
2022-09-02 更新

Few-Shot Font Generation by Learning Fine-Grained Local Styles

Authors:Licheng Tang, Yiyang Cai, Jiaming Liu, Zhibin Hong, Mingming Gong, Minhu Fan, Junyu Han, Jingtuo Liu, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang

Few-shot font generation (FFG), which aims to generate a new font with a few examples, is gaining increasing attention due to the significant reduction in labor cost. A typical FFG pipeline considers characters in a standard font library as content glyphs and transfers them to a new target font by extracting style information from the reference glyphs. Most existing solutions explicitly disentangle content and style of reference glyphs globally or component-wisely. However, the style of glyphs mainly lies in the local details, i.e. the styles of radicals, components, and strokes together depict the style of a glyph. Therefore, even a single character can contain different styles distributed over spatial locations. In this paper, we propose a new font generation approach by learning 1) the fine-grained local styles from references, and 2) the spatial correspondence between the content and reference glyphs. Therefore, each spatial location in the content glyph can be assigned with the right fine-grained style. To this end, we adopt cross-attention over the representation of the content glyphs as the queries and the representations of the reference glyphs as the keys and values. Instead of explicitly disentangling global or component-wise modeling, the cross-attention mechanism can attend to the right local styles in the reference glyphs and aggregate the reference styles into a fine-grained style representation for the given content glyphs. The experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in FFG. In particular, the user studies also demonstrate the style consistency of our approach significantly outperforms previous methods.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2022


Let Me Check the Examples: Enhancing Demonstration Learning via Explicit Imitation

Authors:Sirui Wang, Kaiwen Wei, Hongzhi Zhang, Yuntao Li, Wei Wu

Demonstration learning aims to guide the prompt prediction via providing answered demonstrations in the few shot settings. Despite achieving promising results, existing work only concatenates the answered examples as demonstrations to the prompt template (including the raw context) without any additional operation, neglecting the prompt-demonstration dependencies. Besides, prior research found that randomly replacing the labels of demonstrations marginally hurts performance, illustrating that the model could not properly learn the knowledge brought by the demonstrations. Inspired by the human learning process, in this paper, we introduce Imitation DEMOnstration Learning (Imitation-Demo) to strengthen demonstration learning via explicitly imitating human review behaviour, which includes: (1) contrastive learning mechanism to concentrate on the similar demonstrations. (2) demonstration-label re-prediction method to consolidate known knowledge. Experiment results show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on 11 out of 14 classification corpora. Further studies also prove that Imitation-Demo strengthen the association between prompt and demonstrations, which could provide the basis for exploring how demonstration learning works.
PDF 7 pages, 1 figure


A New Knowledge Distillation Network for Incremental Few-Shot Surface Defect Detection

Authors:Chen Sun, Liang Gao, Xinyu Li, Yiping Gao

Surface defect detection is one of the most essential processes for industrial quality inspection. Deep learning-based surface defect detection methods have shown great potential. However, the well-performed models usually require large training data and can only detect defects that appeared in the training stage. When facing incremental few-shot data, defect detection models inevitably suffer from catastrophic forgetting and misclassification problem. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a new knowledge distillation network, called Dual Knowledge Align Network (DKAN). The proposed DKAN method follows a pretraining-finetuning transfer learning paradigm and a knowledge distillation framework is designed for fine-tuning. Specifically, an Incremental RCNN is proposed to achieve decoupled stable feature representation of different categories. Under this framework, a Feature Knowledge Align (FKA) loss is designed between class-agnostic feature maps to deal with catastrophic forgetting problems, and a Logit Knowledge Align (LKA) loss is deployed between logit distributions to tackle misclassification problems. Experiments have been conducted on the incremental Few-shot NEU-DET dataset and results show that DKAN outperforms other methods on various few-shot scenes, up to 6.65% on the mean Average Precision metric, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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