
2022-08-19 更新

Does lossy image compression affect racial bias within face recognition?

Authors:Seyma Yucer, Matt Poyser, Noura Al Moubayed, Toby P. Breckon

Yes - This study investigates the impact of commonplace lossy image compression on face recognition algorithms with regard to the racial characteristics of the subject. We adopt a recently proposed racial phenotype-based bias analysis methodology to measure the effect of varying levels of lossy compression across racial phenotype categories. Additionally, we determine the relationship between chroma-subsampling and race-related phenotypes for recognition performance. Prior work investigates the impact of lossy JPEG compression algorithm on contemporary face recognition performance. However, there is a gap in how this impact varies with different race-related inter-sectional groups and the cause of this impact. Via an extensive experimental setup, we demonstrate that common lossy image compression approaches have a more pronounced negative impact on facial recognition performance for specific racial phenotype categories such as darker skin tones (by up to 34.55\%). Furthermore, removing chroma-subsampling during compression improves the false matching rate (up to 15.95\%) across all phenotype categories affected by the compression, including darker skin tones, wide noses, big lips, and monolid eye categories. In addition, we outline the characteristics that may be attributable as the underlying cause of such phenomenon for lossy compression algorithms such as JPEG.


Time flies by: Analyzing the Impact of Face Ageing on the Recognition Performance with Synthetic Data

Authors:Marcel Grimmer, Haoyu Zhang, Raghavendra Ramachandra, Kiran Raja, Christoph Busch

The vast progress in synthetic image synthesis enables the generation of facial images in high resolution and photorealism. In biometric applications, the main motivation for using synthetic data is to solve the shortage of publicly-available biometric data while reducing privacy risks when processing such sensitive information. These advantages are exploited in this work by simulating human face ageing with recent face age modification algorithms to generate mated samples, thereby studying the impact of ageing on the performance of an open-source biometric recognition system. Further, a real dataset is used to evaluate the effects of short-term ageing, comparing the biometric performance to the synthetic domain. The main findings indicate that short-term ageing in the range of 1-5 years has only minor effects on the general recognition performance. However, the correct verification of mated faces with long-term age differences beyond 20 years poses still a significant challenge and requires further investigation.


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