
2022-08-19 更新

Resisting Adversarial Attacks in Deep Neural Networks using Diverse Decision Boundaries

Authors:Manaar Alam, Shubhajit Datta, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Arijit Mondal, Partha Pratim Chakrabarti

The security of deep learning (DL) systems is an extremely important field of study as they are being deployed in several applications due to their ever-improving performance to solve challenging tasks. Despite overwhelming promises, the deep learning systems are vulnerable to crafted adversarial examples, which may be imperceptible to the human eye, but can lead the model to misclassify. Protections against adversarial perturbations on ensemble-based techniques have either been shown to be vulnerable to stronger adversaries or shown to lack an end-to-end evaluation. In this paper, we attempt to develop a new ensemble-based solution that constructs defender models with diverse decision boundaries with respect to the original model. The ensemble of classifiers constructed by (1) transformation of the input by a method called Split-and-Shuffle, and (2) restricting the significant features by a method called Contrast-Significant-Features are shown to result in diverse gradients with respect to adversarial attacks, which reduces the chance of transferring adversarial examples from the original to the defender model targeting the same class. We present extensive experimentations using standard image classification datasets, namely MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 against state-of-the-art adversarial attacks to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed ensemble-based defense. We also evaluate the robustness in the presence of a stronger adversary targeting all the models within the ensemble simultaneously. Results for the overall false positives and false negatives have been furnished to estimate the overall performance of the proposed methodology.


Enhancing Targeted Attack Transferability via Diversified Weight Pruning

Authors:Hung-Jui Wang, Yu-Yu Wu, Shang-Tse Chen

Malicious attackers can generate targeted adversarial examples by imposing human-imperceptible noise on images, forcing neural network models to produce specific incorrect outputs. With cross-model transferable adversarial examples, the vulnerability of neural networks remains even if the model information is kept secret from the attacker. Recent studies have shown the effectiveness of ensemble-based methods in generating transferable adversarial examples. However, existing methods fall short under the more challenging scenario of creating targeted attacks transferable among distinct models. In this work, we propose Diversified Weight Pruning (DWP) to further enhance the ensemble-based methods by leveraging the weight pruning method commonly used in model compression. Specifically, we obtain multiple diverse models by a random weight pruning method. These models preserve similar accuracies and can serve as additional models for ensemble-based methods, yielding stronger transferable targeted attacks. Experiments on ImageNet-Compatible Dataset under the more challenging scenarios are provided: transferring to distinct architectures and to adversarially trained models. The results show that our proposed DWP improves the targeted attack success rates with up to 4.1% and 8.0% on the combination of state-of-the-art methods, respectively
PDF 8 pages + 2 pages of references


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