I2I Translation

2022-08-26 更新

FlexiBO: A Decoupled Cost-Aware Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Deep Neural Networks

Authors:Md Shahriar Iqbal, Jianhai Su, Lars Kotthoff, Pooyan Jamshidi

The design of machine learning systems often requires trading off different objectives, for example, prediction error and energy consumption for deep neural networks (DNNs). Typically, no single design performs well in all objectives; therefore, finding Pareto-optimal designs is of interest. The search for Pareto-optimal designs involves evaluating designs in an iterative process, and the measurements are used to evaluate an acquisition function that guides the search process. However, measuring different objectives incurs different costs. For example, the cost of measuring the prediction error of DNNs is orders of magnitude higher than that of measuring the energy consumption of a pre-trained DNN, as it requires re-training the DNN. Current state-of-the-art methods do not consider this difference in objective evaluation cost, potentially incurring expensive evaluations of objective functions in the optimization process. In this paper, we develop a novel decoupled and cost-aware multi-objective optimization algorithm, we call Flexible Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization (FlexiBO) to address this issue. FlexiBO weights the improvement of the hypervolume of the Pareto region by the measurement cost of each objective to balance the expense of collecting new information with the knowledge gained through objective evaluations, preventing us from performing expensive measurements for little to no gain. We evaluate FlexiBO on seven state-of-the-art DNNs for image recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and speech-to-text translation. Our results indicate that, given the same total experimental budget, FlexiBO discovers designs with 4.8$\%$ to 12.4$\%$ lower hypervolume error than the best method in state-of-the-art multi-objective optimization.


User Evaluation of Culture-to-Culture Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Nets

Authors:Giulia Zaino, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa

The article introduces the concept of image culturization," i.e., defined as the process of altering thebrushstroke of cultural features” that make objects perceived as belonging to a given culture while preserving their functionalities. First, we defined a pipeline for translating objects’ images from a source to a target cultural domain based on state-of-the-art Generative Adversarial Networks. Then, we gathered data through an online questionnaire to test four hypotheses concerning the impact of images belonging to different cultural domains on Italian participants. As expected, results depend on individual tastes and preferences: however, they are in line with our conjecture that some people, during the interaction with an intelligent system, might prefer to be shown images whose cultural domain has been modified to match their cultural background.
PDF 13 pages, 5 figures, 6 Tables. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/become-an-ieee-journal-author/publishing-ethics/guidelines-and-policies/post-publication-policies/


Feature-level augmentation to improve robustness of deep neural networks to affine transformations

Authors:Adrian Sandru, Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Recent studies revealed that convolutional neural networks do not generalize well to small image transformations, e.g. rotations by a few degrees or translations of a few pixels. To improve the robustness to such transformations, we propose to introduce data augmentation at intermediate layers of the neural architecture, in addition to the common data augmentation applied on the input images. By introducing small perturbations to activation maps (features) at various levels, we develop the capacity of the neural network to cope with such transformations. We conduct experiments on three image classification benchmarks (Tiny ImageNet, Caltech-256 and Food-101), considering two different convolutional architectures (ResNet-18 and DenseNet-121). When compared with two state-of-the-art stabilization methods, the empirical results show that our approach consistently attains the best trade-off between accuracy and mean flip rate.
PDF Accepted at ECCV Workshop on Adversarial Robustness in the Real World (AROW 2022)


Unsupervised Structure-Consistent Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Shima Shahfar, Charalambos Poullis

The Swapping Autoencoder achieved state-of-the-art performance in deep image manipulation and image-to-image translation. We improve this work by introducing a simple yet effective auxiliary module based on gradient reversal layers. The auxiliary module’s loss forces the generator to learn to reconstruct an image with an all-zero texture code, encouraging better disentanglement between the structure and texture information. The proposed attribute-based transfer method enables refined control in style transfer while preserving structural information without using a semantic mask. To manipulate an image, we encode both the geometry of the objects and the general style of the input images into two latent codes with an additional constraint that enforces structure consistency. Moreover, due to the auxiliary loss, training time is significantly reduced. The superiority of the proposed model is demonstrated in complex domains such as satellite images where state-of-the-art are known to fail. Lastly, we show that our model improves the quality metrics for a wide range of datasets while achieving comparable results with multi-modal image generation techniques.
PDF structure-consistent image-to-image translation \and style transfer \and training class imbalance


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