
2022-08-26 更新

A New Kind of Adversarial Example

Authors:Ali Borji

Almost all adversarial attacks are formulated to add an imperceptible perturbation to an image in order to fool a model. Here, we consider the opposite which is adversarial examples that can fool a human but not a model. A large enough and perceptible perturbation is added to an image such that a model maintains its original decision, whereas a human will most likely make a mistake if forced to decide (or opt not to decide at all). Existing targeted attacks can be reformulated to synthesize such adversarial examples. Our proposed attack, dubbed NKE, is similar in essence to the fooling images, but is more efficient since it uses gradient descent instead of evolutionary algorithms. It also offers a new and unified perspective into the problem of adversarial vulnerability. Experimental results over MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets show that our attack is quite efficient in fooling deep neural networks. Code is available at https://github.com/aliborji/NKE.


PointDP: Diffusion-driven Purification against Adversarial Attacks on 3D Point Cloud Recognition

Authors:Jiachen Sun, Weili Nie, Zhiding Yu, Z. Morley Mao, Chaowei Xiao

3D Point cloud is becoming a critical data representation in many real-world applications like autonomous driving, robotics, and medical imaging. Although the success of deep learning further accelerates the adoption of 3D point clouds in the physical world, deep learning is notorious for its vulnerability to adversarial attacks. In this work, we first identify that the state-of-the-art empirical defense, adversarial training, has a major limitation in applying to 3D point cloud models due to gradient obfuscation. We further propose PointDP, a purification strategy that leverages diffusion models to defend against 3D adversarial attacks. We extensively evaluate PointDP on six representative 3D point cloud architectures, and leverage 10+ strong and adaptive attacks to demonstrate its lower-bound robustness. Our evaluation shows that PointDP achieves significantly better robustness than state-of-the-art purification methods under strong attacks. Results of certified defenses on randomized smoothing combined with PointDP will be included in the near future.


Fight Fire With Fire: Reversing Skin Adversarial Examples by Multiscale Diffusive and Denoising Aggregation Mechanism

Authors:Yongwei Wang, Yuan Li, Zhiqi Shen

Reliable skin cancer diagnosis models play an essential role in early screening and medical intervention. Prevailing computer-aided skin cancer classification systems employ deep learning approaches. However, recent studies reveal their extreme vulnerability to adversarial attacks — often imperceptible perturbations to significantly reduce performances of skin cancer diagnosis models. To mitigate these threats, this work presents a simple, effective and resource-efficient defense framework by reverse engineering adversarial perturbations in skin cancer images. Specifically, a multiscale image pyramid is first established to better preserve discriminative structures in medical imaging domain. To neutralize adversarial effects, skin images at different scales are then progressively diffused by injecting isotropic Gaussian noises to move the adversarial examples to the clean image manifold. Crucially, to further reverse adversarial noises and suppress redundant injected noises, a novel multiscale denoising mechanism is carefully designed that aggregates image information from neighboring scales. We evaluated the defensive effectiveness of our method on ISIC 2019, a largest skin cancer multiclass classification dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can successfully reverse adversarial perturbations from different attacks and significantly outperform some state-of-the-art methods in defending skin cancer diagnosis models.
PDF 11 pages


Analyzing Adversarial Robustness of Vision Transformers against Spatial and Spectral Attacks

Authors:Gihyun Kim, Jong-Seok Lee

Vision Transformers have emerged as a powerful architecture that can outperform convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in image classification tasks. Several attempts have been made to understand robustness of Transformers against adversarial attacks, but existing studies draw inconsistent results, i.e., some conclude that Transformers are more robust than CNNs, while some others find that they have similar degrees of robustness. In this paper, we address two issues unexplored in the existing studies examining adversarial robustness of Transformers. First, we argue that the image quality should be simultaneously considered in evaluating adversarial robustness. We find that the superiority of one architecture to another in terms of robustness can change depending on the attack strength expressed by the quality of the attacked images. Second, by noting that Transformers and CNNs rely on different types of information in images, we formulate an attack framework, called Fourier attack, as a tool for implementing flexible attacks, where an image can be attacked in the spectral domain as well as in the spatial domain. This attack perturbs the magnitude and phase information of particular frequency components selectively. Through extensive experiments, we find that Transformers tend to rely more on phase information and low frequency information than CNNs, and thus sometimes they are even more vulnerable under frequency-selective attacks. It is our hope that this work provides new perspectives in understanding the properties and adversarial robustness of Transformers.
PDF 11 pages, 13 figures


MALICE: Manipulation Attacks on Learned Image ComprEssion

Authors:Kang Liu, Di Wu, Yiru Wang, Dan Feng, Benjamin Tan, Siddharth Garg

Deep learning techniques have shown promising results in image compression, with competitive bitrate and image reconstruction quality from compressed latent. However, while image compression has progressed towards a higher peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and fewer bits per pixel (bpp), their robustness to adversarial images has never received deliberation. In this work, we, for the first time, investigate the robustness of image compression systems where imperceptible perturbation of input images can precipitate a significant increase in the bitrate of their compressed latent. To characterize the robustness of state-of-the-art learned image compression, we mount white-box and black-box attacks. Our white-box attack employs fast gradient sign method on the entropy estimation of the bitstream as its bitrate approximation. We propose DCT-Net simulating JPEG compression with architectural simplicity and lightweight training as the substitute in the black-box attack and enable fast adversarial transferability. Our results on six image compression models, each with six different bitrate qualities (thirty-six models in total), show that they are surprisingly fragile, where the white-box attack achieves up to 56.326x and black-box 1.947x bpp change. To improve robustness, we propose a novel compression architecture factorAtn which incorporates attention modules and a basic factorized entropy model, resulting in a promising trade-off between the rate-distortion performance and robustness to adversarial attacks that surpasses existing learned image compressors.


Trace and Detect Adversarial Attacks on CNNs using Feature Response Maps

Authors:Mohammadreza Amirian, Friedhelm Schwenker, Thilo Stadelmann

The existence of adversarial attacks on convolutional neural networks (CNN) questions the fitness of such models for serious applications. The attacks manipulate an input image such that misclassification is evoked while still looking normal to a human observer — they are thus not easily detectable. In a different context, backpropagated activations of CNN hidden layers — “feature responses” to a given input — have been helpful to visualize for a human “debugger” what the CNN “looks at” while computing its output. In this work, we propose a novel detection method for adversarial examples to prevent attacks. We do so by tracking adversarial perturbations in feature responses, allowing for automatic detection using average local spatial entropy. The method does not alter the original network architecture and is fully human-interpretable. Experiments confirm the validity of our approach for state-of-the-art attacks on large-scale models trained on ImageNet.
PDF 13 pages, 6 figures


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