2022-08-26 更新

E-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from a Moving Event Camera

Authors:Simon Klenk, Lukas Koestler, Davide Scaramuzza, Daniel Cremers

Estimating neural radiance fields (NeRFs) from ideal images has been extensively studied in the computer vision community. Most approaches assume optimal illumination and slow camera motion. These assumptions are often violated in robotic applications, where images contain motion blur and the scene may not have suitable illumination. This can cause significant problems for downstream tasks such as navigation, inspection or visualization of the scene. To alleviate these problems we present E-NeRF, the first method which estimates a volumetric scene representation in the form of a NeRF from a fast-moving event camera. Our method can recover NeRFs during very fast motion and in high dynamic range conditions, where frame-based approaches fail. We show that rendering high-quality frames is possible by only providing an event stream as input. Furthermore, by combining events and frames, we can estimate NeRFs of higher quality than state-of-the-art approaches under severe motion blur. We also show that combining events and frames can overcome failure cases of NeRF estimation in scenarios where only few input views are available, without requiring additional regularization.


PeRFception: Perception using Radiance Fields

Authors:Yoonwoo Jeong, Seungjoo Shin, Junha Lee, Christopher Choy, Animashree Anandkumar, Minsu Cho, Jaesik Park

The recent progress in implicit 3D representation, i.e., Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), has made accurate and photorealistic 3D reconstruction possible in a differentiable manner. This new representation can effectively convey the information of hundreds of high-resolution images in one compact format and allows photorealistic synthesis of novel views. In this work, using the variant of NeRF called Plenoxels, we create the first large-scale implicit representation datasets for perception tasks, called the PeRFception, which consists of two parts that incorporate both object-centric and scene-centric scans for classification and segmentation. It shows a significant memory compression rate (96.4\%) from the original dataset, while containing both 2D and 3D information in a unified form. We construct the classification and segmentation models that directly take as input this implicit format and also propose a novel augmentation technique to avoid overfitting on backgrounds of images. The code and data are publicly available in .
PDF Project Page:


UPST-NeRF: Universal Photorealistic Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Scene

Authors:Yaosen Chen, Qi Yuan, Zhiqiang Li, Yuegen Liu, Wei Wang, Chaoping Xie, Xuming Wen, Qien Yu

3D scenes photorealistic stylization aims to generate photorealistic images from arbitrary novel views according to a given style image while ensuring consistency when rendering from different viewpoints. Some existing stylization methods with neural radiance fields can effectively predict stylized scenes by combining the features of the style image with multi-view images to train 3D scenes. However, these methods generate novel view images that contain objectionable artifacts. Besides, they cannot achieve universal photorealistic stylization for a 3D scene. Therefore, a styling image must retrain a 3D scene representation network based on a neural radiation field. We propose a novel 3D scene photorealistic style transfer framework to address these issues. It can realize photorealistic 3D scene style transfer with a 2D style image. We first pre-trained a 2D photorealistic style transfer network, which can meet the photorealistic style transfer between any given content image and style image. Then, we use voxel features to optimize a 3D scene and get the geometric representation of the scene. Finally, we jointly optimize a hyper network to realize the scene photorealistic style transfer of arbitrary style images. In the transfer stage, we use a pre-trained 2D photorealistic network to constrain the photorealistic style of different views and different style images in the 3D scene. The experimental results show that our method not only realizes the 3D photorealistic style transfer of arbitrary style images but also outperforms the existing methods in terms of visual quality and consistency. Project page:
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.12183 by other authors


Unified Implicit Neural Stylization

Authors:Zhiwen Fan, Yifan Jiang, Peihao Wang, Xinyu Gong, Dejia Xu, Zhangyang Wang

Representing visual signals by implicit representation (e.g., a coordinate based deep network) has prevailed among many vision tasks. This work explores a new intriguing direction: training a stylized implicit representation, using a generalized approach that can apply to various 2D and 3D scenarios. We conduct a pilot study on a variety of implicit functions, including 2D coordinate-based representation, neural radiance field, and signed distance function. Our solution is a Unified Implicit Neural Stylization framework, dubbed INS. In contrary to vanilla implicit representation, INS decouples the ordinary implicit function into a style implicit module and a content implicit module, in order to separately encode the representations from the style image and input scenes. An amalgamation module is then applied to aggregate these information and synthesize the stylized output. To regularize the geometry in 3D scenes, we propose a novel self-distillation geometry consistency loss which preserves the geometry fidelity of the stylized scenes. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on multiple task settings, including novel view synthesis of complex scenes, stylization for implicit surfaces, and fitting images using MLPs. We further demonstrate that the learned representation is continuous not only spatially but also style-wise, leading to effortlessly interpolating between different styles and generating images with new mixed styles. Please refer to the video on our project page for more view synthesis results:


文章作者: 木子已
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