
2022-09-14 更新

Multi-modal Streaming 3D Object Detection

Authors:Mazen Abdelfattah, Kaiwen Yuan, Z. Jane Wang, Rabab Ward

Modern autonomous vehicles rely heavily on mechanical LiDARs for perception. Current perception methods generally require 360{\deg} point clouds, collected sequentially as the LiDAR scans the azimuth and acquires consecutive wedge-shaped slices. The acquisition latency of a full scan (~ 100ms) may lead to outdated perception which is detrimental to safe operation. Recent streaming perception works proposed directly processing LiDAR slices and compensating for the narrow field of view (FOV) of a slice by reusing features from preceding slices. These works, however, are all based on a single modality and require past information which may be outdated. Meanwhile, images from high-frequency cameras can support streaming models as they provide a larger FoV compared to a LiDAR slice. However, this difference in FoV complicates sensor fusion. To address this research gap, we propose an innovative camera-LiDAR streaming 3D object detection framework that uses camera images instead of past LiDAR slices to provide an up-to-date, dense, and wide context for streaming perception. The proposed method outperforms prior streaming models on the challenging NuScenes benchmark. It also outperforms powerful full-scan detectors while being much faster. Our method is shown to be robust to missing camera images, narrow LiDAR slices, and small camera-LiDAR miscalibration.


Dynamic boxes fusion strategy in object detection

Authors:Zhijiang Wan, Shichang Liu, Manyu Li

Object detection on microscopic scenarios is a popular task. As microscopes always have variable magnifications, the object can vary substantially in scale, which burdens the optimization of detectors. Moreover, different situations of camera focusing bring in the blurry images, which leads to great challenge of distinguishing the boundaries between objects and background. To solve the two issues mentioned above, we provide bags of useful training strategies and extensive experiments on Chula-ParasiteEgg-11 dataset, bring non-negligible results on ICIP 2022 Challenge: Parasitic Egg Detection and Classification in Microscopic Images, further more, we propose a new box selection strategy and an improved boxes fusion method for multi-model ensemble, as a result our method wins 1st place(mIoU 95.28%, mF1Score 99.62%), which is also the state-of-the-art method on Chula-ParasiteEgg-11 dataset.
PDF Due to our negligence, our method has made a serious logical error. This good result is simply because the backbone network is stronger rather than post-processing. Therefore, we hope to withdraw this manuscript so as not to mislead readers


Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation via Regional Contrastive Consistency Regularization

Authors:Qianyu Zhou, Chuyun Zhuang, Ran Yi, Xuequan Lu, Lizhuang Ma

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for semantic segmentation has been well-studied in recent years. However, most existing works largely neglect the local regional consistency across different domains and are less robust to changes in outdoor environments. In this paper, we propose a novel and fully end-to-end trainable approach, called regional contrastive consistency regularization (RCCR) for domain adaptive semantic segmentation. Our core idea is to pull the similar regional features extracted from the same location of different images, i.e., the original image and augmented image, to be closer, and meanwhile push the features from the different locations of the two images to be separated. We innovatively propose a region-wise contrastive loss with two sampling strategies to realize effective regional consistency. Besides, we present momentum projection heads, where the teacher projection head is the exponential moving average of the student. Finally, a memory bank mechanism is designed to learn more robust and stable region-wise features under varying environments. Extensive experiments on two common UDA benchmarks, i.e., GTAV to Cityscapes and SYNTHIA to Cityscapes, demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2022


OmDet: Language-Aware Object Detection with Large-scale Vision-Language Multi-dataset Pre-training

Authors:Tiancheng Zhao, Peng Liu, Xiaopeng Lu, Kyusong Lee

Advancing object detection to open-vocabulary and few-shot transfer has long been a challenge for computer vision research. This work explores a continual learning approach that enables a detector to expand its zero/few-shot capabilities via multi-dataset vision-language pre-training. Using natural language as knowledge representation, we explore methods to accumulate “visual vocabulary” from different training datasets and unify the task as a language-conditioned detection framework. Specifically, we propose a novel language-aware detector OmDet and a novel training mechanism. The proposed multimodal detection network can resolve the technical challenges in multi-dataset joint training and it can generalize to arbitrary number of training datasets without the requirements for manual label taxonomy merging. Experiment results on COCO, Pascal VOC, and Wider Face/Pedestrian confirmed the efficacy by achieving on par or higher scores in joint training compared to training separately. Moreover, we pre-train on more than 20 million images with 4 million unique object vocabulary, and the resulting model is evaluated on 35 downstream tasks of ODinW. Results show that OmDet is able to achieve the state-of-the-art fine-tuned performance on ODinW. And analysis shows that by scaling up the proposed pre-training method, OmDet continues to improve its zero/few-shot tuning performance, suggesting a promising way for further scaling.


Towards Unsupervised Open World Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Svenja Uhlemeyer, Matthias Rottmann, Hanno Gottschalk

For the semantic segmentation of images, state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs) achieve high segmentation accuracy if that task is restricted to a closed set of classes. However, as of now DNNs have limited ability to operate in an open world, where they are tasked to identify pixels belonging to unknown objects and eventually to learn novel classes, incrementally. Humans have the capability to say: I don’t know what that is, but I’ve already seen something like that. Therefore, it is desirable to perform such an incremental learning task in an unsupervised fashion. We introduce a method where unknown objects are clustered based on visual similarity. Those clusters are utilized to define new classes and serve as training data for unsupervised incremental learning. More precisely, the connected components of a predicted semantic segmentation are assessed by a segmentation quality estimate. connected components with a low estimated prediction quality are candidates for a subsequent clustering. Additionally, the component-wise quality assessment allows for obtaining predicted segmentation masks for the image regions potentially containing unknown objects. The respective pixels of such masks are pseudo-labeled and afterwards used for re-training the DNN, i.e., without the use of ground truth generated by humans. In our experiments we demonstrate that, without access to ground truth and even with few data, a DNN’s class space can be extended by a novel class, achieving considerable segmentation accuracy.
PDF UAI 2022, published in PMLR, Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence


TALISMAN: Targeted Active Learning for Object Detection with Rare Classes and Slices using Submodular Mutual Information

Authors:Suraj Kothawade, Saikat Ghosh, Sumit Shekhar, Yu Xiang, Rishabh Iyer

Deep neural networks based object detectors have shown great success in a variety of domains like autonomous vehicles, biomedical imaging, etc. It is known that their success depends on a large amount of data from the domain of interest. While deep models often perform well in terms of overall accuracy, they often struggle in performance on rare yet critical data slices. For example, data slices like “motorcycle at night” or “bicycle at night” are often rare but very critical slices for self-driving applications and false negatives on such rare slices could result in ill-fated failures and accidents. Active learning (AL) is a well-known paradigm to incrementally and adaptively build training datasets with a human in the loop. However, current AL based acquisition functions are not well-equipped to tackle real-world datasets with rare slices, since they are based on uncertainty scores or global descriptors of the image. We propose TALISMAN, a novel framework for Targeted Active Learning or object detectIon with rare slices using Submodular MutuAl iNformation. Our method uses the submodular mutual information functions instantiated using features of the region of interest (RoI) to efficiently target and acquire data points with rare slices. We evaluate our framework on the standard PASCAL VOC07+12 and BDD100K, a real-world self-driving dataset. We observe that TALISMAN outperforms other methods by in terms of average precision on rare slices, and in terms of mAP.
PDF To Appear In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022


MCIBI++: Soft Mining Contextual Information Beyond Image for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Zhenchao Jin, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Lequan Yu

Co-occurrent visual pattern makes context aggregation become an essential paradigm for semantic segmentation.The existing studies focus on modeling the contexts within image while neglecting the valuable semantics of the corresponding category beyond image. To this end, we propose a novel soft mining contextual information beyond image paradigm named MCIBI++ to further boost the pixel-level representations. Specifically, we first set up a dynamically updated memory module to store the dataset-level distribution information of various categories and then leverage the information to yield the dataset-level category representations during network forward. After that, we generate a class probability distribution for each pixel representation and conduct the dataset-level context aggregation with the class probability distribution as weights. Finally, the original pixel representations are augmented with the aggregated dataset-level and the conventional image-level contextual information. Moreover, in the inference phase, we additionally design a coarse-to-fine iterative inference strategy to further boost the segmentation results. MCIBI++ can be effortlessly incorporated into the existing segmentation frameworks and bring consistent performance improvements. Also, MCIBI++ can be extended into the video semantic segmentation framework with considerable improvements over the baseline. Equipped with MCIBI++, we achieved the state-of-the-art performance on seven challenging image or video semantic segmentation benchmarks.
PDF Accepted by TPAMI, codes are available at https://github.com/SegmentationBLWX/sssegmentation


CenterFormer: Center-based Transformer for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Zixiang Zhou, Xiangchen Zhao, Yu Wang, Panqu Wang, Hassan Foroosh

Query-based transformer has shown great potential in constructing long-range attention in many image-domain tasks, but has rarely been considered in LiDAR-based 3D object detection due to the overwhelming size of the point cloud data. In this paper, we propose CenterFormer, a center-based transformer network for 3D object detection. CenterFormer first uses a center heatmap to select center candidates on top of a standard voxel-based point cloud encoder. It then uses the feature of the center candidate as the query embedding in the transformer. To further aggregate features from multiple frames, we design an approach to fuse features through cross-attention. Lastly, regression heads are added to predict the bounding box on the output center feature representation. Our design reduces the convergence difficulty and computational complexity of the transformer structure. The results show significant improvements over the strong baseline of anchor-free object detection networks. CenterFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance for a single model on the Waymo Open Dataset, with 73.7% mAPH on the validation set and 75.6% mAPH on the test set, significantly outperforming all previously published CNN and transformer-based methods. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/TuSimple/centerformer
PDF Accepted to ECCV 2022 (oral)


A Multi-Modality Ovarian Tumor Ultrasound Image Dataset for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Qi Zhao, Shuchang Lyu, Wenpei Bai, Linghan Cai, Binghao Liu, Meijing Wu, Xiubo Sang, Min Yang, Lijiang Chen

Ovarian cancer is one of the most harmful gynecological diseases. Detecting ovarian tumors in early stage with computer-aided techniques can efficiently decrease the mortality rate. With the improvement of medical treatment standard, ultrasound images are widely applied in clinical treatment. However, recent notable methods mainly focus on single-modality ultrasound ovarian tumor segmentation or recognition, which means there still lacks researches on exploring the representation capability of multi-modality ultrasound ovarian tumor images. To solve this problem, we propose a Multi-Modality Ovarian Tumor Ultrasound (MMOTU) image dataset containing 1469 2d ultrasound images and 170 contrast enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) images with pixel-wise and global-wise annotations. Based on MMOTU, we mainly focus on unsupervised cross-domain semantic segmentation task. To solve the domain shift problem, we propose a feature alignment based architecture named Dual-Scheme Domain-Selected Network (DS2Net). Specifically, we first design source-encoder and target-encoder to extract two-style features of source and target images. Then, we propose Domain-Distinct Selected Module (DDSM) and Domain-Universal Selected Module (DUSM) to extract the distinct and universal features in two styles (source-style or target-style). Finally, we fuse these two kinds of features and feed them into the source-decoder and target-decoder to generate final predictions. Extensive comparison experiments and analysis on MMOTU image dataset show that DS2Net can boost the segmentation performance for bidirectional cross-domain adaptation of 2d ultrasound images and CEUS images. Our proposed dataset and code are all available at https://github.com/cv516Buaa/MMOTU_DS2Net.
PDF code: https://github.com/cv516Buaa/MMOTU_DS2Net paper:13 pages, 10 figures, 10 tables, 15 formulas


ComplETR: Reducing the cost of annotations for object detection in dense scenes with vision transformers

Authors:Achin Jain, Kibok Lee, Gurumurthy Swaminathan, Hao Yang, Bernt Schiele, Avinash Ravichandran, Onkar Dabeer

Annotating bounding boxes for object detection is expensive, time-consuming, and error-prone. In this work, we propose a DETR based framework called ComplETR that is designed to explicitly complete missing annotations in partially annotated dense scene datasets. This reduces the need to annotate every object instance in the scene thereby reducing annotation cost. ComplETR augments object queries in DETR decoder with patch information of objects in the image. Combined with a matching loss, it can effectively find objects that are similar to the input patch and complete the missing annotations. We show that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods such as Soft Sampling and Unbiased Teacher by itself, while at the same time can be used in conjunction with these methods to further improve their performance. Our framework is also agnostic to the choice of the downstream object detectors; we show performance improvement for several popular detectors such as Faster R-CNN, Cascade R-CNN, CenterNet2, and Deformable DETR on multiple dense scene datasets.


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