
2022-08-20 更新

Decoupling Features and Coordinates for Few-shot RGB Relocalization

Authors:Siyan Dong, Songyin Wu, Yixin Zhuang, Kai Xu, Shanghang Zhang, Baoquan Chen

Cross-scene model adaption is crucial for camera relocalization in real scenarios. It is often preferable that a pre-learned model can be fast adapted to a novel scene with as few training samples as possible. The existing state-of-the-art approaches, however, can hardly support such few-shot scene adaption due to the entangling of image feature extraction and scene coordinate regression. To address this issue, we approach camera relocalization with a decoupled solution where feature extraction, coordinate regression, and pose estimation are performed separately. Our key insight is that feature encoder used for coordinate regression should be learned by removing the distracting factor of coordinate systems, such that feature encoder is learned from multiple scenes for general feature representation and more important, view-insensitive capability. With this feature prior, and combined with a coordinate regressor, few-shot observations in a new scene are much easier to connect with the 3D world than the one with existing integrated solution. Experiments have shown the superiority of our approach compared to the state-of-the-art methods, producing higher accuracy on several scenes with diverse visual appearance and viewpoint distribution.
PDF This is a very early initialization of a research project and contains some out-of-date results and errors. A later version with significant improvements has been published as a new paper. See arXiv:2208.06933


When Few-Shot Learning Meets Video Object Detection

Authors:Zhongjie Yu, Gaoang Wang, Lin Chen, Sebastian Raschka, Jiebo Luo

Different from static images, videos contain additional temporal and spatial information for better object detection. However, it is costly to obtain a large number of videos with bounding box annotations that are required for supervised deep learning. Although humans can easily learn to recognize new objects by watching only a few video clips, deep learning usually suffers from overfitting. This leads to an important question: how to effectively learn a video object detector from only a few labeled video clips? In this paper, we study the new problem of few-shot learning for video object detection. We first define the few-shot setting and create a new benchmark dataset for few-shot video object detection derived from the widely used ImageNet VID dataset. We employ a transfer-learning framework to effectively train the video object detector on a large number of base-class objects and a few video clips of novel-class objects. By analyzing the results of two methods under this framework (Joint and Freeze) on our designed weak and strong base datasets, we reveal insufficiency and overfitting problems. A simple but effective method, called Thaw, is naturally developed to trade off the two problems and validate our analysis. Extensive experiments on our proposed benchmark datasets with different scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of our novel analysis in this new few-shot video object detection problem.
PDF Accepted at ICPR2022


Hierarchical Attention Network for Few-Shot Object Detection via Meta-Contrastive Learning

Authors:Dongwoo Park, Jong-Min Lee

Few-shot object detection (FSOD) aims to classify and detect few images of novel categories. Existing meta-learning methods insufficiently exploit features between support and query images owing to structural limitations. We propose a hierarchical attention network with sequentially large receptive fields to fully exploit the query and support images. In addition, meta-learning does not distinguish the categories well because it determines whether the support and query images match. In other words, metric-based learning for classification is ineffective because it does not work directly. Thus, we propose a contrastive learning method called meta-contrastive learning, which directly helps achieve the purpose of the meta-learning strategy. Finally, we establish a new state-of-the-art network, by realizing significant margins. Our method brings 2.3, 1.0, 1.3, 3.4 and 2.4% AP improvements for 1-30 shots object detection on COCO dataset. Our code is available at: https://github.com/infinity7428/hANMCL


Open Long-Tailed Recognition in a Dynamic World

Authors:Ziwei Liu, Zhongqi Miao, Xiaohang Zhan, Jiayun Wang, Boqing Gong, Stella X. Yu

Real world data often exhibits a long-tailed and open-ended (with unseen classes) distribution. A practical recognition system must balance between majority (head) and minority (tail) classes, generalize across the distribution, and acknowledge novelty upon the instances of unseen classes (open classes). We define Open Long-Tailed Recognition++ (OLTR++) as learning from such naturally distributed data and optimizing for the classification accuracy over a balanced test set which includes both known and open classes. OLTR++ handles imbalanced classification, few-shot learning, open-set recognition, and active learning in one integrated algorithm, whereas existing classification approaches often focus only on one or two aspects and deliver poorly over the entire spectrum. The key challenges are: 1) how to share visual knowledge between head and tail classes, 2) how to reduce confusion between tail and open classes, and 3) how to actively explore open classes with learned knowledge. Our algorithm, OLTR++, maps images to a feature space such that visual concepts can relate to each other through a memory association mechanism and a learned metric (dynamic meta-embedding) that both respects the closed world classification of seen classes and acknowledges the novelty of open classes. Additionally, we propose an active learning scheme based on visual memory, which learns to recognize open classes in a data-efficient manner for future expansions. On three large-scale open long-tailed datasets we curated from ImageNet (object-centric), Places (scene-centric), and MS1M (face-centric) data, as well as three standard benchmarks (CIFAR-10-LT, CIFAR-100-LT, and iNaturalist-18), our approach, as a unified framework, consistently demonstrates competitive performance. Notably, our approach also shows strong potential for the active exploration of open classes and the fairness analysis of minority groups.
PDF To appear in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2022. Extended version of our previous CVPR oral paper (arXiv:1904.05160)


Memorizing Complementation Network for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

Authors:Zhong Ji, Zhishen Hou, Xiyao Liu, Yanwei Pang, Xuelong Li

Few-shot Class-Incremental Learning (FSCIL) aims at learning new concepts continually with only a few samples, which is prone to suffer the catastrophic forgetting and overfitting problems. The inaccessibility of old classes and the scarcity of the novel samples make it formidable to realize the trade-off between retaining old knowledge and learning novel concepts. Inspired by that different models memorize different knowledge when learning novel concepts, we propose a Memorizing Complementation Network (MCNet) to ensemble multiple models that complements the different memorized knowledge with each other in novel tasks. Additionally, to update the model with few novel samples, we develop a Prototype Smoothing Hard-mining Triplet (PSHT) loss to push the novel samples away from not only each other in current task but also the old distribution. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets, e.g., CIFAR100, miniImageNet and CUB200, have demonstrated the superiority of our proposed method.


Few-shot Named Entity Recognition with Entity-level Prototypical Network Enhanced by Dispersedly Distributed Prototypes

Authors:Bin Ji, Shasha Li, Shaoduo Gan, Jie Yu, Jun Ma, Huijun Liu

Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) enables us to build a NER system for a new domain using very few labeled examples. However, existing prototypical networks for this task suffer from roughly estimated label dependency and closely distributed prototypes, thus often causing misclassifications. To address the above issues, we propose EP-Net, an Entity-level Prototypical Network enhanced by dispersedly distributed prototypes. EP-Net builds entity-level prototypes and considers text spans to be candidate entities, so it no longer requires the label dependency. In addition, EP-Net trains the prototypes from scratch to distribute them dispersedly and aligns spans to prototypes in the embedding space using a space projection. Experimental results on two evaluation tasks and the Few-NERD settings demonstrate that EP-Net consistently outperforms the previous strong models in terms of overall performance. Extensive analyses further validate the effectiveness of EP-Net.
PDF Accept to COLING2022


FDNeRF: Few-shot Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields for Face Reconstruction and Expression Editing

Authors:Jingbo Zhang, Xiaoyu Li, Ziyu Wan, Can Wang, Jing Liao

We propose a Few-shot Dynamic Neural Radiance Field (FDNeRF), the first NeRF-based method capable of reconstruction and expression editing of 3D faces based on a small number of dynamic images. Unlike existing dynamic NeRFs that require dense images as input and can only be modeled for a single identity, our method enables face reconstruction across different persons with few-shot inputs. Compared to state-of-the-art few-shot NeRFs designed for modeling static scenes, the proposed FDNeRF accepts view-inconsistent dynamic inputs and supports arbitrary facial expression editing, i.e., producing faces with novel expressions beyond the input ones. To handle the inconsistencies between dynamic inputs, we introduce a well-designed conditional feature warping (CFW) module to perform expression conditioned warping in 2D feature space, which is also identity adaptive and 3D constrained. As a result, features of different expressions are transformed into the target ones. We then construct a radiance field based on these view-consistent features and use volumetric rendering to synthesize novel views of the modeled faces. Extensive experiments with quantitative and qualitative evaluation demonstrate that our method outperforms existing dynamic and few-shot NeRFs on both 3D face reconstruction and expression editing tasks. Our code and model will be available upon acceptance.
PDF 8 pages


WaveGAN: Frequency-aware GAN for High-Fidelity Few-shot Image Generation

Authors:Mengping Yang, Zhe Wang, Ziqiu Chi, Wenyi Feng

Existing few-shot image generation approaches typically employ fusion-based strategies, either on the image or the feature level, to produce new images. However, previous approaches struggle to synthesize high-frequency signals with fine details, deteriorating the synthesis quality. To address this, we propose WaveGAN, a frequency-aware model for few-shot image generation. Concretely, we disentangle encoded features into multiple frequency components and perform low-frequency skip connections to preserve outline and structural information. Then we alleviate the generator’s struggles of synthesizing fine details by employing high-frequency skip connections, thus providing informative frequency information to the generator. Moreover, we utilize a frequency L1-loss on the generated and real images to further impede frequency information loss. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and advancement of our method on three datasets. Noticeably, we achieve new state-of-the-art with FID 42.17, LPIPS 0.3868, FID 30.35, LPIPS 0.5076, and FID 4.96, LPIPS 0.3822 respectively on Flower, Animal Faces, and VGGFace. GitHub: https://github.com/kobeshegu/ECCV2022_WaveGAN
PDF Accepted by ECCV2022, Code Link:https://github.com/kobeshegu/ECCV2022_WaveGAN


Boosting Point-BERT by Multi-choice Tokens

Authors:Kexue Fu, Mingzhi Yuan, Manning Wang

Masked language modeling (MLM) has become one of the most successful self-supervised pre-training task. Inspired by its success, Point-BERT, as a pioneer work in point cloud, proposed masked point modeling (MPM) to pre-train point transformer on large scale unanotated dataset. Despite its great performance, we find the inherent difference between language and point cloud tends to cause ambiguous tokenization for point cloud. For point cloud, there doesn’t exist a gold standard for point cloud tokenization. Point-BERT use a discrete Variational AutoEncoder (dVAE) as tokenizer, but it might generate different token ids for semantically-similar patches and generate the same token ids for semantically-dissimilar patches. To tackle above problem, we propose our McP-BERT, a pre-training framework with multi-choice tokens. Specifically, we ease the previous single-choice constraint on patch token ids in Point-BERT, and provide multi-choice token ids for each patch as supervision. Moreover, we utilitze the high-level semantics learned by transformer to further refine our supervision signals. Extensive experiments on point cloud classification, few-shot classification and part segmentation tasks demonstrate the superiority of our method, e.g., the pre-trained transformer achieves 94.1% accuracy on ModelNet40, 84.28% accuracy on the hardest setting of ScanObjectNN and new state-of-the-art performance on few-shot learning. We also demonstrate that our method not only improves the performance of Point-BERT on all downstream tasks, but also incurs almost no extra computational overhead. The code will be released in https://github.com/fukexue/McP-BERT.


Active PETs: Active Data Annotation Prioritisation for Few-Shot Claim Verification with Pattern Exploiting Training

Authors:Xia Zeng, Arkaitz Zubiaga

To mitigate the impact of data scarcity on fact-checking systems, we focus on few-shot claim verification. Despite recent work on few-shot classification by proposing advanced language models, there is a dearth of research in data annotation prioritisation that improves the selection of the few shots to be labelled for optimal model performance. We propose Active PETs, a novel weighted approach that utilises an ensemble of Pattern Exploiting Training (PET) models based on various language models, to actively select unlabelled data as candidates for annotation. Using Active PETs for data selection shows consistent improvement over the state-of-the-art active learning method, on two technical fact-checking datasets and using six different pretrained language models. We show further improvement with Active PETs-o, which further integrates an oversampling strategy. Our approach enables effective selection of instances to be labelled where unlabelled data is abundant but resources for labelling are limited, leading to consistently improved few-shot claim verification performance. Our code will be available upon publication.


Exploiting Sentiment and Common Sense for Zero-shot Stance Detection

Authors:Yun Luo, Zihan Liu, Yuefeng Shi, Yue Zhang

The stance detection task aims to classify the stance toward given documents and topics. Since the topics can be implicit in documents and unseen in training data for zero-shot settings, we propose to boost the transferability of the stance detection model by using sentiment and commonsense knowledge, which are seldom considered in previous studies. Our model includes a graph autoencoder module to obtain commonsense knowledge and a stance detection module with sentiment and commonsense. Experimental results show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on the zero-shot and few-shot benchmark dataset—VAST. Meanwhile, ablation studies prove the significance of each module in our model. Analysis of the relations between sentiment, common sense, and stance indicates the effectiveness of sentiment and common sense.


Visual Localization via Few-Shot Scene Region Classification

Authors:Siyan Dong, Shuzhe Wang, Yixin Zhuang, Juho Kannala, Marc Pollefeys, Baoquan Chen

Visual (re)localization addresses the problem of estimating the 6-DoF (Degree of Freedom) camera pose of a query image captured in a known scene, which is a key building block of many computer vision and robotics applications. Recent advances in structure-based localization solve this problem by memorizing the mapping from image pixels to scene coordinates with neural networks to build 2D-3D correspondences for camera pose optimization. However, such memorization requires training by amounts of posed images in each scene, which is heavy and inefficient. On the contrary, few-shot images are usually sufficient to cover the main regions of a scene for a human operator to perform visual localization. In this paper, we propose a scene region classification approach to achieve fast and effective scene memorization with few-shot images. Our insight is leveraging a) pre-learned feature extractor, b) scene region classifier, and c) meta-learning strategy to accelerate training while mitigating overfitting. We evaluate our method on both indoor and outdoor benchmarks. The experiments validate the effectiveness of our method in the few-shot setting, and the training time is significantly reduced to only a few minutes. Code available at: \url{https://github.com/siyandong/SRC}
PDF 3DV 2022


Bidirectional Feature Globalization for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Cloud Scenes

Authors:Yongqiang Mao, Zonghao Guo, Xiaonan Lu, Zhiqiang Yuan, Haowen Guo

Few-shot segmentation of point cloud remains a challenging task, as there is no effective way to convert local point cloud information to global representation, which hinders the generalization ability of point features. In this study, we propose a bidirectional feature globalization (BFG) approach, which leverages the similarity measurement between point features and prototype vectors to embed global perception to local point features in a bidirectional fashion. With point-to-prototype globalization (Po2PrG), BFG aggregates local point features to prototypes according to similarity weights from dense point features to sparse prototypes. With prototype-to-point globalization (Pr2PoG), the global perception is embedded to local point features based on similarity weights from sparse prototypes to dense point features. The sparse prototypes of each class embedded with global perception are summarized to a single prototype for few-shot 3D segmentation based on the metric learning framework. Extensive experiments on S3DIS and ScanNet demonstrate that BFG significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Institutional error


Conv-Adapter: Exploring Parameter Efficient Transfer Learning for ConvNets

Authors:Hao Chen, Ran Tao, Han Zhang, Yidong Wang, Wei Ye, Jindong Wang, Guosheng Hu, Marios Savvides

While parameter efficient tuning (PET) methods have shown great potential with transformer architecture on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, their effectiveness is still under-studied with large-scale ConvNets on Computer Vision (CV) tasks. This paper proposes Conv-Adapter, a PET module designed for ConvNets. Conv-Adapter is light-weight, domain-transferable, and architecture-agnostic with generalized performance on different tasks. When transferring on downstream tasks, Conv-Adapter learns tasks-specific feature modulation to the intermediate representations of backbone while keeping the pre-trained parameters frozen. By introducing only a tiny amount of learnable parameters, e.g., only 3.5% full fine-tuning parameters of ResNet50, Conv-Adapter outperforms previous PET baseline methods and achieves comparable or surpasses the performance of full fine-tuning on 23 classification tasks of various domains. It also presents superior performance on few-shot classifications, with an average margin of 3.39%. Beyond classification, Conv-Adapter can generalize to detection and segmentation tasks with more than 50% reduction of parameters but comparable performance to the traditional full fine-tuning.
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