged. As a by-product, combined with visibility masks, our proposed model can also generate texture-rich and high-resolution UV facial textures. Our model relies on pretrained StyleGAN, and the proposed model is trained in a self-supervised manner without any manual annotations or datasets.


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