
2022-09-01 更新

Few-shot Adaptive Object Detection with Cross-Domain CutMix

Authors:Yuzuru Nakamura, Yasunori Ishii, Yuki Maruyama, Takayoshi Yamashita

In object detection, data amount and cost are a trade-off, and collecting a large amount of data in a specific domain is labor intensive. Therefore, existing large-scale datasets are used for pre-training. However, conventional transfer learning and domain adaptation cannot bridge the domain gap when the target domain differs significantly from the source domain. We propose a data synthesis method that can solve the large domain gap problem. In this method, a part of the target image is pasted onto the source image, and the position of the pasted region is aligned by utilizing the information of the object bounding box. In addition, we introduce adversarial learning to discriminate whether the original or the pasted regions. The proposed method trains on a large number of source images and a few target domain images. The proposed method achieves higher accuracy than conventional methods in a very different domain problem setting, where RGB images are the source domain, and thermal infrared images are the target domain. Similarly, the proposed method achieves higher accuracy in the cases of simulation images to real images.
PDF Yuzuru Nakamura and Yasunori Ishii are equal contribution


Universal Representations: A Unified Look at Multiple Task and Domain Learning

Authors:Wei-Hong Li, Xialei Liu, Hakan Bilen

We propose a unified look at jointly learning multiple vision tasks and visual domains through universal representations, a single deep neural network. Learning multiple problems simultaneously involves minimizing a weighted sum of multiple loss functions with different magnitudes and characteristics and thus results in unbalanced state of one loss dominating the optimization and poor results compared to learning a separate model for each problem. To this end, we propose distilling knowledge of multiple task/domain-specific networks into a single deep neural network after aligning its representations with the task/domain-specific ones through small capacity adapters. We rigorously show that universal representations achieve state-of-the-art performances in learning of multiple dense prediction problems in NYU-v2 and Cityscapes, multiple image classification problems from diverse domains in Visual Decathlon Dataset and cross-domain few-shot learning in MetaDataset. Finally we also conduct multiple analysis through ablation and qualitative studies.
PDF Multi-task Learning, Multi-domain Learning, Cross-domain Few-shot Learning, Universal Representation Learning, Balanced Optimization, Dense Prediction, Code and models are available at https://github.com/VICO-UoE/UniversalRepresentations. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2103.13841


Dense Gaussian Processes for Few-Shot Segmentation

Authors:Joakim Johnander, Johan Edstedt, Michael Felsberg, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Martin Danelljan

Few-shot segmentation is a challenging dense prediction task, which entails segmenting a novel query image given only a small annotated support set. The key problem is thus to design a method that aggregates detailed information from the support set, while being robust to large variations in appearance and context. To this end, we propose a few-shot segmentation method based on dense Gaussian process (GP) regression. Given the support set, our dense GP learns the mapping from local deep image features to mask values, capable of capturing complex appearance distributions. Furthermore, it provides a principled means of capturing uncertainty, which serves as another powerful cue for the final segmentation, obtained by a CNN decoder. Instead of a one-dimensional mask output, we further exploit the end-to-end learning capabilities of our approach to learn a high-dimensional output space for the GP. Our approach sets a new state-of-the-art on the PASCAL-5$^i$ and COCO-20$^i$ benchmarks, achieving an absolute gain of $+8.4$ mIoU in the COCO-20$^i$ 5-shot setting. Furthermore, the segmentation quality of our approach scales gracefully when increasing the support set size, while achieving robust cross-dataset transfer. Code and trained models are available at \url{https://github.com/joakimjohnander/dgpnet}.


LightNER: A Lightweight Tuning Paradigm for Low-resource NER via Pluggable Prompting

Authors:Xiang Chen, Lei Li, Shumin Deng, Chuanqi Tan, Changliang Xu, Fei Huang, Luo Si, Huajun Chen, Ningyu Zhang

Most NER methods rely on extensive labeled data for model training, which struggles in the low-resource scenarios with limited training data. Existing dominant approaches usually suffer from the challenge that the target domain has different label sets compared with a resource-rich source domain, which can be concluded as class transfer and domain transfer. In this paper, we propose a lightweight tuning paradigm for low-resource NER via pluggable prompting (LightNER). Specifically, we construct the unified learnable verbalizer of entity categories to generate the entity span sequence and entity categories without any label-specific classifiers, thus addressing the class transfer issue. We further propose a pluggable guidance module by incorporating learnable parameters into the self-attention layer as guidance, which can re-modulate the attention and adapt pre-trained weights. Note that we only tune those inserted module with the whole parameter of the pre-trained language model fixed, thus, making our approach lightweight and flexible for low-resource scenarios and can better transfer knowledge across domains. Experimental results show that LightNER can obtain comparable performance in the standard supervised setting and outperform strong baselines in low-resource settings. Code is in https://github.com/zjunlp/DeepKE/tree/main/example/ner/few-shot.
PDF Accepted by COLING 2022


Federated Learning via Decentralized Dataset Distillation in Resource-Constrained Edge Environments

Authors:Rui Song, Dai Liu, Dave Zhenyu Chen, Andreas Festag, Carsten Trinitis, Martin Schulz, Alois Knoll

We introduce a novel federated learning framework, FedD3, which reduces the overall communication volume and with that opens up the concept of federated learning to more application scenarios in network-constrained environments. It achieves this by leveraging local dataset distillation instead of traditional learning approaches (i) to significantly reduce communication volumes and (ii) to limit transfers to one-shot communication, rather than iterative multiway communication. Instead of sharing model updates, as in other federated learning approaches, FedD3 allows the connected clients to distill the local datasets independently, and then aggregates those decentralized distilled datasets (typically in the form a few unrecognizable images, which are normally smaller than a model) across the network only once to form the final model. Our experimental results show that FedD3 significantly outperforms other federated learning frameworks in terms of needed communication volumes, while it provides the additional benefit to be able to balance the trade-off between accuracy and communication cost, depending on usage scenario or target dataset. For instance, for training an AlexNet model on a Non-IID CIFAR-10 dataset with 10 clients, FedD3 can either increase the accuracy by over 71% with a similar communication volume, or save 98% of communication volume, while reaching the same accuracy, comparing to other one-shot federated learning approaches.


AutoWS-Bench-101: Benchmarking Automated Weak Supervision with 100 Labels

Authors:Nicholas Roberts, Xintong Li, Tzu-Heng Huang, Dyah Adila, Spencer Schoenberg, Cheng-Yu Liu, Lauren Pick, Haotian Ma, Aws Albarghouthi, Frederic Sala

Weak supervision (WS) is a powerful method to build labeled datasets for training supervised models in the face of little-to-no labeled data. It replaces hand-labeling data with aggregating multiple noisy-but-cheap label estimates expressed by labeling functions (LFs). While it has been used successfully in many domains, weak supervision’s application scope is limited by the difficulty of constructing labeling functions for domains with complex or high-dimensional features. To address this, a handful of methods have proposed automating the LF design process using a small set of ground truth labels. In this work, we introduce AutoWS-Bench-101: a framework for evaluating automated WS (AutoWS) techniques in challenging WS settings — a set of diverse application domains on which it has been previously difficult or impossible to apply traditional WS techniques. While AutoWS is a promising direction toward expanding the application-scope of WS, the emergence of powerful methods such as zero-shot foundation models reveals the need to understand how AutoWS techniques compare or cooperate with modern zero-shot or few-shot learners. This informs the central question of AutoWS-Bench-101: given an initial set of 100 labels for each task, we ask whether a practitioner should use an AutoWS method to generate additional labels or use some simpler baseline, such as zero-shot predictions from a foundation model or supervised learning. We observe that in many settings, it is necessary for AutoWS methods to incorporate signal from foundation models if they are to outperform simple few-shot baselines, and AutoWS-Bench-101 promotes future research in this direction. We conclude with a thorough ablation study of AutoWS methods.


JARVIS: A Neuro-Symbolic Commonsense Reasoning Framework for Conversational Embodied Agents

Authors:Kaizhi Zheng, Kaiwen Zhou, Jing Gu, Yue Fan, Jialu Wang, Zonglin Di, Xuehai He, Xin Eric Wang

Building a conversational embodied agent to execute real-life tasks has been a long-standing yet quite challenging research goal, as it requires effective human-agent communication, multi-modal understanding, long-range sequential decision making, etc. Traditional symbolic methods have scaling and generalization issues, while end-to-end deep learning models suffer from data scarcity and high task complexity, and are often hard to explain. To benefit from both worlds, we propose a Neuro-Symbolic Commonsense Reasoning (JARVIS) framework for modular, generalizable, and interpretable conversational embodied agents. First, it acquires symbolic representations by prompting large language models (LLMs) for language understanding and sub-goal planning, and by constructing semantic maps from visual observations. Then the symbolic module reasons for sub-goal planning and action generation based on task- and action-level common sense. Extensive experiments on the TEACh dataset validate the efficacy and efficiency of our JARVIS framework, which achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on all three dialog-based embodied tasks, including Execution from Dialog History (EDH), Trajectory from Dialog (TfD), and Two-Agent Task Completion (TATC) (e.g., our method boosts the unseen Success Rate on EDH from 6.1\% to 15.8\%). Moreover, we systematically analyze the essential factors that affect the task performance and also demonstrate the superiority of our method in few-shot settings. Our JARVIS model ranks first in the Alexa Prize SimBot Public Benchmark Challenge.
PDF 20 pages


Few-Shot Learning for Clinical Natural Language Processing Using Siamese Neural Networks

Authors:David Oniani, Sonish Sivarajkumar, Yanshan Wang

Clinical Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become an emerging technology in healthcare that leverages a large amount of free-text data in electronic health records (EHRs) to improve patient care, support clinical decisions, and facilitate clinical and translational science research. Deep learning has achieved state-of-the-art performance in many clinical NLP tasks. However, training deep learning models usually require large annotated datasets, which are normally not publicly available and can be time-consuming to build in clinical domains. Working with smaller annotated datasets is typical in clinical NLP and therefore, ensuring that deep learning models perform well is crucial for the models to be used in real-world applications. A widely adopted approach is fine-tuning existing Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs), but these attempts fall short when the training dataset contains only a few annotated samples. Few-Shot Learning (FSL) has recently been investigated to tackle this problem. Siamese Neural Network (SNN) has been widely utilized as an FSL approach in computer vision, but has not been studied well in NLP. Furthermore, the literature on its applications in clinical domains is scarce. In this paper, we propose two SNN-based FSL approaches for clinical NLP, including pre-trained SNN (PT-SNN) and SNN with second-order embeddings (SOE-SNN). We evaluated the proposed approaches on two clinical tasks, namely clinical text classification and clinical named entity recognition. We tested three few-shot settings including 4-shot, 8-shot, and 16-shot learning. Both clinical NLP tasks were benchmarked using three PLMs, including BERT, BioBERT, and BioClinicalBERT. The experimental results verified the effectiveness of the proposed SNN-based FSL approaches in both clinical NLP tasks.


文章作者: 木子已
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